Dundana School Council Meeting Minutes – DRAFT FOR APPROVAL
Thursday February 5th, 2015.
Attendance: Mike Belmore, Donna Boudreau (Staff), Tricia deGraaf, Mathew Gibson (Chair),
Lisa Hunt, Steve Johnston (Principal), Claire Rivlin (CPF Represtative), Nadine Sayliss (Treasurer), Alice Smith (Secretary), Anita Toth, Sonya
Regrets: Michelle Joyner, Michael Egan, Isabella Piatek, Catherine Roberts, Beatrice Leja,
Connie Cortina
1. Welcome and Introductions
Meeting called to order by Mathew Gibson at 6:38 p.m.
2. Approval of December and January Minutes
Sayliss/Rivlin. CARRIED.
3. Principal’s Report
1. French Immersion Information Night – About 50 people attended the Information Night on
February 4th.
2. Registration for Sept – Registration for French immersion and kindergarten for September
is now open.
3. Barbecue - Fiona Fisher and Jane McLean will run barbecue again, Tuesday May 5th.
4. Out-of-catchment – Dundana is closed to out of catchment. We are sitting at
about 85% capacity.
5. New concussion policy – any thought that a child might have bumped their head to a point that there could be a concussion, new process is: school contacts home and student must stay home for 24 to 48 hours to be observed by a parent; forms must be completed for return to learn, sports, etc. Teachers are trained on recognizing concussion symptoms.
6. Questions – using older students as lunch monitors; practice will continue; consensus was
that this program has many beneficial effects; School cash online – a member reported that it
was very easy to use but the HWDSB doesn’t have the “myWallet” option.
4. Canadian Parents for French Rep Report
1. Thanks Anita for her help last night. Frenchapalooza has been moved to April 9th at A.M. Cunningham. Dundana is now on the list of schools that would like to host Frenchapalooza in the future. Going through the Rainbow Caterpillar bookstore from Toronto; have requested at least 2 French-Canadian publishers at the event.
2. French movies – the French dept at Mac, AGH occasionally;
3. Newsletter – le Centre Français; anyone can sign up to receive their monthly newsletter, don't have to be a member to receive it.
4. CPF looking for members, we have a lot of volunteer opportunities
5. Dundana is an associate member organization; will receive a book about a duck that goes to NY with an audio CD ($22 value)
5. SWO Council Rep Report
1. Open House – is a School Council meeting night for SWO – and they may be having their Open House the same night as our School Council meeting. Steve Johnston will contact SWO to find out when their open house is.
2. They have a Dance-a-thon next week on Wednesday. They have Party Rockers coming to do their dance.
3. They will be doing a movie night in April.
6. Parent survey
Matthew briefed council on the process that lead us to create the parent survey.
Lots of discussion about the meaning of “social justice”. Suggestions included describing it as
“citizenship, participation, compassion, equity.” Also concern about “leadership” and what it means. Suggestion to take out the social justice campaign unless we can develop the description further. There will be a discussion via e-mail about how to further develop the description of “social justice” and fine-tune the other questions.
7. Earth Day
Earth Shake could do a presentation and make smoothie juices for the kids on Earth Day.
Benefits would also include promoting healthy eating with kids. Discussion around running it
over a few days or with a smaller group; not necessarily in conjunction with Earth Day.
8. Valentine’s Dance-a-thon
Isabella and Claire are organizing prizes and the decorations; we have a DJ. Request from one
store owner that the requests come at the very beginning of January as that is when the stores
are looking at clearing out Christmas merchandise and there are fewer requests in early
January. We have received donations from:
Adventure Attic, Amarettos, Barely Bent Used Books, Beanermunky Chocolate, Discount Emporium,
Dundas Wholesale, Earth Shake, Freewheel Cycle, Frosty's Fish and Chips, Kids 'N Krafts, Lisa Ryder,
Mrs Greenway, The Mulberry Bush, Picone Fine Food, The Kitchen Witch, Starbucks, Turtle Pond Toys,
The Vitamin Store, Wood's Premier Martial Arts (Ancaster), Yogurty’s (West Hamilton)
9. Other Business Arising
Meeting Adjourned at 8:0 p.m.