PTO General Meeting- November 4, 2015
- Meeting called to order at 6:06 pm
- Minutesread from previous meeting
- Treasurer’s report Ellen presented the treasurer’s report
- Principal’s report: The carnival was well run. Teachers are working on scheduling conferences. School is preparing for the Starstruck performances
- Teacher’s report-Tiffany Butler: Carnival went well. Teachers and families seemed to have fun. Lots of people participated in dress up days for Red Ribbon Week. Kids were excited about earning ducks from GAF fundraiser.
- Old Business
- Carnival
- Thanks to everyone who helped makes the evening a success. It was a lot of fun and great reviews
- Considerations for next year-
- Make everything closer together… especially vendors.
- Consider adding a Trunk or Treat?
- Consider including Middle Schoolers (AVID/Leadership) students in more activities and build the partnership with GEMS
- Totalsare still coming in from the food vendors… more info to come
- Ellen and a team of helpers are in the process of getting all the orders together and ready for submission.
- Cookie Dough should be in late November after Thanksgiving break
- Ice Cream Party Scheduled for November 17th at the end of the day for those who sold at least 3 items.
- Limo Ride scheduled for December 10th
- Pizza Round up Fundraiser Kristin is looking into setting up a date
- Jamba Juice Fundraiser- Follow up in Spring
- Box Tops- Thanks to Carmen Johansen for chairing Box Tops. The winner of the first submission is Mrs. Bryant’s class with 1,394 Box Tops! Way to go! Carmen will be working with the classroom teacher to set up the ice cream party they earned.
- Carmen is also looking into a program through Sams Club to earn extra box tops. More to come!
- Thank you to Mrs. Butler for chairing Red Ribbon Week. The students thoroughly enjoyed the dress up days and also everyone learned about ways to stay healthy.
- Parent Education meeting regarding Common Core?? Still working on this – finding someone who is qualified and willing to present.
- New Business
- Date night- December 17th Need someone willing to chair/co-chair
- CRAB FEED!!!! Still working on the details and date. Projected March 4th. 6-11 pm
- We still need to get the paperwork in and location/food vendor secured.
- We need a committee to help with this event
- We discussed the crab issues in the news. Lincoln Lions gets crab from OR and WA – colder waters so they are not having the issues with algae
- Minute to Win it- April 21 – We will plan after the holiday break
- Barnes and Noble fundraiser- November 22- November 30th
- Lego Club- Andrew Fukui to present (See attached proposal)A motion was made and approved to set aside $200, not to exceed $300, for the Lego Club to get started. Timing of club, behavior contracts, etc. to be determined at a later date.
- Open Forum
- Raleys and Target rewards – we need to advertise and get more people enrolled
- Becoming an Amazon affiliate – Ellen is looking into
- Close Meeting – Meeting was adjourned at 7:16 pm