Product:SenSura Mio Two Piece Mechanical Coupling Baseplate with Deep Convexity
Applicant:Coloplast Pty Ltd
Date of SPAP Meeting:17 &18 August 2015
- Proposed Listing on the Stoma Appliance Scheme
The applicant, ColoplastPtd Ltd, sought listing of the SenSura Mio Two Piece Mechanical Coupling Baseplate with Deep Convexity in subgroup 4(c) of the Stoma Appliance Scheme (SAS) Schedule. The product, including 12 variants,was proposed for listing at the benchmark unit price of $5.839, with a maximum monthly quantity of 20 units.
- Comparator
The applicantnominated ColoplastAlterna (SAS code 3559H) from its own range which is currently listed in subgroup 4(c) as the comparator. This product is currently listed at the unit price of $5.839, with a maximum monthly quantity of 20 units.
- Background
This was the Stoma Product Assessment Panel (SPAP)’s first consideration of this product.
- Clinical Place for the Product
The proposed product provides an alternative for users requiring a deep convex cut-to-size baseplate and for use as part of a two-piece mechanical coupling ostomy system.
- SPAP Comment
Clinical Analysis
The Panel noted that the proposed product is an updated version of the currently listed ColoplastAlterna (SAS code 3559H). The difference between the two products is the greater adhesion, flexibility and body fit technology of the proposed product.
The applicant stated that the product is expected to deliver additional value to that of existing products and a price premium may be appropriate. However, due to evidence not yet being available they sought listing at the benchmark price. SPAP noted this statement.
Without additional evidence the SenSura Mio Two Piece Mechanical Coupling Baseplate with Deep Convexity is considered to be equivalent to products currently available at the benchmark price in subgroup 4(c), therefore listing on a cost minimisation basis was considered appropriate.
Economic Analysis
Not undertaken.
Financial Analysis
Listing of this product is recommended on a cost minimisation basis compared with the notional benchmark product in subgroup 4(c) of the SAS Schedule. It is therefore unlikely that there would be any budgetary impact for the SAS as a consequence of listing this product under the conditions requested by the applicant
- SPAP Recommendation
The SPAP recommended that SenSura Mio Two Piece Mechanical Coupling Baseplate with Deep Convexity, be listed in subgroup 4(c) of the SAS Schedule at a unit price of $5.839, including 12 variants, with a maximum monthly quantity of 20 units.
- Context for Decision
The SPAP helps decide whether stoma products should be subsidised and, if so, the conditions of their subsidisation in Australia. It considers submissions in this context. An SPAP decision not to recommend listing or changes to a listing does not represent a final SPAP view about the merits of a particular stoma product. A company can resubmit to the SPAP following a decision not to recommend listing or changes to a listing. The SPAP is an advisory committee and as such its recommendations are non-binding on Government. All SPAP recommendations are subject to Cabinet/Ministerial approval.
- Applicant’s Comment
Coloplast Pty Ltd respect and agree with the SPAP recommendation.