Secretary’s Minutes
GMS PTO –October 13, 2016
Secretary’s Report: Were read and accepted.
Treasurer’s Report: No new income at this time. Three checks were written out; Sports, Red ribbon and Brain Pops. The cost for the DJ is $200.00.
Box tops Update: We have never heard back from Donna Fenter as if she will continue to do the box tops. So Lisa Lear will take care of counting the box tops, if someone will take care of doing the mailing.
Fundraising: Yankee Candle – Flyers for the Yankee Candle fundraiser are ready to go, they will be going out soon. Yankee Candle will run from10/26 to 11/9, with items delivered by 12/16.
Fun Night: Fun night is this Friday, October 14th for grades 5th and 6th from 5-7pm. We have lots of chaperones and 2 boxes of Frito Lay being donated and lots of drinks. So we are all set.
Fall Book Fair: Scholastic has a new online volunteer system. Tina Hicks and Sheri Marchand will run the evening of Nov 17th. The book fair will run the week of, Nov 14th, with Parent/Teacher Conferences on Wednesday, Nov 16th in the afternoon and the evening of Thursday, Nov 17th.
Emma is researching for an Author visit this year.
Yearbook – PTO covered the cost last year, but this year it is in the budget through the school.
Mary Newman brought up that she talked with Emma about doing a skate night for the library or the PTO, but all and any events have to go through Michele Raynor first.
Sheri Marchand brought up that Walmart gives out $25.00 gift cards monthly if you send a letter stating what you need. She will pick one up for the middle school.
Principal Comments: Red Ribbon Rally is on Friday, October 28th, along with it being spirit week. The fall newsletter went out this week. November is a busy month; we have the Veteran’s Day Celebration on 11/10, Mrs. Butremovic and Mrs. Valentine will be running this event. The following week is Parent/Teacher Conferences, with Wednesday and Thursday being an early release for the middle school. On 11/18 it is walk your can a mile. It is coming into budget season. The 8th graders continue to work on their Expo projects; we went over some project titles. The 8th grade teachers are the coaches along with a few other teachers. These are similar to the Capstone projects that high school students do.
A question was asked about internet safety. We explained that we had one here at the middle school for campus wide and it was not well attended.
Next PTO Meeting is Thursday, November 10th at 3:45pm.