Appendix 1

Condition of Outline Planning Permission / Details not approved or yet to be approved
The subsequent application for the approval of the reserved matters shall be shown on:-
(a)A site layout plan of the minimum scale of 1:500 showing the position of all buildings, roads, footpaths, parking areas, public and private spaces, walls, fences, landscaping and public art.
(b)Plans and elevations of the school and any associated buildings, showing the dimensions and type and colour of external materials.
(c)A landscaping plan at a minimum scale of 1:500 showing the location, species and number of existing and proposed trees, shrubs and hedges. This plan shall retain and enhance the Alloa Tower Landscape Plan 1992.
(d)Details of existing and finished ground levels, and finished floor levels, in relation to a fixed datum, preferably Ordnance Survey.
(e)Surface water drainage proposals prepared in accordance with “Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems, Design Manual for Scotland and Northern Ireland”.
(f)A construction Method Plan that contains the arrangements to minimise the environmental and road safety impact during construction activity on site and from construction vehicle movements on the adjacent public road network. /
  • Replacement car parking at Alloa Family Centre.
  • Details proposals for landscaping at East Castle Street, boundary fencing and retention of obelisks.
  • Re-alignment of security fence on east side of existing planting along Lime Tree Walk.
  • Detailed cross sections and information on levels, showing the boundary planting along Lime Tree Walk, ground levels and arrangements for re-use of material on site.
  • Examination of scope to provide athletics facilities on land on north side of Park Primary School.
  • Revised landscaping proposals for internal courtyard, to maximise use of areas least shaded by the school.
  • Proposals for the provision of Public Art, at the school, within the site or at the adjacent road network.
  • Re-location of bicycle spaces outwith landscape area, to include 100 spaces.
  • Samples of all external buildings materials and ground surface materials.
  • Specification of work for the floodlighting columns with associated lighting contour information.

The application for approval of reserved matters required by condition 2 shall be accompanied by:
(a)A Drainage Impact Assessment, relating both to waste water and surface water.
(b)A Transport Assessment of traffic, cycling and pedestrian activity associated with the development embracing Safer Routes to School, the retention of the National Cycle Route and the scope for the school to adopt a Green Travel Plan and maximum car parking standards.
(c)An assessment of contamination within the site, including the nature, type and extent of contamination, the measures to treat or remove material, and the arrangements for reporting on the completion of the approved remediation plan.
(d)Arrangements for implementing a scheme of traffic management on Broad Street, Lime Tree Walk, Castle Street, East Castle Street, Lewis Court and Scott Crescent. /
  • Verification of the foul and surface water drainage proposals, the SUDS scheme and an assessment of overland flows.
  • Provision and implementation of a Green Travel Plan.
  • Proposals for cycle and footpath links between the school entrance gates and the National Cycle Route to the north.
  • Final assessment and approval of the site investigation and assessment of land contamination.
  • Formulation of detailed traffic management proposals to include measures to discharge on street stopping or parking on Lewis Court, Engelen Drive and Scott Crescent.
  • Pupil drop off facilities and upgraded footpath on Lime Tree Walk.
  • Upgraded footpath on west side of Lewis Court.