Rootstown Soccer Club Meeting

January 14, 2018


Connie Largo Meghan Smolk Robert Carter Mike Lindow Derek Hatcher

Matt Noll Jennifer Curall

Officer Reports


-Went over 2017 Fall Soccer Survey Results – 27 parents responded representing 31 players

Overall positive comments about coach’s and program overall

Issues to keep in mind (refs as no-shows) (field Conditions) (play more local games)

-Community Park MOU update- Revisit once park is underway

-2018 calendar outline- passed out to members of the club to keep track of when things need to get done

-clarified website user roles

- Checked who has and who needs keys to the storage unit

-RHS coach’s would like to continue the ball girl/boy program next fall.


-went over financial report

-went over reimbursements for indoor soccer

Vice President:

-Columbus Crew event; decided on the date of Sept. 22nd with a back up of Sept. 29th . $32 a ticket-need 75 tickets sold. Asking to do player escorts and get a free jersey with ticket purchase (Matt will follow up with Jerrod from Columbus Crew)

-Matt will work on updating club mission statement.


-Positive Coaching Alliance Workshop: wants to set this up for Feb. 15th or 22nd. Looked at possibly using school or CBC church. 90 minute long workshop. Will invite other sports clubs in Rootstown

-Indoor session II: Who has teams and all is going well.

-scheduling Spring Coach’s meeting for April 4th from 6:30-8:00 at Town Hall (Jen will reserve Town Hall for that date)

-Will forward any opportunities for tournaments. Foot skills out to coach’s to keep kids playing soccer through the spring and summer.


Meeting dates: distributed to all board members

Sponsors: being updated from now until August on FB and website

-will contact sports express to make a spirit wear form for Fall and get ideas of what items to sell for fundraising.

Registrar/Compliance Officer:

-discussed soccer survey results

-went over how many uniforms we have in storage unit in bins. Will look into passing out 25th anniversary shirts to fall registered players. Discussed if RSC should wait until fall 2019 to get new uniforms.


GAASA dinner meeting Jan 23rd –Robert and Mike will attend.

-will declare 8 teams for spring soccer

-season starts April 14th

Next Meeting: Sunday February 11th at 5pm.