Central Dauphin East High School
Activities List
Sport / Music /Advisor
/ Deadline /Commitment
Anime Club / Ms. Sprunk / Interest / None / Meets weekly on Tuesdays in room 243
Art Club / Mr. DeMartyn / Interest / None / Meets weekly on Wednesdays in Art Room
Book Club / Mr. Leonard / Interest / 2X a month after school.
Bowling Club / Mrs. Hottenstein / No experience nec.
$7.00/practice once a week in October;
competition Nov-Mar;
$20-$25 team shirt;
transportation not provided / Fall sign-up
Sanction fee $11-$12 / Sanctioned bowlers may enter tournaments.
Varsity and Junior Varsity league play during competition at local lanes on East and West shore.
Cheerleading / Ms. Scott
Mrs. Hanson / 8-11 grade students
Spring try-outs
Teacher recommen. / Football and Basketball seasons
Chem Club / Miss Cook / Must have taken or currently taking Chemistry / None / Meets weekly.
Environmental Club / Mrs. Clark
Mrs. Fortenbaugh / Interest/Open to all / None / Every Thursday after school for paper recycling
Envirothon / Mrs. Fortenbaugh & Mrs. Clark / Interest/member of Environmental Club / As needed / Meetings after school
Competition in May
ESL Club / Mr. Wagner
FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) / Mr. Fackler / None / None / Meetings are the second & fourth Thursday of each month during the school year.
Future Business Leaders of America / Mr. Carley
Mrs. Trumbower / Application & dues / Mid-September / Meetings & community service projects and fundraising
GSA / Mr. St. Clair / Interest / None / Weekly Meetings
Ice Hockey / TBA / 6-12 grade; fees payable by fundraising
Aug-Mar / Dec 31st / Ice practices Monday
2 day weight training
1 week summer camp
Fundraising to cover fees
Impact (Christian Club) / Mrs. Dunkle / Open to all students. / None / Will meet Tuesdays after school in room 133.
Indoor Track & Field Club / Mr. Green
Mr. Galloway / 9-12th grade students interested in participating in indoor track. / Weekly practices.
Key Club / Mrs. Blaisure / Dues-$15.00 / Application deadline is October 15 / Attendance at all meetings and monthly service projects.
Latin Club / Ms. Sprunk / Interest / None / Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesdays each month
Model UN– Hbg. Penn State Campus / Mr. Bryan / Interest, meeting with advisor / Fall sign-ups / Practices & competition
National Honor Society / Mrs. Shughart / 10-12 grade students:
GPA 90%
Service, Leadership,
Character, Academics / May Induction
The Panther Print
(student newspaper) / Ms. Scarle / Teacher recommendation/
student interest; biweekly meetings; ability to meet deadlines / Mid-September sign-up / Attendance at meetings and participation in 5 issues of the paper.
Photography Club / Mr. Sells / Interest / Meets 2nd Tuesday of each month.
PTSO-Parent, Teacher, Student Organization / Mrs. Kozlowski / 9-12 grade students
Dues: $2.00 / Ongoing / School year
Quiz Bowl/High Q / Ms. Hawley / Interest in academic trivia / Fall sign-ups / Alternating Monday afternoon practices and matches with other teams in the Capital Area Quiz Bowl League
Red Cross Club / Mrs. Euker
Ms. Hock / Interest / Ongoing / After school meetings, community service projects & fundraising.
Renaissance Council / Ms. Getty
Miss Howard / 9-12 grade students
must submit application to advisor with teacher recommendations / Fall sign-up / 1 year
Attendance at meetings and events - Meets throughout the year working where necessary to program and promote school spirit & community.
School Store / Mrs. Santanna / Preferably reliable members of FBLA / October 1 / After school hours from 2:30-2:45 Monday-Friday & Tuesday lunches
Science Olympiad / Ms. Fulmer / Event selection process / Fall sign-ups / Meetings after school 2 times a month. Mandatory Tournament April 6. Individual & group work & studying.
Ski Club / Mr. DeMartyn / Application & $ / Late October
Study Abroad Club / Mrs. Williams / Interest / None / Traveling abroad/fundraising/meetings after school
Tech Ed Club / Mr. Moore
Mr. Ward
Mr. Ludwig
Mr. Heidenthal / Interest / End of December / Every Tuesday after school in Itech 2 from 2:40-4:30.
TVC: TV Club / Mr. Heidenthal / Must be enrolled in TV 1 or TV 2 / October 12th / After school commitments, typically once a month on a Wednesday.
Yearbook / Miss Colbert
Mrs. Hawley (Business Advisor)
Class of 2013 / Mrs. Busher / Application/
Selection / Current school year / After school meetings, committee work, etc.
Class of 2014 / Ms. Stotz / Application/
Selection / Current school year / After school meetings, committee work, etc.
Class of 2015 / Mr. St. Clair / Application/
Selection / Current school year / After school meetings, committee work, etc.
Class of 2016 / Mrs. Sanders / Application/
Selection / Current school year / After school meetings, committee work, etc.
Baseball – Boys
Varsity / Mr. Mazzolla / Try-outs / Try-outs in March
Baseball – Boys JV / Mr. Mazzolla / Try-outs / Try-outs in March
Basketball – Boys
Varsity / Mr. Hasenfuss / Try-outs / Try-outs November / Pre-season conditioning in fall
Basketball – Boys JV / Mr. English / Try-outs / Try-outs November / Pre-season conditioning in fall
Basketball – Boys
9th grade / Mr. Blanding / Try-outs / Try-outs November / Pre-season conditioning in fall
Basketball – Girls
Varsity / Mr. Harvey / Try-outs / Try-outs November / Pre-season conditioning in fall
Basketball – Girls JV / Ms. O’Neil / Try-outs / Try-outs November / Pre-season conditioning in fall
Basketball – Girls 9th / Mr. Haviland / Try-outs / Try-outs November / Pre-season conditioning in fall
Cross Country / Mr. Seidler / Physical
P.I.A.A. insurance / August / Pre-season conditioning in spring, summer (voluntary)
Field Hockey –
Varsity / Mrs. Williams / Try-outs / August / Pre-season conditioning in spring, summer
Field Hockey – JV / Mrs. Williams / Try-outs / August / Pre-season conditioning in spring, summer
Football – Varsity/JV / Mr. Chaump / Physical
P.I.A.A. insurance / Starting date: August / Summer weight training Mon-Wed-Thurs 8:00am-11:00am
Football – Freshman / Mr. O’Leary / Physical
P.I.A.A. insurance / Starting date: August / Summer weight training Mon-Wed-Thurs 8:00am-11:00am
Golf-(Fall) / Mr. Sierer / Try-outs / Starting date: August
Lacrosse-Boys / Mr. Blanding / Try-outs
Lacrosse – Girls / Mr. Wagner / Try-outs in March
Soccer – Boys Varsity / Mr. Kerns / Try-outs
PIAA Physical / Starting date: August / Summer workouts
Soccer – Boys JV / Mr. Kerns / Try-outs
PIAA Physical / Starting date: August / Summer workouts
Soccer – Girls Varsity / Mr. Kauffman / Try-outs / March
Soccer – Girls JV
Freshman / Mr. Kauffman / Try-outs / March
Softball – Varsity / Mr. Stepp / Try-outs / March
Softball – JV / Mr. Stoner / Try-outs / March
Boys & Girls / Mr. Kessler / Try-outs / November
Tennis- Girls (Fall) / Mr. Szeles / Try-outs / August
Tennis- Boys (Spring) / Mr. Bricker / Try-outs / March
Track & Field / Mr. Galloway+ / Physical
P.I.A.A. insurance / March
Volleyball- Girls (Fall) / Ms. Manock / Try-outs / August
Volleyball- Boys
(Spring) / Mr. Johnson / Try-outs / March
Wrestling – Varsity / Mr. Bookwalter / Try-outs / November
Wrestling- JV / Mr. Bookwalter / Try-outs / November
Wrestling - Freshman / Mr. Chase / Try-outs / November
Marching Band / Mr. Glidewell / Sign up during course selection or in the Band Office / May / Mandatory attendance-no absences
Fall Play / Miss Smith / Audition for roles
Volunteer for crew work / Production is last weekend before Thanksgiving / September-November: After-school rehearsals, tech rehearsals evenings 1-2 weeks prior to performance
Spring Musical / Mr. Diehl / Audition / December/January
Try-outs / Rehearsal schedule includes after school, evenings, and weekends for 3 months
“Pantara Quartet” Select String Ensemble / Mrs. Bohr / Audition/invitation
(string students) / None / After school rehearsals
Special event performances
Choral Select Ensemble / Mr. Diehl / Audition / Attend performance
Attend practices all year
Tri-M Music
Honor Society / 2 solo performances
2.5 cumulative GPA.
3.0 music class avg. / Continued solo performances
Pit Orchestra / Mr. Glidewell / Sign up in band office / January / Mandatory attendance
Violin Ensemble / Mrs. Bohr / Open to all violin students / None / After school rehearsals for concert and special events.