Bernice MacNaugton High School PSSC

February 27, 2017, 7:00 p.m.

In Attendance

Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. In attendance: Lisa Buckley, Dale Hughes, Carlos Lavin, Pam LeBlanc,Luigi Beltempo, Matt Lusk, Anna Mallard, Kim Mowat,Judy Roper, Sarah Short.

Absent:Lynn Murphy-Kaulbeck, Dan Ross, Susan Drummond

Approval of Agenda

Agenda approved by Carlos Lavin, seconded by Dale Hughes.

Correction of last Minutes

  • Spelling of Mowat

Minutes Approved

Minutes approved by Pam LeBlanc, seconded by Lisa Buckley.

Old Business

Sarah Short requests that we move to Agenda Item #7 as she needs to leave the meeting early. All are in favour.

  • Letter to the Superintendent: A letter is being drafted to express the committee’s position on two issues: French Immersion Math and the new grading system
  • Sarah Short had made inquiries at DEC and informed us that Grade 9 Math for the FI students will be taught in French next year. There are plans for an open information and discussion session to be held with parents. Information (and inconsistent information) has been a key issue
  • Sarah had also made inquires about the new grading system used in K-8, and informed us that currently, there is no plan for the 1-2-3-4 assessment model to come to High School. When she sought clarification about why the assessment was changed in K-8, she was told that it parallels changes occurring in other provinces. The goal of that system is to make it similar to a GPA.
  • Luigi Beltempo raised the question about how do High Schools interpret the 1-4 system, and how to they determine what students need as they enter High School based on the new assessment. There was some discussion about the current lack of involvement of High School administrators in the K-8 assessment decision processes, and the need for teachers and administrators to have PD to precisely make those informed decisions. For example, it is difficult to interpret CUM records without a full understanding of the new assessment model.
  • There has been some recent reports on CBC about PISA scores. It was agreed that the article(s) should be included with the letter.
  • The letter will go out later this week, in time to be put on the agenda for the March 20 DEC meeting, giving us time to address DEC directly at the meeting.
  • The letter will be addressed to Ms Nowlan at the District, and copied to Ms Roper, Sarah Short, Mr. Greg Ingersoll, and Pam Wilson (High School Supervisor).

New Business

  • Wendy Bokhorst-Heng raised the issue of possible changes to the school calendar in ways that would reduce disruptions to the school year resulting from snow days. One example would be moving PD days to the beginning of the school year, before school starts; another was to have a PD once a week with early dismissal for students
  • Sarah Short informed us that there was also conversation at DEC about the number of snow days. Usually, on average, 6.5 days are lost because of weather; this year, 9-11 days were lost. Discussions centre on the need to create consistency for students.
  • Sarah also informed members that at DEC, they are looking at a strategic planning process, recognizing the importance of consulting with PSSC and the rest of the district. There will be a consultation process, to leverage the community to identify what the priorities should be from a DEC perspective, so that they can address the priorities through their mandate.
  • Sarah will raise the questions about PD days at the next DEC, and find out what are the appropriate processes to explore these questions.
  • Luigi Beltempo passed the motion, seconded by Lisa Buckley.

Principal’s Report

  • Ms. Roper presented a summary of the school’s activities in relation to the BMHS School Improvement Plan with the focus on Indicators #7, 8, 29:
  • Indicator #7 – The learning environment encourages and supports the active involvement and inclusion of every student (e.g. Yoga class, extra-curricular activities, Breakfast program, soup program, caring cupboard, school spirit, fundraiser for Beca Scholfield).
  • Indicator #8 – In collaboration with partners, school personnel identify at-risk groups of students and implement interventions and supports (e.g. Behaviour: learning Centre, Portage Centre, Tier 1 and 2 working groups, Plusone Mentoring program, alternative suspension programs, attendance committee, consultant to deal with ‘at risk’ students, RED group committee, and Integrated Service Delivery program; Academics: Grade 12 tutors, extra help sessions, online courses, Learning Centre support).
  • Indicator #29 – There is a balanced use of formative and summative assessment (for learning/of learning/as learning) to guide instruction practices (e.g HS provincial principals’ conference), PD (Grading smarter not harder).

This summary was also provided in a handout.

  • Ms. Roper discussed the priority given to assessment and grading, evidenced in a dialogue during a two day conference in Fredericton with all NB High School principals present.

The Principal’s Report was motioned to accept by Pam LeBlanc, seconded by Dale Hughes.

Teacher’s Report

  • Mr. Lusk indicated that teachers had met with their teams to consider any adjustments required to their course syllabus as a result of snow days. Questions were asked by members concerning how teachers make decisions regarding curricular priorities when there have been a significant number of missed days, with responses Ms Roper and Mr. Lusk.

Wendy Bokhorst-Heng motioned to accept, seconded by Carlos Lavin.

Student’s Report

  • Anna Mallard informed the group of a number of student events and activities
  • Fund raiser for Rebecca Scholfield
  • Grad Council – pancake breakfast and activities at Centennial Park
  • Course selections this week
  • BMHS Improv Team came second of all teams from NB and PEI
  • Grad assembly will be held after March Break; they will discuss Grad themes and a potential Casino night
  • Valentine Dance will be held on March 16
  • March 17 will be the Student Government Assembly

Luigi Beltempo motioned to accept report, seconded by Lisa Buckley.

Old Business

  • Ms. Roper highlighted the key items on the Wellness Survey, noting the six categories
  • Special attention was given to #6, the theme – the Health Status (70% perceive that their health status is important while only 57% are satisfied with their health status).
  • Members agree to research the topics for our next meeting and consider how we should use this data to drive specific initiatives at the school in support of the students
  • Continued discussion about the Wellness Survey and the school’s potential response was tabled for the next meeting.

Motion was moved by Dale Hughes and seconded by Carlos Lavin.

  • Budget: We have $804 which must be spent by tomorrow, end of day
  • Different options were discussed. Members agreed to give $300 to Atlantic Wellness Center, and that the remaining money be used to purchase MacNaughton Reads summer books. Ms. Roper will report the details of the fund allocation at our next meeting.

The motion to empower Ms Roper to spend the money was passed by Carlos Lavin, and seconded by Lisa Buckley.


Our next meeting will be held on April 10 at 7:00pm.

Meeting Adjourned

Motion to adjourn by Dale Hughes, seconded by Pam LeBlanc at 8:15pm.

