Island Singles

Hilton Head Island and Bluffton Area

Membership & Renewal Application


Mailing Address __________________________________________________________

City _____________________________________State __________Zip _____________

Home Phone _____________________________________________________________

Cell Phone ______________________________________________________________

E-mail __________________________________________________________________

Birthday: Month _________________________ Day ____________________________

New Member ________________ Renewal _________________

In consideration of my membership, I hereby agree that neither I, nor my heirs or assigns will hold any member of the club liable for any injury or damage, however caused, that may result from my participation in any club event. Initial ________________

May the club include your information in its directory?

Yes ___________ No ____________

May the club include you in pictures on its website?

Yes ___________ No ____________

Signature _____________________________________________________

Club dues for January 1 through Dec 31 are $25 payable with application.

Dues are not pro-rated and are non-refundable.

Make checks payable to “Island Singles”

Mail to: Sand Ruppert, 2 Juniper Lane, Hilton Head Is., SC 29928

Questions? Call President Bill Krepfle 843.422.5103