Sunday 15 October

10amRev Jim Rea

Tea & coffee after the service Margaret & Robert Lavery

Flowers supplied by Janet Wilson, delivered by Mabel Warren

Monday 16 October

7pmPrayer Time

7.45pmPrayer Meeting

Wednesday 18 October

11amHeather’s Bible Study: Selwyn Hughes Revival

Thursday 19 October

2pmMWI – Rev Fred Munce is coming to speak about his years in Methodist ministry – everyone welcome.


Friday 20 October

7.30pm at Edgehill

Annual Lecture of the Methodist Historical Society of Ireland

Saturday 21 October

7pm “Jake’s Night Out” at Ballynafeigh.

Musical entertainment followed by an afternoon tea style supper – no charge but booking essential, see Kathy for tickets. Tribute to the late Rev Margaret Ferguson,collection for cancer charity will be taken.

Sunday 22 October

10amRev Heather Bell

Tea & coffee after the service Ethna& Jim Taylor

Flowers supplied by Elizabeth McWatters, delivered by Liz MacBean

Thursday 26 October

2pmFriendship Group

Belvoir Players “Through the Ages”

Friday 27 October

3pmMessy Church

Sat 28th October

9amMen’s Breakfastin Knockbreda Methodist Church. Price is £4.00.Places need to be booked.

Our guest speaker is Franseur Mukula from Jengana.

Please speak to Heather J or Kathy to book your place.

Many thanks to everyone who contributed to and supported the MacMillan Coffee Morning. £385 was raised, including a donation from Austin from the sales of his book.

6pm Friday 1 December: Christmas Dinner

Price £16.50, including gratuity.

Menus available – please complete and give to Liz

If you would like to spread the cost over the coming weeks – no problem! See Liz for payment card.

(Children’s menu and price available on request).

Please note: Knockbreda Methodist Church are required to remind those who Gift Aid that they must have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for each year (6th April - 5th April) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities you donate to will reclaim on your gifts for that tax year. Currently Knockbreda Methodist can claim an extra 25p on each £1 you donate. If you require any further information on this or wish to register to allow Knockbreda Methodist to benefit from an extra 25p for each £1 you donate at no expense to yourself please see John Nixon. Thank you to all those who already Gift Aid your donations/offerings.