Aboriginal Reconciliation Action Plan
Local Government Association of South Australia

Reconciliation Action Plan

About the Reflect RAP

The Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) is about organisations from every sector turning intentions into actions and rising to the challenge of reconciling Australia. A RAP is a business plan that uses a holistic approach to create meaningful relationships, enhance respect and promote sustainable opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians.

The RAP program includes four types of RAPs, each offering a different level of engagement and support. These RAPs are Reflect, Innovate, Stretch, and Elevate. In developing a Reflect RAP the Local Government Association (LGA) of South Australia commits to completing the following actions over the next 12 months to ensure we are well positioned to implement effective and mutually beneficial initiatives as part of future Reconciliation Action Plans. Our future RAPs will identify relationships, respect and opportunities actions specific to our business and our sphere of influence.

This Reflect RAP will allow our organisation to focus on building relationships both internally and externally, and raise awareness with our stakeholders to ensure there is shared understanding and ownership of our RAP within our organisation. Development of our future RAPs will involve consultation with staff across our organisation including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff and/or stakeholders to achieve our vision for reconciliation as well as the LGA Board.

Message from our President

Local Government acknowledges and recognises Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Peoples of Australia and accepts its role, with the other spheres of government, in supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities (LGA Policy Manual 2012).

Reconciliation is not just about recognising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians and it's not just about noting once a year that we remember Sorry Day.

It's about making defined and recognisable actions to create meaningful relationships and engender respect between all Australians and it's about engaging Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians in all aspects of society.

Local Government, as the sphere of Government closest to the community, is ideally placed to put reconciliation sentiments into positive and meaningful actions.

The Local Government Association, the Voice of Local Government in South Australia, has developed this Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) to provide leadership for Councils and our communities.

Members of the LGA include, not only SA's 68 recognised Councils but also the people of the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands (APY Lands) and also our Associate Members – the people of the Nepabunna Aboriginal Community, the Gerard Aboriginal Community and Outback Areas Community Development Trust.

As an organisation, we recognise the customs and traditions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians and their relationship with the land and seas. We are committed to:

  • developing and promoting effective involvement in events and celebrations of significance;
  • to take effective action on issues of social and economic concern, where they apply within the sphere of Local Government; and,
  • to develop strategies for inclusion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Local Government.

We actively encourage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander South Australians to vote in Local Government Elections and to consider roles as Elected Members to Councils.

We are actively supporting Councils, where appropriate, to enter into Indigenous Land Use Agreements (ILUA) and we encourage Councils to work with State and Federal Governments and Aboriginal Communities to resolve Native Title claims through negotiation in preference to litigation.

We also support the appropriate recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians in the Australian Constitution.

This Guide supports the LGA Policy and takes it one step further by translating words into achievable actions and providing leadership to our Members.

Australia is the 'lucky country' and it is imperative that this 'luck' is equally shared among all people.

David O’Loughlin

LGA President

Our Organisation

The LGA is recognised as the peak representative body for Local Government in South Australia and prides itself on being the Voice of Local Government in South Australia. The LGA provides leadership to Councils and representation outwards to State and Federal governments and other key stakeholders.

Membership of the Association is voluntary and all Councils under the Local Government Act 1999 are members along with Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara. Associate members include Nepabunna Aboriginal Community, Gerard Aboriginal Community and the Outback Areas Community Development Trust. The LGA is primarily funded by member subscriptions.

The LGA is federated nationally with interstate and territory associations in the Australian Local Government Association.

The mission of the LGA is to “provide leadership to Councils for the benefit of the South Australian community”.

As constituted today, the LGA was established in 1968 and aims to:

  • Encourage understanding of Local Government - Encouraging better community understanding of Local Government and increased participation in Council decision making and processes
  • Achieving Influence for Local Government: Achieving greater influence for Local Government in matters affecting local communities
  • Building Council Capacity: Facilitating and supporting continued capacity building in Councils
  • Improving LGA Governance:Continuously improving the governance of the LGA and related Local Government enterprises

Currently the LGA employs 41 people none of which identify as either Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander.

Our Reconciliation Action Plan

The LGA is developing a Reflect RAP to identify areas where new and existing relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples may be developed within the organisation while helping to advance reconciliation across South Australia.

It is recognised that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples make a significant contribution to the South Australian community and are key stakeholders in the work undertaken by the LGA.

The development of the LGA Reflect RAP has included establishing a preliminary RAP Working Group and consultation with staff, member Councils and beyond our membership including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, staff and stakeholders. The RAP Working Group will be broadened and formalised throughout 2015 to include key internal and external stakeholders as they are identified.

The preliminary LGA RAP Working Group has included the following participants to date:

  • Bethany Loates, Policy Officer - RAP Champion
  • David Hitchcock, Director
  • Sama Reid, Marketing & Communications Officer

Two meetings were held to identify initiatives and how best to achieve the desired outcomes of the RAP. Endorsement of the RAP was sought and received from the LGA Board on 20 November 2014.


Aboriginal Reconciliation Action Plan
Local Government Association of South Australia


Action / Responsibility / Focus / Timeline / Measureable Target
1.1 Establish a RAP working group comprising of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and other key people at LGA to support the development of the RAP / Policy Officer responsible for Reconciliation portfolio / Internal / April 2015 /
  • Identify membership and terms of reference for RAP Working Group
  • Meet every six months to ensure implementation of the RAP, to track progress, and discuss any relevant issues or concerns raised
  • Maintain ongoing contact

1.2 Identify and establish working partnerships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, organisations and stakeholders. / Executive Director / Internal / July 2015 /
  • Develop and maintain a list of identified relationships between the LGA and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, organisations and stakeholders.

1.3 Celebrate National Reconciliation Week (NRW) / CEO / Internal / External / May 2015 /
  • Host an internal event for all staff to attend
  • Support other staff to attend other relevant NRW events in the wider community

1.4 Raise internal awareness of the RAP / Policy Officer responsible for Reconciliation portfolio / Internal / April 2015 /
  • Provide a report to the LGA Board on the RAP and its targets
  • Provide a copy of the finalised RAP to all LGA staff to ensure awareness of the goals and targets of the RAP

1.5 Establish a RAP Network among South Australian Councils to provide support and learnings in progressing individual RAPs / Policy Officer responsible for Reconciliation portfolio / External / April 2015
December 2015
March 2015 /
  • Develop a list of interested Councils
  • Meet every six months to provide support in developing and implementing RAPs
  • Hold an LGA forum to assist Councils with the development and implementation of individual RAPs

1.6 Continue to assist and encourage relevant Councils to take part in the Indigenous Land Use Agreements / CEO / External / December 2015 /
  • Work with all 28 Councils involved in the Kaurna ILUA to assist in completion of the agreement
  • Provide advice to Councils and promote participation on ILUA

1.7 Launch of the completed RAP / CEO, Policy Officer responsible for Reconciliation portfolio / Internal / April 2015 /
  • Launch completed and RAP documents distributed at the LGA Annual General Meeting

1.8 Incorporate information about the RAP into induction training for new staff / CEO and Human Resources / Internal / July 2015 /
  • Update induction documents to include RAP information

1.9 Develop and undertake a South Australian Local Government Aboriginal Engagement and Reconciliation survey of all Councils to obtain baseline data to support sector learning and reflective practices / Policy Officer responsible for Reconciliation portfolio / External / March 2015
June 2015 /
  • Develop and disseminate survey to all Councils
  • Collate and report on findings at the LGA Annual General Meeting


Action / Responsibility / Focus / Timeline / Measureable Target
2.1 Investigate comprehensive cultural competency and awareness training for all LGA staff / CEO, Policy Officer responsible for Reconciliation portfolio, Human Resources / Internal / August 2015
July 2015
September 2015 /
  • Develop a business case for improving cultural awareness and capability within our organisation
  • Capture data on our staff’s current level of knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, histories and contributions
  • Update LGA Policy Manual to include cultural awareness components

2.2 Celebrate the achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and cultures by participating in NAIDOC Week / CEO / Internal / External / July 2015 /
  • Host an internal event for all staff to attend
  • Support other staff to attend other relevant NAIDOC events
  • Provide information to all councils about NAIDOC week via the LGA website and encourage participation

2.3 Actively support the promotion and public endorsement of the campaign to amend the Australian Constitution to recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples / CEO and LGA President / Internal / External / December 2015 /
  • The LGA publicly endorse the constitutional campaign to recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the Australian Constitution
  • Conduct an information session on the campaign at an upcoming Ordinary or Annual General Meeting

2.4 Develop and implement a protocol around "Acknowledgment of Country" and "Welcome to Country" ceremonies to ensure there is consistent and shared meaning behind the ceremonies / Policy Officer responsible for Reconciliation portfolio / Internal / External / July 2015 /
  • Develop and implement a plan to raise awareness and understanding of the meaning and significance behind Acknowledgement of Country and Welcome to Country protocols
  • Explore who the Traditional Owners of the lands and waters are in our areas


Action / Responsibility / Focus / Timeline / Measureable Target
3.1 Investigate the development of an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment strategy and action plan / CEO and Directors / Internal / April 2015 /
  • Establish data for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees
  • Develop an employment strategy to help encourage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander applicants for future vacancies

3.2 Work with and advocate to LGA Procurement to examine purchasing policies for both LGA and Council tenders which will support employment opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander owned businesses and people. / CEO / Internal / External / December 2015 /
  • Identify three suppliers that support employment opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and consider options for future purchases. This may be done through Supply Nation’s list of Indigenous business suppliers.
  • Develop an understanding of the benefits of procurement from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander owned businesses
  • Develop a business case for procurement from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander owned businesses

Tracking Progress & Reporting

Action / Responsibility / Focus / Timeline / Measureable Target
4.1 RAP Working Group to monitor the implementation of the RAP / CEO / Internal / December 2015 /
  • Number of Actions implemented to specified timelines and completion

4.2 Annual reporting on the RAP to the LGA Board and in the LGA’s Annual Report / CEO / Internal / October 2015 /
  • Report to be provided to the Board one year from date of launch

4.3 Annual reporting on organisational learning from the RAP process to Reconciliation Australia / Policy Officer responsible for Reconciliation portfolio / Internal / December 2015 /
  • Complete and submit the online RAP Impact Measurement Questionnaire to Reconciliation Australia annually.

For more information about LGA and our Reconciliation Action Plan, contact our RAP Champion

Bethany Loates

(08) 8224 2038

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