Association for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Issues in Counseling of Alabama
Date: Sunday, August 16th, 2015
Location: BSC
- Call to Order & Attendance:
Meeting called to order by President Michael Lebeau at 3:00pm
New Officers & Members present:
MichaelLebeau – President
Angela Stowe – Past President
Dina Marble – President Elect
*Gary Williams – President Elect Elect
Jim Loew – Treasurer
Patrick Faircloth – Secretary
Kathy Echols – Awards Chair
Angela Stowe – Workshop Chair
MichaelLebeau – Public Relations/Communications Chair
*Amanda Dickey–Public Relations/Communications Committee Member
Jayne Richards –Public Relations/Communications Committee Member (Newsletter)
Glenda Elliott –Founder/Mentor
Frank Hrabe–Founder/Mentor
*Members at Large
* = Not present
Current membership stands at about 117 members
- President’s Report:
Recognized the fine efforts of Past President Angela Stowe with a plaque and round of applause
Welcomed all present and confirmed all new and continuing officers
President gave an overview of the agenda Awards, Presence at ALCA, other events, Spring workshop (April 8, Birmingham), and Outreach to counselor educators. He then introduced a discussion about tentative activities for the upcoming year.
Presence at the ALCA conferenceSocial Event, Information Table, Giveaways, and T-Shirts(Nov 18–20, Montgomery) -
Social events outside of the ALCA conference Birmingham Aids Outreach (BAO) BINGO was mentioned as a possible event that members of ALGBTICAL could attend, it is the first Monday of each month, see this link
Encouraging counselor involvement with Magic City Acceptance Project and related events, see this link
Leather Leadership Conference (this is a LGBTQQIA2S sexual minority supportive and engaged organization), there will be an all day training for LPC's offering C.E.U.s in Atlanta this year, see this link
Safe Zone for All Training on Sept 25th, 2015
9 a.m. – 3 p.m., Hawkins Hall Room #107. Main Campus of Troy University Troy Alabama,
Lunch will be from 12-1, Sack lunches will be available for $10
For information contact Amanda Dickey
Peace Walk on Sept 26th 10am - 1pm Main Quad on the main Campus of Troy University Troy Alabama, For information contact Amanda Dickey
Supporting the efforts of Josh Burford (starting an LGBT center for the state of Alabama), see this link,
- Secretary’s Report:
- Treasure's Report:
The Treasurer (Jim Loew) reported a current balance of $14,795.34. He then provided and a very detailed printed report of accounts from 2012-2015. He also including a proposed budget for the year of 2015-2016. Jim then facilitated a thorough discussion about the budget and potential actions/activities ALGBTICAL may engage in during the coming year.
Major points were:
ALCA conference reception
Donations and research - last year monies were allocated to Troy Safe Zone For All and Magic City Acceptance Project
Marketing and promotional materials to promote and generate a Brand for ALGBTICAL,
New Initiatives
- The president commented that Donations/research & New Initiatives may sort of blend and encompass - Outreach to counselor educators, Peace Walk, Drag Queen Bingo, MCAP, Leather Leadership Conference, etc.
- Founder and past treasurer Frank Hrabe reminded that keeping a reserve to cover a shortfall is fiducially responsible. The figure of a ten thousand reserve was mentioned.
- The secretary mentioned the idea of promoting ALGBTICAL by wearing a branded T-shirt with a specific design and wearing them at events like the ALCA conference. Using a pre-order internet service to sell these T-shirts for ALGBTICAL and just receiving a check from the internet T-shirt provider.
- Jayne Richards mentioned the idea of using cars wrapped in graphics and including ALGBTICAL in this sort of project.
- Past President Angela Stowe - commented that the ALCA conference will come up quick, and we should have these items ready for the conference. She also mentioned that we should have physical T-shirts for sale at the conference if we are going to have them.
President- initiated a discussion and passed out a printed copy of the final revision of the Public Relations Committee Policy Statement. He acknowledged the President Elect - Dina Marble'shard work on the newsletter and provided a printed template of future newsletter issues.He offered thanks to Amanda for handling our Facebook page, list serve and correspondence.
The idea of cleaning up and turning over the website to a new person was also mentioned by the President. Jayne Richards volunteer to help with the website and stated that she already has a copy of Dreamweaver as a possible new format for the website. The President and Jayne agreed for Jayne to work on the newsletter for not and to set up a time line in the near future for her to take over the website (it is important to note that Jayne is and plans on remaining an Alabama resident). Jayne will also be designing and coordinating the ALGBTICAL T-shirts.
- Past President's Report:
Angela in her role as Workshop Chairperson initiated bringing in Arlene Lev, she presented handouts (her bio and research) and other information about Arlene Lev. She would like to have her as the main speaker for our workshop. She reported that Arlene is very knowledge on Trans issues and LGBT families. Arlene is already listed as a resource on the ALGBTICAL website and well known in the community. The idea of co-sponsoring her coming and paying half of the expense or us paying for all of her visit was discussed, and the idea of sharing the cost of her travel. Specifically, Arlene would charge about $2000.00 plus travel costs, however, cost sharing with other organizations was discussed. Angela suggested that if we did not have an individual speaker format and possibly going to a multiple speaker format that we have used in the past would be more than she feels she can coordinate this year, but she was not saying that she would not do that if required. Possible locations for the workshop were discussed Homewood was mentioned and the possibility of moving to a larger venue, namely a location at BSC. Motion made by Jim Leow to have Angela pursue bringing Arlene in as the speaker for the workshop the motion was supported by the Secretary. An additional motion for Angela to contact her and us paying for $1800.00 plus travel expenses, this was further modified by Frank Hrabe. Frank advanced that a maximum of $2500.00 be offered to Arlene and be all inclusive of fee and travel expenses, and this motion was supported by the Secretary, the motion was passed unanimously.
Workshop committee:
Angela Stowe - Chairperson
Michael Lebeau - Committee Member (Michael to check on availability at BSC)
Jim Loew - Committee Member
Patrick Faircloth - Graduate Student Posters
Others may be be added.
Frank suggested that we have flyers made up to hand out at ALCA about our workshop and speaker, etc. Jim mentioned connecting with social workers and others outside of our discipline to attend the workshop. Glenda suggested contacting the new faculty member at UAB in marriage and family (Shannon McCarthy) and ask her to consult on the workshop. She also mentioned Genie Taylor taking care of C.E.U.'s. It was suggested to bring in Sandy and the new counselor educator at UAB.
The Winter Workshop will become a Spring Workshop and the date will be April 8th, 2015. The location will be in Birmingham (Tentatively at BSC campus). The topic will be Transgender, Families. The Speaker will tentatively be Arlene Lev (Author ofTransgender Emergence)
It was also mentioned that Poster presentations will also be a part of the workshop.
Awards: Important decisions were made regarding nominations for awards
(Kathy, please take note):
Outstanding Division Member: Angela Stowe,ALGBTICALPast President
Chapter/Division Service Award: “We Respond” Project, community correspondence service ofALGBTICALCommunications Team (Re: )
Chapter/Division Program Award:ALGBTICALWinter Workshop (Re: )
Chapter/Division Publication Award:ALGBTICALNewsletter (Re:)
Individual Publication Award: “Homonegativity Revisited” by Mark Leggett & Jamie Satcher (Re: )
Outstanding Practitioner Award: Pamela Yancey (Re: )
Distinguished Professional Service Award: Angela Stowe (Re: )
F. Cooley Distinguished Professional Dev Award: Paul Hard (Support ALACES Nomination)
J. Cecil Distinguished Counselor Educator Award: Patrick Faircloth (Re: ) (Patrick has withdrawn his name from this nomination)
W. Tincher Humanitarian Award:MichaelLebeau (Re: )
President - mentioned that there are topics that need to be discussed at our next meeting, i.e. counselor educator outreach, workshop, etc. A brief discussion ensued about T-shirts and Jayne is looking into the design, online ability, and to have a physical collect at the table. Again Jayne committed to taking charge of the T-shirt project. ALGBTICAL's tagline according to the President should be "Advocates, Allies, Activists", placement of front or back of the shirt from a gender perspective were also discussed. Jayne will initiate an email conversation about shirt ideas. Angela stated announced that members of the University of Wisconsin Madison will be coming to UAB to do a training with CEU's and there are a limited number of spaces for practitioners who work with Trans clients, September 28th and 29th, Angela stated there should be about 10 spaces and the training would focus on Adults in transition.
- Adjournment: at 5:50pm
The Next Meeting will be announced through email.
Respectfully submitted,
Patrick K. Faircloth Ph.D.