The ‘Image’ Keys to Personal Transformation – Book Overview and Why Buy the Book

Picture for a moment a silk-worm in its caterpillar stage: a grey coloured, vulnerably creature without wings. At first glance, pretty similar to any other worm one might encounter in nature.

On closer inspection though, if you allow yourself the time, you would notice subtle differences in its anatomy which sets it apart from other worm species. Differences which enable it to do something other ordinary worms cannot do: this caterpillar can create silk. For centuries, silk has been one of the purest, rarest and most sought- after yarns. Next time you visit an Indian market or fabric shop, have a look at the selection of silk saris and you will notice how vibrant and rich the colours are and how very fine the textures. Throughout the ages, silk has been associated with luxury, but at the same time with earthiness. Such a magical yarn, created by such a small and seemingly insignificant little worm!

But the magic does not stop here, because while the caterpillar is creating silk, it is actually only in its first life- stage. Soon it would spin its golden cocoon and hide there, motionless and seemingly useless, until one day…the cocoon starts tearing and soft little wings emerge. A weak little thing at first, but at that perfect moment when it is ready, the wings will open and be stretched to reveal its true colours and its true beauty. It will then leave the cocoon behind for good – testing its wings with confidence, ready and eager to show the world its magnificent uniqueness. It might not have the brightly coloured wings of other butterfly species, but then they can’t create silk like this one can!

In essence, human beings are a lot like butterflies: we are born small and helpless, we grow up, perfect our skills and then go on to spread our wings as we launch ourselves into the big, wide world. Like the butterflies, we have inherent, limitless potential at every stage of our life-span. There is one big difference though, between us and them: a butterfly cannot fail to emerge out of its cocoon, spread its wings and fly away, a human being though, might decide to hide in his/her cocoon for a number of years, sometimes for an entire lifetime. What a senseless life that would be, never to test one’s wings, never to realise how strong those wings are, and how flying high and far and often, make them even stronger. Or perhaps we do spread our wings at least, sometimes because we have no other choice, but we might not like those wings or ours very much, we keep comparing them to the wings of others around us, we hide away in the shade, ashamed of being who we are. This often causes us to dress in unflattering, outdated clothes in dull colours, reflecting the way we feel about ourselves.

In The ‘Image’ Keys to Personal Transformation, I would like to invite you to allow yourself to be transformed into the truly unique human being that you are. If you have read The Keys to Personal Transformation & Happiness by Steve Krummeck, you are likely to be very aware of your own limitless, inherent potential. Now I would like to teach you to express that unique potential of yours in a confident and powerful way. Together we will examine those ‘wings’ of yours, look at the scars and bruises encountered along the way, then together lovingly repair them, dust them off, polish them up and you will once again, or perhaps for the first time in your life be ready to fly proudly, high and far …

Chapter Titles


Chapter One:

The Primacy Effect

What is it?

The Primacy Effect Unmasked: How we judge ourselves

How to stop judging ourselves and others

The Image Keys, associated Goals and Actions

Chapter Two:


The difference between being trendy and being stylish

What is ‘style’? The Style Acronym

The building blocks of style

The result: being the best possible version of my “real” self

The Image Keys, associated Goals and Actions

Chapter Three:

Developing my Personal Style

Style quiz: What style am I?

How to dress appropriately for the occasion

The Categories of Dress

Corporate Dress Categories for women and men

The main body shapes for men and how to dress for them

The Lifestyle Pie: My lifestyle should determine my wardrobe

My dream image

How to get myself ready for that special date: What to wear and what to say

The Image Keys, associated Goals and Actions

Chapter Four:

How to make the most of my Unique Body Shape

Gratitude Exercise: List at least ten things I love about my body/current look

List the main things I would like to change

Your Unique Body Type: Your body-lines, contours, height and face shape determine your best look

Tips for enhancing challenging areas

The Image Keys, associated Goals and Actions

Chapter Five:

Face Shapes

Angular or rounded, which one am I?

Tips on what to wear and what to avoid in order to compliment my face shape

The Image Keys, associated Goals and Actions

Chapter Six:


Why wear them? How accessories can enhance your overall image

The secrets to accessorizing effectively: Balance and Harmony

The Image Keys, associated Goals and Actions

Chapter Seven:


Why is colour important?

The psychological meanings associated with different colours

The Vocabulary of Colour: Hue,Value and Chroma

Determining your most flattering colours

Warm versus cool colours

How to use colour to flatter your figure: Colour Balance

The spiritual meanings associated with different colours

The Image Keys, associated Goals and Actions

Chapter Eight:

Love your Body - General tips for a healthier lifestyle, healthy eating habits and enhanced fitness levels

Taking a realistic look at your current body shape, diet, lifestyle, exercise patterns, stress levels and overall health

How to find BALANCE

Emotions: How to understand the messages from your emotions

What are the obstacles that have prevented you from maintaining optimal health and fitness?

Action plan: how are you going to overcome these obstacles? Things you need to STOP, START and CONTINUE doing

Recommended reading

Commitment to yourself and your health

The Image Keys, associated Goals and Actions

Bibliography and Recommended Reading

About the Author - Suzaan Lane

Suzaan was born in Cape Town, South Africa and has been working as an Image Consultant and Emotion Counsellor for the past six years in Johannesburg. She has been an Image Consultant for ten years, having started her career in 1998 in Cape Town. Suzaan has extensive experience in the field of Image Training, as well as one-on-one coaching in the corporate world and with private clients.

Suzaan uses a combination of modalities, such as Psychology and Spirituality, to inspire, effect positive change, and bring about psychological adaptability and spiritual growth in her clients.

Image sessions are conducted in an empathic way, with the emphasis on building her clients' self-esteem while improving their external appearance. Techniques are tailor-made to her clients' needs. Where appropriate, the Bar-On EQ-i assessment is used as an Emotional Intelligence assessment. This then forms the basis for further training and guidance.

Suzaan uses each client’s emotions as a vantage point for counselling. Emotions are often repressed and this could lead to mild or even severe physical, spiritual and communication -related problems. When the client gets in touch with, understands his/her emotions, and learns to manage them more effectively, relationships, physical well-being, as well as any other problems, improve dramatically.

Suzaan specialises in advising and training in the following areas: colour and image guidance, conflict management skills, assertiveness skills, communication skills, motivation and personal growth, emotion coaching, lifestyle coaching, improvement of self-esteem, and stress management skills.

What makes her approach unique is that clients are taught how to ‘help themselves’, instead of becoming dependent on their counsellor/coach. The skills imparted are practical and easy to apply on a daily basis. Clients are also taught how to monitor their own progress and growth, which keeps motivation high.

Suzaan has an Honours Degree in Psychology (University of Port Elizabeth), but firmly supports a holistic healing approach targeting body/mind/spirit in order to restore complete health and balance to her clients’ lives. Advice on diet, nutrition, exercise, as well as improving one’s physical image by dressing correctly, is incorporated into the coaching program where appropriate. Clients can also have image sessions which exclude one-on-one coaching.

During image sessions, the emphasis is on getting in touch with the client’s personality, creativity and self-concept. Combining these elements with the client’s unique body shape, face shape, personal style and colouring, clients are taught how to create a look which reflects their AUTHENTIC SELVES. The result is an enhanced self-concept which is a vital step in creating a more positive self-esteem.

Suzaan can be contacted on:

Telephone +27 01791 0033 (International), or 011- 791 0033 (South- Africa)

Cell phone +27 82439 4622


For more information on Suzaan’s services, please visit website: