The section represents data on retail, wholesale trade and consumer market of services. The data characterize the activities of organizations of retail and wholesale trade. The state of retail and wholesale are illustrated by data on trade turnover, indices of retail trade physical volume turnover. Information is given on commodity structure, sales of main products, and their quality. The statistical data is shown on sales and stock of goods (products) by organizations of wholesale trade, on activities of exchanges engaged in organized commodity trade.

The section represents data on retail, wholesale trade and consumer market of services. The data characterize the activities of organizations of retail and wholesale trade. The state of retail and wholesale are illustrated by data on trade turnover, indices of retail trade physical volume turnover. Information is given on commodity structure, sales of main products, and their quality. The statistical data is shown on sales and stock of goods (products) by organizations of wholesale trade, on activities of exchanges engaged in organized commodity trade .

This section of the handbook presents statistical data on the total volume of market services rendered to population and by specific services. The data in value terms is given at actual prices.

Retail trade turnover – a revenue from goods sold to population for own consumption or for use in households and paid by cash or credit cards, by bank cheques, from bank accounts of individuals by bank transfer or by payment cards (electronic money).

The value of goods sold with discount to selected categories of population or paid completely by social security bodies is to be included in the total retail trade turnover in complete value. Retail trade turnover does not include cost of goods, sold by retail trade network to legal entities (including bodies of social security, special customers etc.) and individual entrepreneurs and public catering turnover.

Retail trade turnover data include the cost of goods sold to population by organizations for which retail trade is the main kind of activity and by organizations of other sectors of the economy, if they sell goods to population over their own trade establishments or with payments made over pay-desk. Retail trade turnover also includes the value of goods sold by individual entrepreneurs and individuals (physical persons) in retail markets and fairs.

Retail trade turnover is formed on the basis of the full-scale federal statistical observation of organizations, which are not subjects of small business, quarterly sample surveys on small businesses engaged in retail trade (except micro-enterprises), commodity markets, and annual sample surveys of individual entrepreneurs and micro-enterprises. The collected data is applied for general universe of statistical units.

Retail trade turnover is given at actual selling prices, which include trade margin, value added tax and similar compulsory payments.

Wholesale turnover - is a revenue of goods sold, purchased previously outside with the aim to resell to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs for professional use (reprocessing or further sale).

Wholesale turnover includes data of organizations for which wholesale trade is the main kind of activity as well as for other organization engaged in wholesale trade.

Wholesale turnover is formed on the basis of the full-scale federal statistical observation of organizations, which are not a subject of small business, sample survey on small businesses engaged in wholesale trade (except micro-enterprises), which are conducted monthly, annual sample surveys of individual entrepreneurs (since 2007) and micro-enterprises. The collected data is applied for general universe of statistical units.

Wholesale turnover is given at actual selling prices, which includes trade margin, value added tax, excise, export duty, custom dues and similar compulsory payments. The sum of broker’s and agent’s remuneration is reflected in the actual value including VAT.

Besides in accordance with the National account requirements the wholesale turnover is to be adjusted to the volume of hidden activities, which are not observed by direct statistical methods.

Dynamics of retail trade and retail sales of selected goods is characterized by volume indices which are defined by comparability of a turnover value (trade) for reference and basis periods at constant prices.

Volume of market servicesrendered to populationrepresents volume money equivalent of services provided by residents of the Russian Federation (legal entities and citizens carrying out the business without status of legal entities, registered on the territory of the Russian Federation) to the citizens of the Russian Federation, and also to the citizens of other countries, consuming services on the territory of the Russian Federation. This indicator is based on data of the federal state statistical observation and on the estimation of non-observed activities in the market of services (up to 2012 (inclusive) - in accordance with the methodology approved by the Decision of Goskomstat of Russia of February 25, 2000 № 15, from 2013 – in accordance with the methodology approved by the Order of Rosstat of June 26, 2013 № 234). Changes in the volume of market services is characterized by the volume index. calculated by comparing its value for the reporting and base periods at constant prices. In order to achieve statistical comparability volume indices for 2014 are calculated without account to data on the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.

Market services rendered to population include: personal services, transport services, communication, housing and public utilities, hotels and accommodation service, education services, cultural and recreational services, tourism, physical culture and sports, public health services and related health and sanitation services, veterinary, judicial services, social services rendered to senior citizens and disabled, etc.