ENQUIRIES TO: Fatima Sharif Ali
OUR REF: FOI/315032 /
Mr Liam Bonar
Email: / Date: 02 May 2014

Dear Mr Bonar,


Thank you for your recent request received 24 April 2014 and actioned under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) in which you requested the following information:

Please can you provide me with the following information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

  1. A list of vehicles owned or leased to the council. Please include; registration mark, fleet number (if used), make & model and body type.
  2. Of the vehicles leased, a list of the companies from which the vehicles are leased.
  3. Name, position and email address of the staff responsible for these vehicles.
  4. If your refuse collection is outsourced please provide the name of the company responsible and list of the vehicles used for this purpose including vehicle registration mark, fleet number (if used), make & model and body type.


I can confirm that Liverpool City Council holds the requested information.

  1. Please see the attached fleet list for the relevant information. Note that not all vehicles have a fleet number.
  1. Some vehicles have a leased provider in column J of the attached fleet list, the main companies that provide leasing services are:-
  • Alphabet (UK) Fleet Management
  • Arnold Clark Finance Limited
  • Clark & Pulman Limited
  • De Lage Landen Leasing Limited
  • Hitachi Capital Venture Solutions Limited
  • Inchcape Fleet Solutions Limited
  • JCB Finance Limited
  • LeasePlan UK Limited
  • LexAutoLease (Lloyds TSB Autolease)
  • Lombard Vehicle Management
  • Siemens Financial Services Limited
  • Volkswagen Group Leasing
  1. John Carrington, Head of Fleet & Transport Services.
  1. Liverpool City Council does not operate refuse collection vehicles or hold details on the vehicles used in refuse collection. This service has been outsourced to Amey Liverpool.

However, in accordance with Section 16 of Freedom of Information Act 2000, which places a duty on public authorities to provide advice and assistance, so far as it would be reasonable to expect the authority to do so, to persons who propose to make, or have made, requests for information to it, for further information, please contact Amey Liverpool directly on the following address:

Amey Liverpool

FM Suite, Parklands,
Conleach Road, Speke,

T. 0151 486 6687

This concludes our response.

The City Council will consider appeals, referrals or complaints in respect of your Freedom of Information Act 2000 request and you must submit these in writing to within 28 days of receiving your response.

The matter will be dealt with by an officer who was not previously involved with the response and we will look to provide a response within 28 working days.

If you remain dissatisfied you may also apply to the Information Commissioner for a decision about whether the request for information has been dealt with in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

The Information Commissioner’s website is and the postal address and telephone numbers are:-

Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, CheshireSK9 5AF. Fax number 01625 524 510, DX 20819, Telephone 01625 545745.Email – (they advise that their email is not secure)

I trust this information satisfies your enquiry.

Yours sincerely

Ms. Fatima Sharif Ali

Information Officer