Appendix [ ] – Informed Consent /

A comparative evaluation of two authentication techniques

Principal Investigators:[name of group member, Computer Science Student]

[name of group member, Computer Science Student]

[name of group member, Computer Science Student]

[name of group member, Computer Science Student]

Contact Person: [One member’s name, Faculty of Computer Science,

We invite you to take part in a research study at Dalhousie University. Your participation in this study is voluntary, there is no compensation for participating in this study, and you may withdraw from the study at any time. Your academic (or employment) performance evaluation will not be affected by whether or not you participate. The study is described below. This description tells you about the risks, inconvenience, or discomfort which you might experience. Participating in the study might not benefit you directly, but we might learn things that will benefit others. You should discuss any questions you have about this study with [Add Contact Name].

The purpose of the study is to investigate the usability of web sites that require login. During this study,you will be asked to create user accounts on four websites and then later log in to those sites to complete brief tasks such as responding to a poll or commenting on a blog entry.

At the beginning of the study, you will meet with researchers in the Computer Science Building or at a mutually agreeable location. You will be given a general description of the type of tasks we want you to perform, and will give informed consent. After completing the tasks, you will fill in a short demographic questionnaire. The initial session should take about 30 minutes. During the week, you will be emailed with similar brief tasks on each of the four websites, which you can complete at a time and place of your choosing. At the end of the study, you will be asked to return by email a final questionnaire in which you will be asked to provide feedback about the tasks.

A researcher is always available during the initial study session to answer any questions you may have or address any problems that you may experience while performing the study. If you have any problems during the remote portion of the study, contact X at email addy.

Because the passwords used during the study will be stored as plain text, you should not re-use any existing passwords or create passwords based on personally identifiable information. All personal and identifying data will be kept confidential. Anonymity of textual data will be preserved by using pseudonyms. The informed consent form and all research data will be kept in a secure location under confidentiality for one year after the end of this school term.

In the event that you have any difficulties with, or wish to voice concern about, any aspect of your participation in this study, you may contact Patricia Lindley, Director, Office of Research Ethics Administrationat Dalhousie University’s Office of Human Research Ethics for assistance: phone: (902) 494-1462, email: .

I have read the explanation about this study. I have been given the opportunity to discuss it and my questions have been answered to my satisfaction. I hereby consent to take part in the study. However, I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I am free to withdraw from the study at any time.”


Name: ______Name: ______

Signature: ______Signature: ______

Date: ______Date: ______

 / “I agree to let you directly quote any comments or statements made in any written reports without viewing the quotes prior to their use and I understand that the anonymity of textual data will be preserved by using pseudonyms.


Name: ______Name: ______
Signature: ______Signature: ______
Date: ______Date: ______
I understand that I should not re-use any existing passwords during this study or create passwords based on personally identifiable information as the passwords will be stored in plain text.
Participant initials: ______