Health education is a holistic approach that requires the collaboration of home, school, and community providing knowledge and skills to enable individuals to make responsible and informative decisions, and adopt and maintain healthy behaviors. Heath prepares students to meet the challenges of healthy living focusing on all aspects of health and wellbeing – physical, mental, emotional, and social, providing knowledge, motivation and life-learning skills.

This is a curriculum framework. For each of the three Rochester City School District Health Standards, there are performance indicators, performance tasks, learning experiences and performance assessments.

The learning experiences are suggestions of how to integrate the health curriculum into the school day using the Houghton Mifflin reading series, Actions for Health and Kids & Company, Together for Safety.

Key for Learning Experiences:

HM – Houghton Mifflin

AFH – Actions for Health

K & Co. – Kids and Company, Together for Safety

This is a work in progress; the learning experiences represent a small sample of the possible ways to integrate health into the classroom. A resource list will be added, and assessments will continue to be updated.

NZ-65 (09/12/13)

STANDARD #1 / Students will have the necessary knowledge and skills to establish and maintain personal health.
Students will: / PERFORMANCE TASKS:
·  Understand human growth and development. / Ø  Describe the basic structure and functions of the human body systems (senses, muscles, bones, teeth, heart, stomach, brain, lungs, reproductive including penis, scrotum, vulva, breasts and buttocks). / HM, K, pg. T90, Body Parts, (Let’s Be Friends)
HM, K, pg. T75, Parts of the Body, (All About Me)
HM, K, pg. T91, The Five Senses, (All About Me)
HM, 1.1, pg. T129, Using the Senses
HM, 1.1, pg. T155, Names for Parts of the Body
HM, 2.2, pg. T120, Five Senses Chart, (Tell Me A Tale)
AFH, Grade 1, pg. 15, Look at Me
AFH, Grade 1, pg. 27, My Body is Special
AFH, Grade 1, pg. 98, Me and My Big Mouth
AFH, Grade 1, pg. 103, I Have a Looth Tooth
AFH, Grade 1, pg. 110, A Visit from the Dentist
AFH, Grade 1, pg. 119, No Plaque Attacks for Me
AFH, Grade 1, pg. 184, Sensible Senses
AFH, Grade 1, pg. 242, Love Your Lungs
AFH, Grade 2, pg. 135, The Body Adventure / Ø  Growing Pains
Ø  Distinguish that some body parts are personal and private / AFH, Grade K, pg. 100, Feelings About Touch
AFH, Grade 2, pg. 102, Talking to Toddlers
AFH, Grade 2, pg. 111, We Can Do More
Ø  Describe how the human body changes from infancy to old age. / HM, 1.1, pg. T182, What Grows and Changes (Sample: a baby)
HM, 1.3, pg. T325, I’m Growing Too!
AFH, Grade 2, pg. 93, When I Was Small
AFH, Grade 2, pg. 37, Body Talk
·  Examine the relationships between behaviors and healthy development. / Ø  Describe the relationship between personal health behaviors and individual well-being.
Ø  Identify and apply verbal and nonverbal communication skills.
Ø  Identify barriers that interfere with effective communication. / HM, K, pg. T77, Health Link, (In the Barnyard)
HM, 1.2, pg. T361, Staying Healthy
HM, 1.2, pg. T326 Importance of Taking Baths and Tooth Care, Health Link
HM, 1.4, pg. T298, Health Link
AFH, Grade K, pg. 96, Talking About Feelings
AFH, Grade 1, pg. 85, My Favorite Spot / Ø  Stress and Your Body
Ø  Identify that families are unique in size and structure and have different needs.
Ø  Describe characteristics of a responsible family member and friend.
Ø  Demonstrate ability to work cooperatively with others. / HM, 1.5, pg. T96, “Families, Families” (Book)
HM, 1,5, pg. T222-225, Family Portrait Activity
HM, 2.2, pg. T224, Family Tree, Family Day, Family Ties, (Family Photos)
HM, 2.2, pg. T213, Traditions, (Family Photos)
AFH, Grade K, pg. 261, A Family Is
AFH, Grade K, Pg. 274, Family/Customs
AFH, Grade K, pg. 279, I Help My Family
AFH, Grade 1, pg. 63, Families Come in All Shapes and Sizes
AFH, Grade 1, pg. 71, How Families Care
AFH, Grade 1, Pg. 81, Family Fun
AFH, Grade 2, pg. 85, Friends in the Family
Ø  Describe how health-related issues influence the whole family. Identify and practice strategies for coping (illness, drug and alcohol abuse, death, divorce, physical and emotional abuse, pregnancy, birth). / HM, 1.5, pg. T99, How Do Families Change?
AFH, Grade 2, pg. 117, Coping with Family Change
AFH, Grade 2, pg. 25, Look & Listen
AFH, Grade 2, pg. 257, Looking at Points of View / Ø  My Future Goals and Me
Ø  Describe how physical, social and emotional factors influence personal health (individuals have unique characteristics and ways of dealing with: feelings, stress, peers, relationships, conflict, self-esteem issues).
Ø  Identify feelings and appropriate ways to express them.
Ø  Explain what stress is and discover personal stressors. / HM, K, pg. T184, Characters’ Feelings, (Playful Pets)
HM, 1.1, pg. T156, Writing About Me
HM, 1.3, pg. T156, The Sharing Song
HM, 1.4, pg. T139, The Way I Feel
HM, 2.1, pg. T200, What’s Special About Me?, (Good Friends)
HM, 2.1, pg. T41, My Best Friend and Writing About Feelings, (Good Friends)
HM, 2.1, pg. T130, Friendship Bulletin Board, (Good Friends)
AFH, Grade 2, pg. 30, Communicating About Feelings
AFH, Grade 2, pg. 49, Soft Snugglies and Tuff Tuskies
·  Understand ways to promote health, prevent disease and demonstrate positive health behaviors. / Ø  Identify common health problems of children that can be detected and treated early (dental health, communicable and non-communicable diseases and illnesses such as colds, viruses including HIV, pink eye, asthma, lice, pin worms, ring worms and infections). / HM, 1.2, pg. T257, I Have A Cold
HM, 2.2, pg. T113, Stroke is a Serious Medical Condition, (Family Photos)
AFH, Grade 1, pg. 147, germs Make Me Sick
AFH, Grade 1, pg. 156, The Wellness Connection
AFH, Grade 2, pg. 182, What If I Get Hurt?
AFH, Grade 2, pg. 201, What is HIV?
AFH, Grade 2, pg.,175, Check Out That Check-Up / Ø  Disease Detective
Ø  How Vaccines Work
Ø  Demonstrate positive health practices that prevent disease, illness and injury (hand washing, teeth brushing, covering coughs and sneezes, universal precautions, immunizations, bathing, seat belts, helmets, diet, sleep, differences among food, poisons, medicines and illicit drugs).
Ø  Discuss that most young people and adults do not use drugs and recognize that people who use drugs and alcohol are not bad people but are making unhealthy choices.
Ø  Demonstrate a personal commitment to no use alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. / HM, K, pg. T77, Health Link, (In the Barnyard)
HM, K, pg. T18, S.S. Link, (Let’s be Friends) (Jamaica’s Find)
HM, 1.2, pg. T257, Taking Care of a Cold
HM, 1.2, pg. T326, Importance of Taking Baths and Tooth Care, Health Link
HM, 1.2, pg. T239, Health Link, (Sneezing)
HM, 1.2, pg. T337, Health Link, (Thermometer)
HM, 1.5, pg. T179, Walk/Don’t Walk Signs
HM, 2.2, pg. T119, Sneezing – Prevention of the Spread of Germs (Family Photos)
AFH, Grade K, pg. 123, Washing Hands
AFH, Grade K, pg. 133, No Sunburn for Me
AFH, Grade K, pg. 141, My Happy Teeth
AFH, Grade K, pg. 152, I Like to Hear
AFH, Grade K, pg. 154, I Like to Touch
AFH, Grade K, pg. 172, I Like to See
AFH, Grade K, pg. 180, I Like to Smell
AFH, Grade K, pg. 189, I Like to Taste
AFH, Grade K, pg. 233, Stay Away from Poison
AFH, Grade K, pg. 244, Taking Medicine
AFH, Grade K, pg. 248, My Health Habits
AFH, Grade 1, pg. 215, Helpful or Harmful
AFH, Grade 1, pg. 221, Poison Alert
AFH, Grade 1, pg. 233, These Drugs are Poison
AFH, Grade 2, pg. 213, Alcohol – What It Is and What It Does
AFH, Grade 2, pg. 221, No, Thank You / Ø  Healthy Habits
Ø  Seat Belt Use
Ø  Set wellness plan and track progress toward achieving it (exercise, diet, stress management). / HM, K, pg. T195, Health Record for a Pet, (Playful Pets)
AFH, Grade K, pg. 199, Grow To Be Strong
AFH, Grade K, pg. 209, Healthy Grains
AFH, Grade K, pg. 217, Healthy Fruits & Vegetables
AFH, Grade K, pg. 222, A Healthy Breakfast
AFH, Grade K, pg. 255, Making Healthy Decisions
AFH, Grade 1, pg. 128, What is a Healthy Snack?
AFH, Grade 1, pg. 138, Snack Party
AFH, Grade 1, pg. 91, Health is for Every Day
AFH, Grade 2, pg. 155, Muscle Hustle
AFH, Grade 2, pg. 117, Coping with Change
AFH, Grade 2, pg. 225, Natural Fun / Ø  The Big Book

NZ-65 (09/12/13) Standard #1, Grade Level K-2 Page 1

STANDARD #2 / Students will acquire the knowledge and ability necessary to create and maintain a safe and healthy environment and advocate using interpersonal communication skills.
Students will: / PERFORMANCE TASKS:
·  Identify precautions that should be taking in special situations. / Ø  Identify and demonstrate proper dress according to the weather conditions. / HM, 1.5, pg. T166, Story – One of Three – Health Link / Ø  Creating Safe Towns
Ø  Demonstrate skills in simple universal precautions and first aid. / AFH, Grade K, pg. 123, Washing My Hands
AFH, Grade K, pg. 133, No Sunburn for Me
AFH, Grade 1, pg. 147, Germs Make Me Sick
AFH, Grade 1, pg. 156, The Wellness Connection
Universal Precautions Resource Center
Physical Education teacher and nurse in each building
Ø  Identify and follow safety guidelines in different weather conditions and natural disasters (blizzard, ice storm, etc.). / AFH, Grade 6, pg. 44, Being Safe in an Emergency
Ø  Identify and describe harmful conditions in the home, school and community.
Ø  Brainstorm ways to avoid and reduce potentially harmful situations at home, school and in the community. / HM, K, pg. T146, Night Time, Health Link
AFH, Grade 1, pg. 215, Helpful or Harmful?
AFH, Grade 1, pg. 221, Poison Alert
Ø  Identify basic fire, traffic, water and recreation practices. / HM, K, pg. T31, Going Places, (Signs All Around)
HM, 1.3, pg. T189, Health/Safety Link
HM, 1.1, pg. T261, Discussing Water Safety
AFH, Grade K, pg. 15, Getting to School Safely
AFH, Grade 1, pg. 169-183, Big Kids on the Bus, Watch How You Walk
AFH, Grade 2, pg. 241, Keeping Cool About Fires
·  Demonstrate non-violent strategies to resolve conflicts and manage stress. / Ø  Describe personal stress and practice ways of dealing with it / AFH, Grade 2, pg. 117, Coping with Family Changes
Ø  Describe their needs, wants and feelings and express them appropriately. / HM, K, pg. T18, Think Out Loud & Extra Support, (All About Me)
HM, K, pg. T128, Night Time – Acting Out Feelings
Ø  Differentiate between negative and positive behaviors involving conflict. / AFH, Grade 2, pg. 53, Hitting is Not OK
Peer Mediation Coordinator, Central Office
Ø  Identify needs of others and respond appropriately,
Ø  Express their position with care and respect whether or not it agrees with others. / HM, K, pg. T18, Purpose Setting, (Let’s Be Friends) (Jamaica’s Find)
HM, 1.3, pg. T120, Health/Safety Link
HM, 2.1, pg. 157, Helping Out, (Pet Show Today)
HM, 2.2, pg. T118 & T119, That’s Incredible
AFH, Grade 1, pg. 35, I Am Special
AFH, Grade 1, pg. 42, You Are Special, Too!
AFH, Grade 1, pg. 63, Families Come in All Shapes and Sizes
·  Demonstrate care, show appreciation and consideration for the environment and for others. / Ø  Identify ways that each person and others affect their surroundings.
Ø  Explore their role in practicing healthy behaviors. / HM, 1.1, pg. T77, Getting to Know Each Other
HM, 1.2, pg. T73, Environmental Mural
HM, 1.3, pg. T231, Pollution Solutions / Ø  Water Use
Ø  Classroom Recycling
·  Identify and explain ways to seek assistance if concerned, abused or threatened. / Ø  Demonstrate the ability to locate and identify school and community health helpers. / AFH, Grade K, pg. 31, Where I Live
AFH, Grade 1, pg. 255, Health Helpers
Ø  Identify abusive and threatening situations and behaviors. / K & Co., Grade K, pg. 53, Not OK Touches
K & Co., Grade 1, pg. 105, Swell Secrets and Tell Secrets
AFH, Grade 1, pg. 202, Say No, Get Away, Tell Someone
K & Co., Grade 2, pg. 157, Check First / Ø  Touching
Ø  Demonstrate how to ask for assistance. / K & Co., Grade K, pg. 57, No-Go-Tell
K & Co., Grade 1, pg. 87, 911 & Operator Calls
K & Co., Grade 2, pg. 181, Circles of Trusted Helpers
AFH, Grade 2, pg. 233, Help!
Ø  Distinguish between appropriate (“OK”) and inappropriate (“not OK”) touch. / K & Co., Grade K, pg. 53, Not OK touches
AFH, Grade K, pg. 110,. Feelings About Touch
AFH, Grade 1, pg. 192, Let’s Talk About Touch
K & Co., Grade 2, pg. 167, Touches and secrets.

NZ-65 (09/12/13) Standard #2, Grade Level K-2 Page 7