Two Marks
- Distinguish between the structure and class.
- Compare between the ref and out keyword.
- Difference between the constant member and readonly member.
- What are the differences between multitasking and multithreading?
- Compare between ADO and ADO.NET
- What are the differences between connection oriented and connectionless oriented.
- What is Web form?
- Write the general notation of the ASP.NET control.
- Distinguish between the web service and remoting.
- Define marshaling and its types.
- What are boxing and unboxing? Give an example.
- Define inter – operability. How does .Net achieve this?
- What is the use of static constructor in C#?
- What is the use of ‘new’ in inheritance?
- List out the different types of application that can be created on .NET.
- What is disconnected data architecture? What is the advantage if this?
- Distinguish between post – back event and non – post back event. Give an example.
- What is the use of server side controls?
- What is difference between the SingleCall Singleton?
- What are assemblies?
Big Questions
- Write short notes about characteristics of C#
- Compare and contrast of about C# and Java language.
- Explain the .Net Architecture with neat diagram.
- List out the various value and reference types supported in C#.
- What is a jagged array? Explain its use with simple example.
- Write a C# program to calculate Simple interest and compound interest.
- Write a C# program to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius and Celsius to Fahrenheit.
- An electric power distribution company charges its domestic consumes as follows:
Consumption Units / Rate of Charge
0 – 200 / Rs. 0.50 per unit
201 – 400 / Rs. 100 plus Rs. 0.65 per unit excess of 200
401 – 600 / Rs. 200 plus Rs. 0.80 per unit excess of 400
601 and above / Rs. 300 plus Rs. 1.00 per unit excess of 600
- Write a C# program using static keyword to read customer no. and power consumed and print the amount to be paid by the customer.
- Develop a program to illustrate method overriding concept in C#.
- Write a C# program to addition of two complex numbers using operator overloading.
- Explain the polymorphism and interface of the C#.
- Write a C# program to overload of < and > operator.
- Write a C# program to arithmetic operation using delegates.
- Develop a windows application for attendance percentage calculation with the following requirements.
- Get register number, Name, Total No. of Days, No. of days Present from the user.
- Calculate the attendance percentage
- Store it to the database.
- Display all the data.
- Write windows – based application to find the average of five subject marks. Assume that the five subject marks are entered in text boxes and the average is also displayed in a text box.
- Implementing the following queries using command objects and stored procedures.
- Adding a row
- Selecting a row
- Updating a row
- Deleting a row
- List out the categories of controls supported in windows based application and explain the importance of each.
- Write a C# program to creating window based calculator with your own UI.
- Explain the ADO.Net architecture.
- Write a database application to display the details of student table details in a data grid control.
- Write ASP.NET program to create web based calculator.
- Write a web – based application to check the entered username and password are valid or not. Check the entered user name and password of a web form with a database table.
- Explain the Web form life cycle with suitable example.
- Compare ASP andASP.NET.
- Write a C# program to View state management in ASP.NET.
- Write a C# program to Session State management in ASP.NET
- What is Reflection? Explain the all types of the Reflection.
- Write a remoting application which returns the maximum and minimum temperature of a given city.
- Define assembly. Explain the various types of assembly with example.
- Write a remoting application of calculator program in C#.