Dear Parent or Guardian,

Re: JPII Graduation 2018

Our graduation date is set and is fast approaching. It is a time when we celebrate all your child’s accomplishments together as a John Paul II neighborhood school community. We are grateful to the members of the JPII Grad Committee who are devoted to presenting a dignified, inviting and memorable event to the class or 2018.

Over the years, the JPII grad has been held in a number of venues in the community, most recently the Metroland Media Agriplex at the Western Fair. This is an attractive venue because it provides virtually unlimited seating for family members. Unfortunately, the cost of the facility has risen considerably. As a result, the grad committee is seeking input from family and graduates in selecting a venue for this year and we are presenting three possible options. Our overall criteria for considering possible venues is as follows:

•Seating capacity

•Quality of space and overall suitability for a solemn celebration like graduation

•Support services and convenience for set up, and access for families and grads

•Financial burden on families and the school

SCENARIO #1 / Same location as last year
Metroland MediaAgriplex at Western Fair District
Unlimited capacity for guests
No facility for refreshments following ceremony / $100 grad fee Due to main office by Monday, April
30th, 2018
SCENARIO #2 / Proposed New location –Northpark Community Church
Limited capacity 800 persons, therefore,
MAX 4 guests per graduate
Facilities for refreshments if desired / $75 grad fee Due to main office by Monday, April
30th, 2018
SCENARIO #3 / JPII gymnasium
Very limited capacity 720 ppl MAX, therefore,
MAX 3guests per graduate
Refreshments will be served afterwards / $70 grad fee Due to main office by Monday, April
30th, 2018

Please be advised: If scenario 2 or 3 are chosen, entry will be limited

to ticket holders only. Seatingwill be limited.

The graduation fee helps to offset the cost of the Grade 12 luncheon, printing of diplomas and programs, the graduation picture processing and sitting fee, gowns, caps and tassels, JPII medallions, grad composite and custom folder and reception. (Students who pay their grad fee and do not qualify to graduate will be refunded $40. Students who would like a graduation composite and who are not attending the graduation ceremony will be charged $40.)

The following chart shows some of the key dates leading up to this important celebration.

February 26th / GRAD PHOTOS
Grads must pre-book online = JPS
March 1st / GRAD gown orders. Please complete the form and submit to the main office by this date
June 21st / GRADE 12 JAG DAY
Mass at 8:15 a.m. Mary Immaculate Catholic Church, 1980 Trafalgar Street
•Parents are welcome
•Mass is followed by medallion distribution, Community Service Awards, Spirituality Awards & guest speaker
•Students are reminded to please dress appropriately for a church celebration – modest, comfortable, dignified and dressy.
•Return to JPII for Group Grad Photo
•Grad Luncheon in our cafetorium
Gown distribution - Don’t forget to bring it on graduation day
June 28th / GRADUATION DAY– Thursday, June 28th, 2018
Mandatory rehearsal for all grads @ location at 1 p.m. sharp
•Make sure you iron your gown & bring it to grad

We encourage you to discuss this letter as a family and decide which scenario is best. Students will be given the opportunity to vote for the scenario of their choice on Friday, February 23rd at the beginning of period 1.

As a reminder, it is the responsibility of each potential graduate to ensure that they have completed the required courses to graduate. In addition, each potential graduate must have completed and verified 40 hours of community service.

Thank you for your attention to these graduation details. We wish your child continued academic success and positive experiences as they finish their final semester leading up to their graduation. It will be a wonderful celebration!


Mrs. S. Standish

Vice Principal