Registration fees: Required documents:

·  D1, 500 – for suppliers of goods Business Registration Certificate: 2012

·  D1, 500 – for suppliers of services Income Tax Payment Receipts and Tin Card (Original)

·  D5, 000 – for Contractors (works) Consultancies/Travel Agencies/Insurance Companies, Auditing firms.

·  D10, 000 - for Motor Veh, Heavy Equipments, Gas stations, Hotels &Security companies &Telecoms.

Fill in all sections of the application and return with a fee and required documents to:

The Director General, Gambia Public Procurement Authority (GPPA), 55, Kairaba Avenue, Fajara,

The Gambia. Tel:.(220) 4378 502 / 4378 505, Fax: (220) 4378501, Email:

1. Name of Business:

2. Address: 3. Managing Director/Owner (Name and Title and contact information). ______1. ______

City: ______Post Box: ______

2. ______

Country: ______

4. Tel.: ______5. Fax: ______

Number Number

6. Email: 7. WWW Address:

Name of contact for communication regarding bids: ______

8. Parent Company (Full legal Name), or other business names under which you do business, if any:

9. Subsidiaries and Overseas Representative(s): State if partially, fully owned or agent and attach a list if necessary.

10. Type of Business (mark one only):

Corporate / Company: Partnership: Sole Proprietorship Other (specify):

11. Nature of Business:

Manufacturer: Authorized Agent: Trader: Consulting Firm: Construction Contractor Other (specify): ______

*If Trader, Agent or Representative Company, not directly involved in the manufacture of the product, please provide:

1)  Certification from your principals that you are authorized to deal with their products or to act on their behalf.

2) A list of business transacted in the last year for the products you wish to register, giving names and address of customers and value of three most recent contracts.

13. Year Business Established: 14. Number of Full-time Employees:

15. Business Registration Number / Place where registered (Privately held companies must attach copy of certificate of incorporation):

16 Income tax identification number

17. Pursuant to Section 23 of the Gambia Public Procurement Act 2001, I hereby certify that the business listed in block 1 above:

a. Has the legal capacity to enter into a contract;

b. Is not insolvent, in receivership, bankrupt or being wound up, or is in the process of being so; and

d. Neither I nor my business listed in block 1 above or any of its officers, have been convicted of any criminal offence in any country.

Signature: ______Title: ______Date: ______

ISSUEING OFFICER) Designation Date: