
Introduction to Communism

Brain Pop Notes: Take notes on the short video on Communism as you watch

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Definition and Introduction

Communism is an ______system where wealth is distributed ______to everyone. It is the opposite of ______, where everyone ______to make money. In a pure Communist society, there would be no ______, and everyone would be equal in wealth and ______. While that is the theory behind Communism, the reality is that Communist countries tend to be ______, concentrating ______in the hands of very few people or even one ______. Most Communist countries have ended up benefiting a ______at the expense of the ______. Examples of this are ______and North ______.

Creators and The Manifesto

Communism was the creation of Karl ______and Friedrich ______, two German philosophers. In the late ______th century, they published a short, political pamphlet called “The Communist ______.” Marx and Engels thought that Capitalism had created a society of unequal ______. The ______and the ______. The Proletariat is the ______class and makes up the ______of society. The Bourgeoisie are the ______class. They are the owners of ______(buildings, property, factory, money).

Communism v. Capitalism

According to Marx and Engels, CAPITALISM exploits the ______, making them work long hours at meaningless jobs for not enough money, while the Bourgeoisie get the ______of their hard work. The Manifesto predicted that there would be a ______of the Proletariat around the world against the Bourgeoisie. They would take over the ______and ______and eventually set up a new society where everyone’s work would be valued ______.

Everyone’s Doing It!

By the early ______th century, Communism had become very popular. Governments in ______and ______turned to Communism. However, in both these countries, the Communist leaders developed ______governments, putting all of the power in the hands of a single ______. Communist governments have a ______economy in which almost everything is controlled by the government. This puts a ton of ______into very few peoples’ hands. Most Communist countries have not had very successful ______. The ______dissolved in the early ______, and ______has begun to switch back to ______. Cuba and NORTH Korea, who remain Communist countries, rely on aide from others to survive.

Why Communism fails

The problem of Communism is that no matter how hard you ______, you still get the same ______. People have no motivation to put in their best ______. ______is a cross between Capitalism and Communism. In a Socialist society, people own ______, but the government provides for basic ______like housing and ______.

Draw a picture displaying your interpretation of communism and briefly explain your drawing.