Photo Story Demo Activity

To be completed in two 40-minute classes

Carefully and thoroughly follow each and every step in the order shown. As described in step 1, there are several files that you will need to download for this activity.

Directions for PhotoStory3 Demo Activity

1. Download alleight demofilesfrom the Level 3 Resources webpage at Mr. Free’s class website - and save them on your flash drive.You should put them in a new subfolder called "demo activity", so you can find all of them easily later.

2. Before you can use a PowerPoint slide in PhotoStory3,you must save itas a picture(jpeg) file. Note:for the first IB Design Cycle project, you will create some frames in PowerPoint - each of them must be saved as a picture (whether a bulleted list or a collage of pictures) before you can import into PhotoStory3. You will do it the same way we are doing this in this demo.

To do this:

a. Open thedemo PowerPoint slidethat you downloaded, in PowerPoint.

b. Click Save As, and when the dialog box opens, look near the bottom of the dialog box (right below where you enter a filename) and you will see “Save as type” – click the drop down arrow at the end of this box and scroll way down until you seeJPEG File Interchange Formatand select that.

c. As always, indicatewhere you want it to be saved (the "demo activity" folder you created above would be the best choice so your files are all together) and what you want to call the file – remember where you saved it so you can find it later to insert in PhotoStory3.

d. If it asks you if you want to save all slides in the document say yes – this will help on the project if you have multiple PowerPoint slides you want to convert all at once. It will save each slide as a separate jpeg file in a newfolder with the name of the PowerPoint presentation.

3. Open PhotoStory3 (under All Programs). Save your Photo Story project file with a name of your choice - in your "demo activity" folder in flash drive, before you start importing pictures, and frequently as you work on your movie.

a.Click "begin a new story", then “import pictures” on the next page.You will have to browse to the "demo activity" folder where you saved the downloaded demo files andthe converted to jpeg PowerPointfile. You can add multiple photo files at the same time by simply holding down the CTRL key and clicking each file you want to add to Photo Story.

b.In Photo Story, move the pictures in the order you want them by clicking and dragging them to the right place – you can put them in any order you want. Each picture will be a frame in your movie.Click on your first picture (frame), and you can edit the picture by clicking the icons below it. Click the arrow to move to your other pictures and make any edits you need.When you are done editing the photos and have the frames in the desired order, click "next."

c.You canadd a titleoverlay or captionto any frame by typing the words in the dialog box then clicking the icons to position the title overlay, change the font and color, etc. by clicking the icons. You can also add special effects by clicking the drop down arrow on the box that appears under your pictures. To move from frame to frame, clickthe little arrow next to the effects box. Add at least two captions and one special effect. Then click "next."

d. You can add voice narration during the project, but we will skip this today. This is also where you can control the timing of your movie. Photo Story will automatically add timing to move forward from one frame to the next but if you have a lot of information or pictures on a frame, you will probably want to slow it down a bit. Adjust the time on one frame of your choice by clicking "Customize Motion" and making your choices. When you have completed, click “next.”

e.Add sounds to your movie.Click on the picture where you want the sound to start then click the “Select Music” button and browse to the file with your downloaded info. You will see two files to import into Photo Story.The one is a voice, and other is a brief clip of music - you can add them in any order.

f. You will also want to try creating your own music. Pick a picture where you want your created music to start and click "Create Music" Check out the wide variety of music available and make your selections. Click "play" to see how it sounds and next to save it.

g.Click "save your story for playback on your computer" Browse to where you want the file saved (your "demo project" file). Click "save project to save your project before rendering your movie. Once you have saved, click "next" to render a completed movie. Your movie will not be saved as a completed movie with all pictures and sounds embedded until you do this step -you cannot just save it as an activity or project. Then you can play your completed movie.

h. When you get back to the "add background music" screen click preview to check out your movie. When you are satisfied, click OK.

i. When your movie is completed, make sure that you save it in your folder on your flash drive.