Summer I 2014
9:10-10:50 M T W R
WC 168
GOALS: By the end of the semester, students will be able to read, write, and speak in the present and preterit tenses. Students will be able to converse on an elementary level about the weather, classroom activities, leisure activities and sports, restaurant ordering, telling time, asking prices, and many other useful topics.
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course will focus on four areas-reading, writing, speaking, and understanding Spanish. Our readings will emphasize understanding Hispanic culture. Correct pronunciation will be stressed, although you will not be graded on your pronunciation. We will be using the text Mosaicos 5thd edition, by Castells, Guzman, Rush, and Garcia. We will cover the preliminary chapter and chapters 1-6. Second semester beginning students will cover chapters 7-12 of the same text.
We will have a test on each of the 6 chapters that we cover. At the end of the semester, I will drop your lowest test score when I average grades. This leaves you with 5 chapter test scores. Your final grade will be the average of these 5 scores. All tests must be taken on the day they are scheduled. There will be NO MAKEUP TESTS. If you miss a test, then it becomes the one test score that would have been dropped at the end of the semester. NO CELL PHONES MAY BE VISIBLE DURING TESTS!
Reviews for the tests will be posted at new.schoolnotes.com/disco. Exercises for the chapter are found at the Mosaicos web site. The link is on my Schoolnotes page. Click on the chapter number in the drop down box at the top then click on “practice exercises” on the left margin.
PREREQUISITE: None (Serves as part of the Modern Language requirement of the General Education Requirements.)
GRADING SCALE: 94-100 A, 90-93 A-, 87-89 B+, 84-86 B, 80-83 B-, 77-79 C+, 74-76 C, 70-73 C-, 67-69 D+, 64-66 D, 60-63 D-, below 60 F.
TEST SCHEDULE: (dates subject to change if needed)
Chapter 1 Thursday, May 22
Chapter 2 Thursday, May 29
Chapter 3 Thursday, June 5
Chapter 4 Thursday, June 12
Chapter 5 Thursday, June 19
Chapter 6 Tuesday, June 24
No class on Monday, May 25 – Memorial Day
Leccion Preliminar-greetings, expressions of courtesy, people and classroom vocabulary, numbers 0-99, dates, telling time.
Leccion 1-Subject pronouns, present tense verbs, articles and nouns (number and gender), asking prices, expressing needs.
Leccion 2-Adjectives, Ser and Estar, interrogative words, nationality and origin, possession.
Leccion 3-The verb Ir, present tense of –er verbs, numbers 100-2,000,000, Por and Para, leisure activities, ordering food.
Leccion 4-Stem-changing verbs, expressions with tener, possessive adjectives, Hace with expressions of time, identifying family members.
Leccion 5-Present progressive, direct object nouns and pronouns, demonstrative adjectives and pronouns, Saber and Conocer, daily activities, colors.
Leccion 6-Preterit tense, indirect object nouns and pronouns, adverbs, sports, measurements.
ATTENDANCE POLICY: Modern Language Department policy states that any student missing more than 6 days of class (excused or unexcused) will not pass the course. Regular attendance is extremely important.
ACADEMIC HONESTY: Any student caught cheating on a test (looking on another student’s paper, using notes, talking to other students) will receive a zero for that test and the incident will be reported to the Provost. NO CELL PHONES OUT DURING TESTS. Complete academic honesty policy can be found in the undergraduate catalog, including grievance and appeal procedures.
OFFICE HOURS: by appointment.
PHONE: 208-5170 (campus) or 787-4410 (home).
E-MAIL: or
STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: If you need an accommodation due to a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act, please contact Student Health and Disability Service Office immediately at 208-5991 or 208-5090. Advance notice is required for many accommodations.