This is the assignment that all professors teaching a section in the San Jacinto College Core Curriculum will agree upon, teach, assign, assess and document in Blackboard.
Course & Plan InformationCourse Rubric/Number / GEOG 1302
Course Title / Cultural Geography
Component Area / Language, Philosophy, & Culture
Outcomes assessed
(per district-wide syllabus) / Critical Thinking; Social Responsibility; Personal Responsibility; Communication Skills
Effective Date / Fall 2015
Summary (for faculty, expository explanation of assignment)
For this assignment, the students must analyze an article related to cultural geography. Faculty members can provide the students with the source(s) or encourage the students to research the sources. These sources can be primary sources, secondary sources, or a combination of these. They can be articles or books or various formats of primary sources (i.e., newspaper article, journal). For this assignment, students will be asked to:
1. Explain the topic of the article as well as the author’s main argument or focus.
2. Analyze the evidence that the author uses to support his/her thesis. Does the evidence support his/her thesis? What qualifications does the author have that make him/her qualified to write on the subject?
3. Provide comments and/or criticisms of the work. Read and comment on one or two contrary perspectives on the topic. How does this issue affect your world today and does is change your outlook in any way?
Parameters/Logistics (for faculty, specific parameters or logistics when implementing)
· (Do not remove, standard for all courses) The assignment must be collected through an “Assignment” content item in Blackboard. Faculty electing to use Turnitin may do so, but students will need to submit the document twice: first to the Bb “Assignment” content item and second to Turnitin.
· (Do not remove, standard for all courses) The assignment assesses an outcome included in the syllabus for the course; thus, all assignments should be included as a regular grade in the course. The assignment should not be considered optional, extra-credit, or a bonus activity.
Part 1 (for students, to be copy and pasted into the Blackboard Assignment item)
Assignment Title / Article Analysis
Aligned Outcomes / Critical Thinking; Social Responsibility; Personal Responsibility; Communication Skills
Description / I. Reading Selection:
Select an article pertaining to world regional geography covered in this course from a scholarly periodical from the San Jacinto College Library System (either in print or through a database.)
II. Preparation of Article Analysis:
A. Content
1. Thesis – Explain the topic of the article as well as the author’s main argument or focus.
EXPLAINED: The student is expected to write a thesis that presents the main point(s) of the article or the author’s thesis/argument, as well as, provide supporting sentences how this thesis or argument is proved in the article. Basically, why is this article so very important?
2. Evidence - Analyze the evidence that the author uses to support his/her thesis. Does the evidence support the thesis? (Please identify any primary sources used.) What qualifications does the author have that make him/her qualified to write on the subject?
EXPLAINED: What specific evidence (i.e., sources/references/documentation) does the author use to support (justify) his argument? Explain why and how the sources support or do not support the argument from the reader’s viewpoint.
3. Conclusion – Provide comments and/or criticisms of the work. Read and comment on one or two contrary perspectives on the topic (one must be primary.) How does this issue affect your world today and does is change your outlook in any way or push you toward any action?
EXPLAINED: The student is expected to write a final, logical conclusion to this article possibly explaining how the issues might impact the contemporary world or if the article changes your outlook on the issue. Remember, to focus on the existing article and make a logical, final concluding paragraph.
B. Style
1. Typewritten, Double-Spaced on Letter-size (8 1/2" x 11") Plain White Paper. Font Size must be Times New Roman 12 point
2. Length -500 to 750 words
3. Format - Put your name in the upper right hand corner.
Students must cite their work using Chicago Manual of Style or its companion, Turabian: A Manual for Writers
Notes (for faculty, do not include in Bb)
NOTE: Copy and paste the “PART #” section above as many times as needed to provide details regarding how the assignment should be structured and presented to students.
ScreenshotNOTE: Capture a single screenshot example of how the assignment – including all parts – may appear once developed in Blackboard.
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