Legislative Update, Feb. 10, 2010

The following information was provided by staff at the State Board of Community and TechnicalColleges as an update as of Feb. 10, 2010. Bills not passed out of their respective fiscal committees did not make the procedural cutoff date and are presumed “dead.”However, language from bills, sometimes complete bills, with fiscal impacts may return during budget deliberations.

Bills that did not make the cutoffs:

  • HB 1340 (Conway): Modifying Collective Bargaining (“Full Scope Bill”)
  • HB 2584 (White): Collective bargaining for non-tenured faculty at community and technical colleges (“Job Security Bill”)
  • SHB 2632 (Probst): Expanding the number of households living in the middle-income bracket
  • HB 2946 (Haigh): Tuition-setting authority at institutions of higher education (University tuition setting. The Senate version remains alive)
  • SB 5827 (Shin): Regarding student members on boards of trustees (The House version remains alive)
  • SB 6600 (Hargrove): Funding and providing workforce training grants (funding Worker Retraining Growth directly from Unemployment Insurance Taxes)
  • SB 6655 (McDermott): Regarding the running start program (charging up 1/3 of tuition to Running Start Students)

Bills that are still alive:

  • 2SHB 1418 (Kagi): Establishing a statewide dropout reengagement system (House 2nd Reading)
  • SHB 1949 (Liias): Student members on boards of trustees (House 2nd Reading)
  • EHB 2561 (Dunshee): Funding construction of energy cost saving improvements to public facilities (Senate Ways and Means)
  • SHB 2630 (Probst): Creating the opportunity express program (House Rules)
  • SHB 2634/SB 6359 (Carlyle/Kilmer): CTC efficiencies (House Rules/Senate 2nd Reading)
  • SHB 2655/SB 6355 (Wallace/Kilmer): Expanding higher education upon proven demand (CTC Applied Baccs.)(House Rules/Senate 2nd Reading)
  • HB 2751 (Sells): Requiring that at least one member on each community college board of trustees be from labor (House Rules)
  • ESHB 2921 (Linville): Capturing additional savings (“Additional Expenditure Freezes”) (On to Governor for Signature)
  • 2SHB 3141 (Kagi): Redesigning the delivery of temporary assistance to needy families. (House Rules)
  • SSB 6382 (Prentice): Reducing the cost of state government operations by restricting compensation (“Salary Freeze”) (On to Governor for Signature)
  • SSB 6503 (Prentice): Closing state agencies on specified dates (House 2nd Reading)
  • 2SSB 6562 (Kilmer): Regarding tuition-setting authority at institutions of higher education (Senate Rules)

New bill

  • HB 3178 (Carlyle): State government technology use. This bill was introduced Feb. 9 and is expected to be deemed a “bill necessary to implement the budget”which means it can be considered after cutoff and is likely to appear in the House budget proposal. It directs technology purchasing and a host of other IT related activities to be centralized at the Department of Information Systems.