Term / Spring 1 – The Brothers’ Grimm
Week / Week 1
08/01/18 / Week 2
15/01/18 / Week 3
22/01/18 / Week 4
29/01/18 / Week 5
Themed Week / STEM WEEK
Events / KS1 Parents Evening / KS2 Parents Evening / SAFER INTERNET DAY
Chinese new year performances
Using letter names to distinguish between alternative spellings of the same sound / Phase 5
f/ph - phonics
w/wh - when
or/aw- saw
AND or/aw/ aue.g. haul / Phase 5
ow/ou– out, shout, found
oi/oy – boy, toy, enjoy, royal
er/ir– girl, bird, skirt, thirst / Phase 5
ai / ay – day, play, stay, spray
ee/ ea – sea, heat, beak, stream
igh/ ie – pie, lie, die, cried, dries
oa/ oe – toe, foe, woe, goes
00/ ew – blew, grew, chew, screw / Phase 5
ee/ ea/ ey- valley
00/ew / ue - clue / Phase 5
ai/ay/ a – ee.g. came
ee/ea/ey e – e e.g. these
igh/ie/ i – ee.g. like
oa/oe/ o – ee.g. bone
00/ew/ue u – ee.g. rude
Becoming very familiar with key fairy stories and traditional tales and retelling them / Reading for Enjoyment
HANSEL & GRETEL / Reading for Comprehension
Who/Where ~ Retrieval
How/ Why ~ Thinking / Reading for Enjoyment
RUMPLESTILTSKIN / Reading for Comprehension
Who/Where ~ Retrieval
How/ Why ~ Thinking
Narrative: Traditional Tales & Fairy Stories / Composition – Hansel & Gretel
Sentence Building
Story Sequencing / Composition – Hansel & Gretel
Story Mapping
Re-telling / Composition – Rumplestiltskin
Sentence Building
Story Sequencing / Composition – Rumplestiltskin
Story Mapping
Grammar & Punctuation / Punctuation
Consolidate Capital Letters for names, dates, places, I.
Recap – Full Stops/ Finger Spaces / Grammar
To use simple joining words to join 2 clauses.
and/ because/ but/ so / Grammar
To use simple joining words to join 2 clauses.
and/ because/ but/ so / Punctuation
Consolidate CAP/./Finger Spaces
Begin to explore question marks. / Punctuation
Consolidate CAP/./Finger Spaces
Begin to explore question marks.
Spelling / ffllsszz
off pull pill well kiss mess fizz buzz dizzy whizz / ck
back peck sock duck quack jacket ticket pocket kicking knock / chsh
chip chill rich such chicken kitchen shed shock bush fishing / ai
aim sail tail pain chain bait wait raining waiting maintain / oo 00
too cool food moon root rooftop
foot good book looking
Handwriting / Capital Letter Focus
Curved C
C G O Q / Capital Letter Focus
Straight down then up & round
D P R B / Capital Letter Focus
Straight down, straight across
I T H F L E / Capital Letter Focus
Sharp Zigzags
V W M N / Capital Letter Focus
Sharp Zigzags
Y X A Z (K)
(WHITE ROSE) / Rapid Recall
Count to 20 from any number forwards/backwards
Addition & Subtraction
Represent and use number bonds and related subtraction facts within 20. / Rapid Recall
Numbers to 20
Place Value to 20 with Numicon
Addition & Subtraction
Read, write and interpret mathematical statements involving + - = symbols. / Rapid Recall
Numbers to 20
1 more/less
Addition & Subtraction
Add and subtract 1-digit and 2-digit numbers to 20, inc. 0 / Rapid Recall
Numbers to 20 < > =
Addition & Subtraction
Solve 1 step problems that involve – and + using concrete objects and pictorial reps and missing number problems e.g. 7 = ___ - 9
How has the London skyline changed? / Chronology
Exploring the current skyline.
Can anyone name any famous buildings in London? Use photographs to name and label. / Chronology
Use pictures of buildings from London in the past. Compare to buildings today. Similarities and differences. Which are the oldest buildings in London? / Chronology
Share a brief history of London which has had affects on London inc.Great Plague, Fire of London and the Blitz. Create a timeline of key buildings from skyline. / Chronology
Compare the difference between the Tower of London and the London Eye. Use step-by-step instructions to draw both and label main materials used.
Pastels & Paints
Article 31: Every child has the right to relax, play and take part in a wide range of cultural and artistic activities. / Meeting Van Gough
Introduce Van Gogh and discuss style, colour and shape. Observe and describe different kinds of marks made by paint. / Replicating Van Gogh
Still Life ~ flowers
Observational Drawing / Meeting Cezanne
Introduce Cezanne and discuss style, colour and shape. Observe and describe different kinds of marks made by paint. / Replicating Cezanne
Still Life ~ food
Engineering / SHROVE TUESDAY
Tuesday 13th February 2018
Cooking: Pancakes (RE link)
Discuss: Where do ingredients come from? (Milk, Eggs, Sugar)
Are they Healthy or Unhealthy?
RE: Why do Christians celebrate Shrove Tuesday?
Music / Tempo
Identify when to tap quickly or slowly by reading the correct tempo symbols and being able to stop at the correct time. Recognize that different symbols represent different lengths in sound. / Using animal flash cards children should be able to interchange fluently between fast and slow motion whilst performing a movement of choice as well as creating long melodic sounds and short percussive sounds. This can be applied whilst using instrumentation. / Rhythm
Children should be able to clap back a rhythmical sentence and recognize a change in speed. Begin to understand the idea of beat/pulse in a variety of different musical styles. / Add a steady pulse to a rhythmic poem as an accompaniment. To be able to perform it in groups.
Dreams & Goals
Article 13: Every child must be free to express theirthoughts and opinions and to access all
kinds of information, as long as it is withinthe law. / Treasure Chest of Success
PSHE: I can set simple goals
SEAL: I can identify my successes and achievements
Steps to Goals
PSHE: Ican set a goal and work out how to achieve it.
SEAL: I can tell you how I learn the best. / Achieving Together
PSHE: I understand how to work with a partner.
SEAL: I can celebrate achievements with my partner.
RECORD ~ Positive or Negative Learning Partners Sort / Stretchy Learning
PSHE:I can tackle a new challenge and understand that this might stretch my learning.
SEAL:I can say how I feel when faced with a challenge.
Overcoming Obstacle
PSHE:I can identify obstacles which make achieving more challenging.
SEAL:I can say how I feel when I see obstacles and how I feel when I overcome them. / Celebrating my Success
PSHE: I can tell you how I felt when I succeeded in a new challenge and how I celebrated it.
SEAL: I know how to store the feelings of success.
RECORD ~ Portrait of personal success...
I am proud that I can...
REHow do you belong to Islam?
Article 14: The right to think, believe and practise, as long as they arenot stopping others from enjoying their rights. / What makes a community?
To be able to recognise a community / Who was Muhammad?
To be able to say who Muhammad was and why he is special / Which objects are special for Muslims?
To be able to explain why some objects are special to Muslims / How do Muslims show they belong to Islam?
To be able to list the ways in which a Muslim demonstrates their faith / What celebrations do Muslims take part in?
To be able to describe the festival of Eid
Online safety /
- Typing
- Online Safety
- Typing
- Online Safety
- Typing
- Online Safety
Everyday Materials / Naming Materials
Identify, match and name a variety of everyday materials inc. wood, glass, plastic, rock, metal and water.
Activity – Matching and labelling materials. / Objects and Materials
Understanding the difference between and object and the material that it is made from.
Activity – Labelling everyday objects according to their materials, e.g. sharpener = plastic and metal. / Exploring Properties
Hard/soft stretchy/stiff shiny/dull rough/smooth bendy/not bendy waterproof/not waterproof opaque/Transparent
Activity – Texture Hunt I can choose words to describe how materials look and feel. / Sorting Properties
Sort objects according to their properties and being able to verbalise their reasons for sorting.
Activity – Sort cards wood/ metal/ plastic/ glass.
PE / Indoor – Dance
Outdoor - Basketball / Indoor – Dance
Outdoor - Basketball / Indoor – Dance
Outdoor - Basketball / Indoor – Dance
Outdoor - Basketball / Indoor – Dance
Outdoor - Basketball