Hume Arts Advisory Team (HAART)

Expression of Interest Form and Information Sheet


Council is seeking Expressions of Interest from residents, local artists, studentsand cultural workers in HumeCity to become Community Members of the Hume Arts Reference Team (HAART). Terms of Reference for HAART are attached.

Five (5) Community Members of HAART will be appointed by Council for three (3) year terms on the basis of their capacity to advise and assist Council on a range of arts and cultural issues and support arts development in HumeCity. Community Members will need to complete the attached Expression of Interest Form to be considered for appointment.


In September 2006 Hume City Council endorsed the establishment of a Hume Arts Advisory Team (HAART) to provide assistance and advice to Council on arts and cultural issues and increase arts development in HumeCity.

HAART has the following roles:

a)Provide strategic direction and advice to Council in relation to the development of arts and cultural policy, programs, facilities and services;

b)Support Council in the development and implementation of arts and cultural events;

c)Advocate to other levels of Government, business and philanthropic organisations for arts and cultural initiatives in HumeCity;

d)Encourage networking of local arts and cultural organisations and artists; and,

e)Contribute to the development of a thriving arts and cultural industry within HumeCity.

3HAART Membership

Members of the Committee shall be appointed by Council and will consist of the following:

a)Chairperson and/or Patron;

b)Arts & Cultural Portfolio Councillor;

c)Five (5) Community Members representing a range of artform areas and the cultural and geographic diversity of HumeCity.

d)Manager Social Development or Deputy (Director City Communities); and

e)Arts & Cultural Planner.

Community Members of HAART should bring skills and knowledge relating to a broad range of art forms, including the performing, visual and community arts, and understand culturally diversity and local issues of either Broadmeadows, Craigieburn and Sunbury. The membership should therefore represent a range of art forms and the cultural and geographic diversity of HumeCity.

Community Members will be recruited through a mix of targeted and open recruitment strategies including, but not limited to, advertisements in local newspapers.

4Time Commitment

HAART will meet quarterly with no less than three meetings held in any one year. Meetings will be for a period of 2 hours with a provision to extend for a further ½ hour by agreement between Committee members. Four meetings are planned for 2012.

5Expression of Interest Process

Five (5) Community Members of HAART will be appointed by Council for three (3) year terms. Community Members will be appointed through anExpression of Interest process and must complete the attached Expression of Interest Form to be considered for selection.

Completed Expression of Interest Forms must be received at Council by 5.00pm Monday 21 November 2011.

Community Members will be selected on the basis of their ability to advise and assist Council on a range of arts and cultural issues and support arts development in HumeCity. Community Members will not only be selected on the basis of their arts practice. Council seeks to appoint a cross-section of Community Members that reflect the demographic, geographic and artistic diversity of HumeCity. Community Members will also be selected to ensure that HAART provides a broad range of skills and experience relevant to local arts development.

Expressions of Interestwill be selected according to the following criteria:

a)current arts and/or cultural practice or demonstrated interest or expertise relevant to arts and cultural practices in HumeCity;

b)proven expertise or skills that support arts and cultural practice eg marketing and promotion, small business, education and training;

c)links to arts and cultural networks, both within the municipality and beyond;

d)available to attend meetings and capacity and commitment to contribute to the effective work of the committee; and,

e)capacity to effectively support and advocate on behalf of Council’s arts and cultural programs to other levels of Government, Business and philanthropic organisations.

Community Members that are not initially appointed to HAART may be considered for future positions on HAART, as members retire or their term of appointment expires.

6Further Information

Any questions about the Hume Arts Advisory Team (HAART) or the Expression of Interest process should be addressed to Council’s Arts & Cultural Planner, Jacqueline Grenfell, on 9205 2467 or via email at

Expression of Interest Form

Community Member—Hume Arts Advisory Team (HAART)

(Expression of Interest Forms must be received at Council by 5.00pm on
Monday 21 November 2011)

Telephone: / Mobile:
Please nominate an individual who can support your Expression of Interest:
Name Telephone

Council seeks to appoint Community Members that:

Have experience in a range of art practices, including visual and performing arts

Reflect the demographic and geographic diversity of HumeCity

Bring skills relevant to local arts development.

The following questions are asked to assist Council in the appointment of Community Members with a broad cross-section of skills, networks and experience.

Describe your area of art or cultural practice?
List any arts or cultural networks you currently a member of:—
a. Within HumeCity: / b. OutsideHumeCity:
Eg Member of the Craigieburn Arts Group / Eg Member of the Cultural Develoment Network


Describe any arts issues or initiatives that you have supported or advocated for and outline your involvement:
Issue/ initiative / Your involvement or support
Eg Hume Winter Music Festival / Member of event organising committee

What is your cultural background?

What are your links to HumeCity and what communities or locations are these links with?




Eg Resident



Eg Member of local arts centre



What are your skills and/or experience that would be relevant to HAARTeg small business management, teaching qualifications?
Why do you want to become a Community Member of HAART?


Any other comments you would like to make in support of your Expression of Interest to be appointed as a Community Member on the Hume Arts Advisory Team (HAART).
When would you be available to attend HAART meetings? (please tick which days and times would be suitable)
Day / Morning / Afternoon / Evening
Signature: Date:

Please return Expression of Interest Forms by post, fax or email to:

Jacqueline Grenfell

Arts & Cultural Planner

Hume City Council

PO Box 119

Dallas 3047

Tel: 9205 2467

Fax: 9309 0109


Expression of Interest Forms must be received at Council by 5.00pm Monday 21 November 2011.