Washington Math Pathways to Completion (MPC) Commitment Form
[DEADLINE: September 1, 2017]
To: Washington Math Pathways to Completion Task Force
Barbara Alvin, Eastern Washington University,
Helen Burn, Highline College,
Bill Moore, SBCTC Director of K-12 Partnerships,
Jane Sherman, Charles A. Dana Center consultant,
Re: Letter of Commitment for Institutional Pathways Scaling project
As part of our institutional participation in the Washington Math Pathways to Completion (MPC) statewide scaling effort, we will coordinate our efforts with the MPC leadership team. We understand that as we develop or expand math pathways at our institution technical assistance from the University of Texas at Austin’s Charles A. Dana Center will be available through 2018 through (a.) tools and resources via the DCMP resource website, and (b.) direct support through workshops focused on implementation. Beyond 2018, in-state support will be provided through the MPC project. We will also have the opportunity to apply for funding from College Spark to support our local work.
Specifically, we agree to the following:
Commit to pathways vision
· Offer at least three of the five college-level Direct Transfer Agreement (DTA) math pathways: STEM, Statistics, Math in Society, Math for Elementary Education, and Business Precalculus.
· Make all math pathways offered available to all associate degree seeking and transfer students (at community and technical colleges) and to all freshmen (at baccalaureate institutions).
· If precollege math courses are offered, utilize a model that includes at least two precollege pathways aligned in terms of content and rigor to the DTA math pathways offered. The pathways should be designed with the goal of having at least 75% of entering students earn college math credit in one year or less.
· Ensure that local placement policy allows differentiated placement for different math pathways.
· Create an advising tool (pathway visual) based on a template to be provided.
Participate in project activities
· Send a team of three to five (3-5) to the Fall 2017 Math Pathways Institute (Oct. 24, Spokane or Oct. 26, Seattle).
· Participate in other project-related webinars.
· Assess the effectiveness of advising processes for math pathways.
· Consult with math faculty and key partner discipline faculty to consider how local math pathways offered align with the available statewide DTA math pathways curricular definitions.
· Convene key faculty and staff to review, revise and/or expand available math pathways and to identify professional learning needs and interests related to math-specific learning and assessment strategies.
· Collaborate with other institutions using the same or similar pre-college math pathway model to examine successes and challenges in terms of implementation and success.
Complete reporting and data requirements
· Submit a draft implementation plan with this letter of support (template provided).
· Compile and share available baseline data on student math enrollment and success.
· Compile and share additional data as needed in consultation with the Dana Center and the external evaluators for the project.
· Complete year-end progress report (template provided)
· Create and maintain a program inventory that identifies the gateway math course and other required math courses for each program of study.
· Examine local data (provided by MPC leadership) related to transfer and applicability of college-level math courses in order to further clarify math pathways.
College or University (PRINT complete name)
Chief Academic Officer (PRINT first and last name, title)
Signature Date
Washington Math Pathways to Completion (MPC) Commitment Form 2