(Approved Minutes)
Franklin Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting
Franklin Public Library
Thursday, December 14, 2017
1. Call to Order: at 7:00 pm.
2. Roll Call: Sarah Krasnick, Mira Stakhiv, Teresa Natzke, Kim Greidanus and Julie Douse-Angileri were present. Pam Hackert and Judy Moenck were absent.
3. Secretary’s Report: Fundraisers – Julie reported for the Friends that the Oktoberfest fundraiser netted us $2275. Planning will be underway for it to be held October 5, 2018. Independent bank and Rusty Bucket plan to sponsor it again. The Friends’ French pastry sale is tomorrow morning. Other fundraisers being considered include a food truck rally, possibly in conjunction with Music/Movies on the Green. Hosting a farm-to-table dinner with a restaurant chef on the green is also under consideration. The fall/winter newsletter went out just before Thanksgiving. The “unvitation” is being mailed out this week.
Minutes – There was no November meeting due to lack of a quorum. Mira made a motion to approve the October minutes. Sarah seconded the motion and the minutes were approved.
4. New Business: Staff Holiday Gifts – It was decided to give cash in amounts the same as 2015. All told, amounts will be as follows; < 30 days of employment = $20 gift card to Farmhouse, < one year of employment = $25, > one year of employment = $50, director = $150. Julie will take care of the gifts.
Unvitation – We have begun receiving donations, Julie will start writing thank you notes. We may need to order more. Sarah volunteered Neil Krasnick’s artistic services for an updated library sketch on the front of the note cards. Having some plaques made for the donations we have received was briefly discussed.
Restricted Assets – We need to ask Karl to add a new line on the financial statements to indicate funds reserved for the reading garden.
5. Old Business: FCA – The FCA hasn’t met yet, when they do Mira will attend
their meeting.
Paychex – Mira stated that the difference between them and Pay Systems wasn’t significant enough to change over, but she will call them about the $60 fee and speak with a sales person also.
Cable Board Grant – Karl did set up a schedule. Teresa will email him about getting the Comcast bill applied to the grant.
6. Treasurer’s Report: Kim reported that she met with Karl. The renovation line
item in the financial reports should be removed and the amount ($45,129.11) added to unrestricted assets ($69,171.65). We will also need a new restricted assets line named “exterior/reading garden”. Mira questioned the $11,095 in Capital Reserve Expenditure. Teresa suggested asking Karl to come to the January board meeting to clear up our questions. Kim will invite him. It was agreed to forego approval of the financial report until February, after speaking with Karl.
Reserved Fund Balance Policy – Teresa will email the proposed policy to the board for next month.
7. Librarian’s Report: See report. Also, Teresa dismissed Debra. Prior to the dismissal, she discussed her reasons (mainly scheduling inflexibility issues) with Mira who is on the Personnel Committee. Teresa is using a sub in the interim.
Programming – October was a very busy month. There are several kids’ programs scheduled for the winter. Mira would like to see another CPR program offered.
2018 Board Meeting Dates – Teresa went ahead and figured out the 2018 board meeting dates, which are as follows: 1/11, 2/8, 3/8, 4/12, 5/10, 6/14, 8/9, 9/13, 10/11, 11/8, and 12/13.
8. Maintenance Report: Mira discussed the fact that the pavers by the parking lot,
which were removed during the repaving project, have not been replaced. She’d like that done in the spring and has discussed it with Hubbell, Roth & Clark.
9. President’s Report: None.
10. Vice President’s Report: None.
11. Public Comment: None.
12. Meeting Adjourned: at 8:05 pm. The next board meeting is January 11. Julie will not be there in person, but will be able to take the minutes over speakerphone.
Respectfully submitted,
Julie Douse-Angileri, Secretary