September 16, 2014
- The meeting was called to order at 3:35 pm by Lee Wight, Safety Coordinator. New members Annie Lachance, Mary Stenbeck, and Linda Melendy were introduced and welcomed.
Carrie Brown
Carrol Adams
Cindy Kennedy
Mary Stenbeck
Grant Phillips
Annie Lachance
Lee Wight
Linda Melendy
Garth Maijala
Steve Archuleta
- The Minutes of the May 20th, 2014 meeting were approved. A motion was initiated by Grant Phillips to approve the minutes, and seconded by Carrol Adams. Approved by member vote.
- Budget Report
Credit Funds0073$ 0.00$ 2594.00$ 2594.00
Discretionary Funds0074$ 1187.29$ 2000.00$ 3187.29
Premium Rebate0071$ 0.00$ 1111.00$ 1111.00
Grant Fund0066$ 0.00$ 0.00$ 0.00
District Match0072$ 571.24$ 4594.00$ 5165.24
BALANCES$ 1758.53$10299.00$12057.53
- Budget Expenditures – None to report
- Old Business – No old business to discuss
- New Business
- A district employee requested a new office chair. The chair costs are $299.99 plus tax.
A motion was initiated to approve the chair by Linda Melendy and seconded by Carrie Brown. Motion approved by member vote.
- A storage shed used by the kindergarten teachers to house play equipment is having a mouse problem. Lee Wight is looking into solutions using the weather stripping that is used on the classroom doors and the installation of mouse traps.
- The committee voted to honor Elizabeth Appel for her years of dedication to the safety committee with a gift pertaining to safety, such as a mag light or power failure light. Carrol Adams is researching the information for the power failure lights.
- The issue with the sidewalk at CGS bus loading area will be taken care of by Lee Wight.
- The stipend of $1000.00 for the Safety Secretary was initiated by a motion made by Annie Lachance and seconded by Carrie Brown. Approved by members.
- Safety incentives will be $25 Target and $25 Trader Joe’s gift cards. The motion was initiated by Cindy Kennedy and seconded by Mary Stenbeck to approve the purchase of the cards. The committee approved by member vote.
- A work station evaluation for an employee has been schedule for October 8th, and will be discussed at the next safety meeting.
- Safety Incentive Program
Caught in the Act – No nominees
On-line Training – Carrol Adams
Clean Workspace – Thom Holt
On the Safe Side Trivia –
- Risk Management – SIPE Report
- Lee passed out information on new bite resistant clothing that SIPE is looking into for teachers of Special Ed. A highest percent of injuries to teachers are those in Special Ed.
- Lee informed us he is on the sub-committee for the Countywide Safety Workshop.
- Accident or Near Hit Reports – One accident was reported in Sept. An employee felt pain and was released by his physician to return to work after a few days.
- Review Inspections and Training Reports
- Lee gave a slide show presentation on repairs that were addressed during the summer.
- Clark Pest control will be addressing the rodent problems on the playing fields at campuses.
- Room 703 – The Training Room was completed replaced and the access entrance was changed for easier access. .
- Erosion around and under the tennis courts was repaired.
- Lee is searching for new signs and solutions to keep owners and their dogs off campuses.
- Old light fixtures and ballasts are being replaced on campuses.
- Black out/energy efficient curtains were replaced in room 506 and room 507 at SLMS.
- Asbestos was removed in classroom 203 at CUHS.
- Water heaters were replaced with tank-less water heaters in the gyms at SLMS and CUHS.
- Trash can lids were replaced at schools
- A few trees that were lost due to disease at LHS and SLMS were replaced.
- Drills, Emergency Preparedness, Programs, Written Procedures
- California Shake Out – The CSA will take place on 10/16/14 @ 10:16 am. All locations will participate.
- Fire Drills will be conducted on 9/17 CUHS & LHS, 9/19 CGS, and 9/23 SLMS
Grammar Schools are required to conduct a fire drill every month school is in session
Junior High Schools are required to conduct a fire drill every quarter
High Schools are required to conduct a fire drill every semester
- Next Meeting – October 21st @ 3:30 pm in the District Office
- Adjournment - Meeting was adjourned at 4:09 by a motion initiated by Carrol Adams and seconded by Cindy Kennedy.
Respectfully Submitted,
Cindy Kennedy
Safety Coordinator Assistant