Minutes of a meeting of the Planning Committee held on Tuesday 10 April 2012, at
7.00 pm, in the Council Chamber, Redbourn Parish Centre, The Park, Redbourn, AL3 7LR.
PRESENT: Cllrs D Mitchell (Chair), D Fenton, M Morton and Mrs V Windle.
IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs P Allcroft (Administrative Assistant)
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE:Cllr I Caldwell (holiday), R Gray (holiday), Mrs M Maynard (unwell), and C O’Donovan (holiday).
1.1Planning and Treework Applications received after publication of the Agenda: The Chairman agreed that 4 planning decisions could be noted under Item 8.7.
1.2Other urgent business for consideration at the meeting: None.
- OPEN SESSION FOR THE PUBLIC: No members of the public present.
- MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETINGS heldMonday 19 March 2012 were approved as
a correct record of the meeting and duly signed by the Chairman.
5.15/2012/0544 at Flowers Farm, Hemel Hempstead Road, Redbourn, AL3 7AE: Certificate of Lawfulness (existing) - Use of Unit 1 commercial activities as workshop and storage, and Units 2-6 for commercial activities as storage.
Recommend refusal. Members felt that a Certificate of Lawfulness was not the correct mechanism for approval of the industrial/commercial activities which had been developed at Flowers Farm over the last 10 years. During that period Redbourn Parish Council hadnotified the District Council of the existence of various unapproved activities but to no avail. Members doubted that approval would have been given if planning permission had been sought as the businesses were being set up because they all contravened the Green Belt Policy. The Clerk was asked to write to Heather Cheesborough and Andy Niedhardt (Case Officer).
5.25/2012/0708 at The Meadows, Hemel Hempstead Road, Redbourn, AL3 7AQ: Mobile home (retrospective).
Recommendrefusal. Redbourn Parish Council was unaware of a mobile on this site because it was concealed from the roadside view. Members believed the application should be looked at as a new application and refused on the grounds of Green Belt Policy.
5.45/2011/2943 at 73 Hemel Hempstead Road, Redbourn, AL3 7NL, (dated 02/03/2012): Single storey front extension, new roof with side rooflights and rear solar panels to create one, two bedroom self-contained first floor flat and alterations to openings.
Members noted that this application had already been approved.
5.55/2012/0680 at 5 Bylands House, 96 Dunstable Road, Redbourn, AL3 7QB: Replacement of existing window with french doors.
No objections.
6.1TP/ 131/12/CA at 34 High Street, Redbourn, Herts, AL3 7LL: Cut back all growth overhanging into garden of 36 High Street.
No objections.
6.2TP/ 139/12/CA: St Mary's Parish Church, Redbourn, Herts AL3 7NX: FIVE DAY NOTICE: Tree 1- Fell Beech tree due to disease; Tree 2 - Fell Beech tree due to disease;
Tree 3 - Fell Beech treed due to disease. All will be re-planted with same species.
No objections.
6.3Further discussion at request of Chairman re application for treeworks at 33a Crown Street(Giant Sequoia trees of Redbourn) discussed at last meeting.
Members noted this matter was now in the hands of a District Councillor; members confirmed they were happy to leave the decision to the Tree Officer.
7.PLANS NORTH – Members noted that at the next meeting on Monday 16 April 2012 Planning Application 5/2012/0274 for 8 Mansdale Road, Redbourn was to be considered, but agreedattendance was unnecessary.
Members noted the following:
8.1Applications Approved
8.1.15/2011/2983 at High Grange, Cherry Tree Lane, Hemel Hempstead, HP2 7HS:
Replacement two storey detached four bedroom dwelling and single storey outbuilding, erection of new entrance gates, brick piers and boundary fencing. Decision: DC3 Conditional Permission Decision Date: 27/03/2012.
8.2Applications Refused (None received)
8.3Certificate of Lawfulness (None received)
8.4Discharge of Conditions (None received)
8.4.15/2012/0241 78 High Street, Redbourn, AL3 7LN: Discharge of Conditions 2 (samples
of materials) and 3 (submission of further details) of planning permission 5/2011/1121 dated 02/08/2011 for Listed Building Consent - Removal of stud partition, redecoration of shop front, new fascia sign and hanging sign, replacement of mosaic tiles at front door and internal alterations. Decision: Discharge of Condition - Approved Decision Date: 23/03/2012
8.4.25/2012/0242 at 78 High Street, Redbourn, AL3 7LN: Proposal: Discharge of Condition 7(further details) of planning permission 5/2011/1119 dated 02/08/2011 for Advertisement Consent - Display of fascia sign and hanging sign. Decision: Discharge of Condition - Approved Decision Date: 23/03/2012.
8.4.35/2012/0362 at Crown House, 47-49 High Street, Redbourn, AL3 7LW: Discharge of
Condition 4 (building recording) and 6 (gate materials and specifications) of planning permission 5/2011/2174 dated 28/12/20111 for Listed Building Consent - Internal alterations, relocation of internal staircase, removal of external staircase, with associated works, installation of front gates, new trellis to east side boundary fence. Decision: Discharge of Condition - Approved Decision Date: 26/03/2012.
8.4.45/2012/0420 at 78 High Street, Redbourn, AL3 7LN: Discharge of Condition 3 (further
details) of planning permission 5/2011/1121 dated 02/08/2011 for Listed Building Consent - removal of stud partition, redecoration of shop front, new fascia sign and hanging sign, replacement of mosaic tiles at front door and internal alterations. Decision: Discharge of Condition - Approved Decision Date: 28/03/2012.
Members noted thefollowing which had been incorrectly placed on the agenda:
8.4.55/2012/0663 at Tullochside, Hemel Hempstead Road, Redbourn, AL3 7AJ: Discharge of
Conditions 4 (site development scheme) and 5 (landscaping schedule) of planning permission 5/2010/2087, allowed at appeal dated 15/12/2011, for Renewal of planning permission 5/02/1791 for the use of land as a residential caravan site, with an increase from 16 to 20 caravans and retention of use of existing hardstanding, boundary walls and associated operational development.
8.4.65/2012/0711 at 73 Hemel Hempstead Road, Redbourn: Discharge of Conditions 5 (noise/vibration insulation), 7 (soft landscape works) and 8 (landscape design proposals) of planning permission.
8.5Invalid Application (None received).
8.6.15/2012/0094 at Greenacres, 100 Dunstable Road, Redbourn, AL3 7PX: Detached
garage (retrospective) (resubmission following refusal of 5/2011/1781). Note: As this was a householder appeal there was no opportunity to send comments to the District Council.
8.7Decisions received after publication of the Agenda
8.7.1Refusal of 5/12/0380 at Kinsale Lamb Lane, Redbourn: First floor extension.
8.7.2Refusal of 5/12/0188 at 1 Cherry Tree Farm, Cherry Tree Lane, Hemel Hempstead: First
floor side and rear extension and alterations to openings (resubmission following refusal of 5/2011/2492)
8.7.3Permission for 5/12/0378 at 70 Harpenden Lane, Redbourn: Single storey side and first floor rear extension with sunpipe.
8.7.4Consent for 5/12/0262 at Bell Cottage, Lamb Lane, Redbourn: Listed Building consent – Replacement front porch and replacement entrance gates.
9.PLANNING LOG had been updated and circulated to members on Wednesday 4 April 2012.
12. DATE, TIME AND PLACE OF NEXT MEETING: Monday 30 April 2012, at 7.00 pm at the Parish Centre.
The meeting closed at 8.03pm.
Signed: …………………………………………………… Date: ……………………………….
Minutes of Planning Meeting held on Tuesday 10 April 2012(remain draft until signed)Page 1