The Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council
Held in the Village Hall, Birstall Road, Birstall
On Monday 10 March 2008
Councillor S Jones (in the Chair)
Councillors M Coley, G Evans-Hay, C Geschke &K J Grundy
CouncillorsA Abbey, J Cassidy, C D Clarke, P Cleere, A Fowler, J Garner, D Gaskell, D F MarshallK Wood
Also in attendance:
Mr R M Wilson (Borough & County Councillor)
2 members of the public
Officers: Mrs J Hutton (Deputy Parish Clerk) & Ms B Thomas (Parish Clerk)
CouncillorM Houghton
Councillor J N Mays
PC C Falle & PCSO M Butler (Syston LPU)
8151Declarations of Interest
CouncillorS Jones declared a Personal Interest as a Borough Councillor in Planning and Licensing Matters.
Councillor C D Clarke declared a Personal Interest in the Hallam Fields Development due to the fact that he lives within the vicinity.
Councillor J Garner declared a Prejudicial Interest in Planning Application P/08/0497/2.
Councillor C Geschke declared a Personal Interest in Agenda Item 15a Local Government East Midlands.
One Member of the public arrived at the Meeting.
8152To sign as an accurate record the Minutes of the Council Meeting held 11 February 2008
The Clerk informed Members that in the Minutes of 11February 2008, that there was a typing error on page 7826 under RESOLVED: Item b and that this should read:
‘Parish Clerk’s Progress Report’ and ‘Councillors Reports and Items for Future Agendas’ be includedon an Agenda with the strict proviso that no decisions could be taken on these items.
The Clerk pointed out that this was to clarify that ‘Councillors Reports and items for future Agendas’ formed one heading and not two as indicated.
RESOLVED:that subject to the above amendment, the above Minutes be signed as a true and accurate record.
8153Parish Clerk’s Progress Report
a)Public Participation – Parking Issues, School Lane
The Clerk had contacted the Police regarding this issue who had subsequently contacted the Borough Council and County Council, to ascertain what, if anything, could be done to help alleviate these issues. She would undertake costings for providing an attendant and report back to the Estates & Recreation Committee.
Mr R M Wilson arrived at the Meeting.
b)Police Reports
The Committee dates and Agenda dispatch dates had been forwarded to PC C Falle to enable him to endeavour to provide Crime update figures in time for circulation with the Agenda. He advised that he would consider changing the format of his Report if Members advised him of what changes they would like to see to the Report.
c)Post Office Closures
The Clerk advised that there was no progress to report at the current time.
d)Public Toilets – Stonehill Avenue
A letter had been sent to Charnwood Borough Council.
e)Notice of Casual Vacancy – Goscote Ward
As no election was called for this vacancy, the Council could now co-opt. Whilst there were two people interested for standing for the vacancy, it was necessary in the interest of fairness to advertise this vacancy in the Birstall Post with a view to a co-option taking place in April.
f)Licensed Premises in Birstall
Research had been undertaken on the current Licensing Policy of Charnwood Borough Council and letters were being finalised to send to the relevant parties. Once responses had been received, a Report would be brought before the Council.
g)Complaint regarding issues from 139 Sibson Road
The Clerk advised members that Planning restrictions on the premises for deliveries were from 6.00 am to 10.00 pm Monday to Saturday (8.00 am to 4.00 pm on Sunday) and that there was no provision under which the Council could request these to be altered. However, Charnwood Borough Council’s Environmental Health Officer had an undertaking from the Manager of the store that deliveries would not be taken prior to 7.00 am Monday to Saturday and 8.00 am on Sunday.
8154To receive the Minutes of the Gala Committee held on 11 February 2008 and to consider any recommendations contained therein
RESOLVED: that the above Minutes be received.
8155To receive the Minutes of the Management & Policy Committee held 14 February 2008 and to consider any recommendations contained therein
RESOLVED:that the above Minutes be received.
8156Crime update Report for Birstall – Pc C Falle, Leicestershire Constabulary
PC C Falle was unable to attend the Meeting but his Crime Figures below, had previously been circulated to Members:
Various questions and comments were made including how many days the beat Officer was actually on duty in Birstall, underage drinking, response times and issues regarding the Community Support Officer.
The Clerk agreed to raise these issues with PC C Falle and report back to the Council.
Category / November 2007: / December2007: / February
Drugs / 0 / 1 / 2
Public Order / 1 / 1 / 0
Assault & Harassment / 5 / 5 / 3
Robbery / 0 / 1 / 2
Theft of Motor Vehicle / 12 / 1 / 1
Theft from Motor Vehicle / 7 / 6
Damage to Motor Vehicle / 6 / 9 / 1
Burglary other than Dwelling / 14 / 5 / 9
Burglary Dwelling / 2 / 1 / 2
Theft from Stores / 1 / 0 / 1
Fraud / 0 / 2 / 2
Theft / 9 / 4 / 6
Theft – Person / 1 / 0 / 1
Damage / 10 / 22 / 6
Theft of Cycle / 0 / 1 / 1
Miscellaneous / 0 / 0 / 0
Indecency / 1 / 0 / 1
Non-Recordable / 0 / 0 / 0
8157Public Participation – residents were invited to give their views or question the Parish Council on issues on this Agenda, or raise issues for future consideration at the discretion of the Chairman
a)Parking – School Lane
A School Lane resident had attended to further complain about parking on School Lane at weekends.
The Clerk advised that she was looking into the possibility of a car parking attendant but would also ask Charnwood Borough Council if a Street Warden could visit over the weekend. She also advised that she would be writing to all the Football Clubs to advise them of the problems caused by parking on this busy street.
b)Rainwater drainage
A School Lane resident complained about the amount of rainwater puddles along School Lane particularly after heavy rain.
The Clerk agreed to contact LeicestershireCounty Council to arrange to have the drains cleared to alleviate the problem.
8158Parking on Wanlip Lane – to consider the action Charnwood Borough Council proposed in relation to this issue
The Clerk presented her Report referring Members to the photographs and letters that had been circulated with the Agenda.
Charnwood Borough Council had sent a survey to the residents affected and a response to the survey was awaited.
RESOLVED:that a request be made to Charnwood Borough Council for :-
a)the grassed area to be replaced with tarmac on the odd-numbered side of Wanlip Lane.
b)the even-numbered side to have bollards placed on the edge of the grass.
8159Proposed 100 hours per week Pharmacy, Whiles Lane, Birstall – to consider whether or not Members wished to comment to the LeicestershireCountyRutland Primary Care Trust on this Application
Members were generally in favour of this Application but concern was expressed at the residential location of the surgery and deliveries to the premises.
RESOLVED:that the Clerk would ascertain what consultation had taken place with local residents and express the Council’s comments.
8160Chairman’s Announcements
a)Mr Tony Abbey
The Chairman introduced the new Greengate Ward Councillor Mr Tony Abbey to the Meeting.
b)Councillor Training
The Chairman advised Members that training was available through the Leicestershire & Rutland Association of Local Councils and urged Members to take the opportunity to attend the courses offered.
8161Planning Applications:
i)The following Applications were considered but no comments were forthcoming:-
Having declared a Prejudicial Interest, Councillor J Garner left the Meeting.
P/08/0196/2, P/08/0295/2, P/08/0336/2, P/08/0471/2, P/08/0491/2, P/08/0497/2, P/08/0499/2, P/08/0503/2, P/08/0522/2 & P/08/0555/2.
Councillor J Garner returned to the Meeting.
ii)Notification had been received from Charnwood Borough Council of Approval of the following Applications:-
P/07/3611/2, P/08/0026/2 & P/08/0051/2.
b)Application No. P/00/2507/2 – mixed use development comprising 900 dwellings, business park (24,000 m²) fire station, primary school, local centre (retail and community uses), formation of public open space. Two accesses from A6 and footbridge over A6. Demolition of 57 Harrowgate Drive to create pedestrian / cycle link. Construction of park and ride facility for 1,000 cars (Total site area 71.5 ha) – Land to north of Harrowgate Drive and West and East of the A6 Birstall – Jelson Ltd and Palmer-Tompkinson Trust – Landscaping
The Clerk advised that this Application was an amendment to the landscaping only.
8162Accounts for Payment and Paid Out of Meeting
RESOLVED:that the Accounts for February be approved.
8163Expenditure for Approval
a)Local Government East Midlands- Subscription Renewal – to consider whether or not Members wished to continue with this subscription at a cost of £360 + VAT
The Clerk advised that whilst there were some Parish Services available through this Organisation, it was predominantly for District Councils.
RESOLVED:that this subscription be allowed to lapse.
b)LeicestershireRutland Association of Local Councils – Renewal Fees £721.83 (NALC Membership £461.30 and LRALC £260.53)
The Clerk advised that this Organisation was aimed specifically at Parish issues and also provided legal advice.
RESOLVED:that this subscription be renewed.
c)Maintenance Agreement for Roller Shutters for the Pavilion – cost per annum £450.00 (3 year agreement)
RESOLVED:that this item be deferred to the Estates & Recreation Committee.
8164Information on Public Participation requested at previous Meeting
The Clerk’s Report had been circulated with the Agenda which advised Members that the heading was for members of the public to interact with Council Members at Meetings and not for Councillors to raise issues on behalf of the public.
RESOLVED:that if Members wished to raise and debate issues on behalf of the public then they should either:-
a)request an Agenda item via the Clerk within the specified deadline.
b)raise an issue under the Agenda item ‘Councillors Reports and items for future Agendas’.
8165Dispatch of Agendas – to consider increasing the period from three clear working days to five clear working days(which does not include the day of dispatch, the day of the Meeting of weekends) – item included at the request of Councillor C D Clarke
Councillor C D Clarke had contacted Charnwood Borough Council who confirmed they dispatched their Agendas one week and one day prior to Council Meetings and asked Council Members to consider whether or not they wished to follow the same practice. Although Councillor C D Clarke advised that he was not seeking a decision from Members and would it to the discretion of the Clerk.
The Clerk advised Members that the dispatch of Agendas had already been brought forward so that they were being dispatched three clear working days (not including dispatch and the day of the Meeting) in order to comply with both the legal requirements and Best Practice.
She added that Members needed to consider that the amount of paperwork supplied to Borough Councillors was far more substantial than that received by Parish Councillors and that Principal Councils had a requirement to make background papers available to the public for early inspection, something which the Parish was not legally required to do.
Concern was expressed about the addition of late Agenda items and she informed Members that unlike Principal Councils, there was no legal provision which allowed Parish Councils to include late urgent items on the Agenda. Therefore, anything received by the Council after the Agenda had been published and which could not wait until the next council Meeting, would have to be dealt with by the Clerk as an urgent matter. Good practice - backed by case Law - stated that the Clerk would consult with the Chairman and / or other Members as appropriate when making such decisions. Her main concern was that Members may then feel that they were being excluded from the decision making process and that the Council was being run by a minority.
The Clerk also acknowledged that whilst Councillor C D Clarke had not sought a decision on this item, it would help her determine Members’ wishes on this item if a decision was taken.
A motion was moved and seconded that the existing provision for dispatch of Agendas be retained.
RESOLVED:that the Agendas be dispatched three clear working days prior to a Meeting (not including the day of dispatch or the day of the Meeting).
8166To appoint a Member to represent the Council on the Area Forum
The Clerk advised Members that as the Chairman currently represented the Forum as a Borough Councillor, a Parish Councillor was sought to represent the views of the Parish Council.
RESOLVED:that Councillor J Cassidy represents the Parish Council on the Area Forum.
8167Reports by Members attending Meetings of outside bodies
a)Councillor A Fowler
Councillor A Fowler advised Members that he had attended a Meeting with the Clerk and Youth Leader Nicki Rhodes with a view to setting up a Youth Council. Grants and funding issues were also to be investigated.
8168Councillor’s Reports and items for future Agendas – Councillors are requested to use this opportunity to report minor matters of information not include elsewhere on the Agenda and to raise items for future Agendas
No particular items were forthcoming.
8169Date of next Meeting
The date of the next Meeting of the Council is scheduled for Monday 14 April 2008, preceded by the Annual Parish Meeting at 7.00 pm.
The Meeting concluded at 8.55 pm.