EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING – Arts and Crafts – 2ndStagePE

Arts and Crafts

2nd Stage PE



Legal deposit B-13290-2012



1.1.Programming explanation and contextualization

1.2.The project in the Arts and Crafts area


2.1.General objectives

2.2.Second Stage objectives

2.3.Arts and Crafts specific objectives

2.4.Second Stage Arts and Crafts specific objectives

3.Interdisciplinary teaching

4.Relationship between basic skills - area objectives - evaluation criteria

– Second Stage: Third Year

– Second Stage: Fourth Year


5.1.Structure. Organization in blocks

5.2.Classification of the contents of the Second Stage of Arts and Crafts into years and units

– Second Stage: Third Year

– Second Stage: Fourth Year


6.1. Scheduling of the educational units


7.1.Second Stage grading criteria

7.2.Minimum requirements to pass Second Stage

7.3.Evaluation procedures and tools

7.4.Grading criteria

7.5.Evaluation of the learning-teaching process

8.Attending diversity

– Proposals: Reinforcement, greater depth, multi-level activities...

– Minimum contents required for the 2nd Stage


10.Organization of spaces

11.Educational materials and resources

12.Strategies for employing ICTs in the classroom

13.Strategies promoting interest, reading habits and the development of oral and written expression

14.Complementary and extra-curricular activities

15.Procedures for evaluating the relationship between the Educational Programming and the results


This new Pixel Primary Education project is designed for the information and knowledge society, takes into account the role of the family, and includes the most innovative educational principles.

The project seeks to provide a comprehensive education, in coexistence with the new technologies, and based on the development of basic skills and multiple intelligences.

The cornerstones on which the project is based are therefore as follows:

The interrelation between the basic skills and the multiple intelligences to provide an ambitious programme of comprehensive development as regards all the skills of the people involved.

The integration of the ICTs. The coexistence of paper and digital formats:

–ICT activities integrated into learning sequences.

–Internet: Searches, selection and organization of the information with a view to transforming it into knowledge.

–Interactive activities: Progressive acquisition of personal independence for learning (applicable to the interactive digital blackboard).

A project open to all. The reality in the classroom is a vast array of learning speeds and styles. A large variety of resources are on offer, especially adapted to harness diversity, so everyone is integrated and can make progress effectively.

1.1. Programming explanation and contextualization

Educational programming in the Arts and Crafts area for the Second Stage of Primary Education is based on the provisions laid down in Royal Decree 1513/2006, of the 7th of December 2006, which establishes the minimum teaching requirements for Primary Education.

Primary Education is part of basic education. It is aimed at students of between 6 and 12 years of age and comprises six years: From the 1st to the 6th year of Primary school. These years are organized into three two-year stages.

The purpose of this phase is to provide all the students with an education that enables them to consolidate their personal development and wellbeing, to acquire basic cultural skills as regards oral expression and understanding, reading, writing and calculations, and to develop social skills, work and study habits, artistic sensibilities, creativity and affectivity.

As a consequence, this programming is backed by the following basic principles for educational activities:

Principles / Description / edebé…
1. Education is a personal building process. / — Students grow and develop as people by interacting with their surroundings, with their peers …
— Students are responsible for and at the centre of their knowledge building process.
— Learning requires the reorganization of information through strenuous mental activity. / — Proposes activities that encourage reflection and strategic learning.
— Promotes the transfer of contents between school and real life.
— Diversifies the type of activities, fostering teamwork, stimulating creativity …
2. A process centred on the individual students. Personalized education. / — Every student is unique and different, in regard to three points of reference:
a) Individuality. Everyone is unique, original and unrepeatable.
b) Socialization. Opening up to others. People appropriate the culture and values of their society, analyze them and transform them. This involves the recognition of others and their dignity.
c) Independence. Making people free and responsible, agents of their development and existence: Helping them develop their own life project. / — Provides varied resources and proposes different levels of difficulty.
— Stimulates the development of creativity and originality when resolving problems.
— Includes different cultural sensibilities and contents from society.
— Proposes activities encouraging communication and exchange.
— Facilitates the formation of sound personal judgements.
— Supplies tools to tackle the challenges of the new knowledge society.
3. A directed process. Meaningful learning. / Meaningful learning enabling students to:
— Expand and enrich their mental outlook.
— Acquire a more robust organization.
— Discover its functionality.
— Use it in different contexts.
— Obtain a clearer understanding of reality. / — Proposes methodologies to facilitate the discovery of relationships between contents and their integration in broader and more complete structures.
— Favours interdisciplinary relationships between contents from different areas and subjects.
— Presents the contents gradually, using the prior knowledge of the students as a starting point.
4. A shared process. Learning with others. / — In reference to the capacity of individuals to learn working as a team.
— Work between equals providing huge learning possibilities.
— Exploitation of the educational possibilities in society today, beyond the context of the school. / — Sets up activities for working in groups.
— Provides learning situations and resources for collective learning.
— Suggests learning activities in extra-school contexts.
5. Educators as mediators in the learning process. / — Acting as experts in learning and teaching processes, and promoting joint activities.
— Working as guides to learning and gradually surrendering control over the activities to increase the independence of the students.
— Paying attention to diversity.
— Acting as a bridge between family and school. / — Offers a variety of resources and materials for teachers.
— Invites educators to stimulate creative responses from students.
— Encourages teachers to promote the independence of their students.

1.2. The project in the Arts and Crafts area

The Art Education area is made up of two languages: Art and music. Both are in turn formulated around two axes: Perception and expression.

Perception, in reference to both the observation of artistic elements, and to listening to music and its expression, concerns the exploration, handling of materials, and statement of what is perceived and felt, and its vocal and instrumental interpretation, and dance and bodily expression. Expression centres on the interpretation, investigation and analysis of the natural environment and human creation and activity, where the latter is understood to involve the generation of objects and elements found in everyday situations merely for artistic representation.

In this way, the invention and creation of works of art and music is stimulated through one of these languages.

With regard to the fact that each area contributes to the development of a range of skills, the educational programming of Arts and Crafts has adopted a global viewpoint at the same time as placing emphasis on all the learning considered to be essential for a comprehensive approach aimed at the application of the acquired learning.

The development of the basic skills is therefore global, despite being linked to specific areas of knowledge, and they are acquired by means of their contextualization in real situations familiar to the students in order to include a range of fields of learning and to use them effectively when required in different contexts and situations in everyday life.

In order to facilitate the teaching of the basic learning and the use of active and cooperative methodologies, the contents have been organized around the two main axes on which the area is formulated: Perception and expression.

The contents are divided into two blocks:

Artistic observation

Artistic creation and expression

Worthy of special mention in our project is the fact that neither takes precedence over the other. This is made clear by the interrelation set up between the blocks of contents dealt with in the proposals for activities in each unit of the programming, the main objective of which is the acquisition of basic skills from the area.


2.1. General objectives

a)To understand and assess values and norms for living together, and to learn to act in consequence, in preparation for the active exercise of citizenship, respecting and in defence of the human rights and pluralism inherent to democratic societies.

b)To develop individual and team working habits, involving effort and responsibility when studying, and self-confident attitudes, critical reasoning, personal initiative, curiosity, interest, and creativity in learning, leading to the discovery of satisfaction in a task well done.

c)To develop an attitude of responsibility and respect for others, which promotes an atmosphere favourable to personal freedom, learning and living together, and encourages attitudes that foster living together in school, family and social domains.

d)To learn, understand and respect the values of our civilization, cultural and personal differences, equality of rights and opportunities for men and women, and non-discrimination of disabled people.

e)To appropriately understand and employ the Spanish language, orally and in writing. To appreciate the communicative possibilities of Spanish as a language common to the entire Spanish population and as an international language. Likewise, to develop reading habits as an essential tool for learning in other areas.

f)In at least one foreign language, to acquire basic communication skills to enable students to express and understand simple messages and to get by in everyday situations.

g)To develop basic mathematical skills and begin to learn to resolve problems requiring basic calculation operations, knowledge of geometry and estimates, and to be able to apply these to everyday situations.

h)To understand the most important events in the history of Spain and the world.

i)To understand and appreciate the natural, social, economic and cultural environments, and be able to place them in national, European and worldwide contexts, and possibilities for action and protection. Similarly, to begin to learn about the geography of Spain and the world.

j)To begin to learn about information and communications technologies and to develop a critical understanding of messages received and created.

k)To appreciate hygiene and health, to understand and respect the human body and to employ physical education and sport as a means of improving personal and social development.

l)To communicate using means of expression that are verbal, corporal, visual, artistic, musical and mathematical; to develop aesthetic sensibilities, creativity, a capacity to enjoy works of art and artistic expression.

m)To get to know the cultural heritage of Spain, to participate in its conservation and improvement, and to respect linguistic and cultural diversity.

n)To understand and appreciate the natural, social and cultural heritage, in historical, social and linguistic contexts, and to participate in its conservation and improvement.

o)To develop all areas of the personality, and attitudes against violence and prejudice of any kind.

p)To understand and appreciate animals and plants, and to adopt forms of behaviour fostering their care.

q)To foster road-safety education and respect for norms aimed at preventing traffic accidents.

2.2. Second Stage objectives

Second Stage objectives / General
objective of the phase it is
related to
1.To appreciate the importance of the basic values governing the life of groups and communities and act in accordance with these, through the understanding of and respect for diversity.
2.To appreciate the work of the group in the development of cooperative and responsible attitudes as regards the tasks assigned.
3.To act independently and with personal initiative in regular activities and those related to the group.
4.To respect the points of view and interests of other members of the group.
5.To appreciate and understand social differences, reject any kind of discrimination, and to set up balanced and constructive relationships with people in one’s everyday environment.
6.To understand and produce oral and written messages for different communicative purposes, and to develop reading habits.
7.To acquire the lexical and structural bases for learning one or several foreign languages.
8.To develop procedures for collecting and representing useful information for the resolution of simple problems.
9.To recognize the useful knowledge and material resources available for the resolution of problems in everyday life.
10.To understand historical events and periods impacting on the development of western societies and Spain historically.
11.To understand and set up relationships between events and phenomena in the natural and social environment, and to understand the potential of individuals and groups to protect and improve the environment.
12.To become familiar with the use of new technologies as means of receiving and transmitting information.
13.To acquire personal wellbeing and develop healthy and hygienic habits contributing to optimum development.
14.To use a range of means of expression (verbal, visual, artistic, musical and mathematical) individually or in integration, and to develop creative and reasoning skills.
15.To develop aesthetic sensibilities and the capacity to enjoy works of art and forms of artistic expression.
16.To understand and appreciate the cultural heritage of Spain, by employing one’s immediate environment as a starting point and expanding interests to ever-wider and more diverse domains.
17.To develop attitudes fostering equality of opportunities for all regardless of gender, race or nationality.
18.To appreciate the natural environment and to develop habits and attitudes contributing to its protection.
19.To appreciate the importance of road-safety standards to protect us and others from harm. / a
b, c
d, o
i, n
m, n

2.3. Arts and Crafts specific objectives

To explore and understand a range of materials and tools, and to acquire codes and techniques specific to a range of artistic languages for their use for expressive and communicative purposes.

To apply artistic knowledge to the observation and analysis of situations and objects from everyday life and works from the world of art and culture in order to better understand them and develop taste.

To have an attitude of being on a personal and collective search, making use of the perception, imagination, investigation and sensibility, and reflecting on the production and enjoyment of different works of art.

To understand some of the possibilities of audiovisual media and information and communications technologies involving images and sound, and their use for the observation, information searches and the creation of works of art, either individually or in conjunction with other media and materials.

To understand and appreciate a range of works of art from one’s own cultural heritage and from other cultures, and collaboration on the conservation and renewal of local forms of expression, as well as appreciating the contribution made by exchanges with people from other cultures sharing the same environment.

To discover one’s own limitations and skills by developing a relationship between self-confidence and personal artistic production, while respecting one’s own works and those of others, and being able to receive and express criticism and opinions.

To develop art projects collectively and to take on a range of functions and responsibilities.

To understand some of the professions involved in artistic fields and become interested in the characteristics of the work of artists, and to enjoy their productions as a member of the public.

2.4. Second Stage Arts and Crafts specific objectives

To explore and understand a range of materials and tools, and to acquire codes and techniques specific to a range of artistic languages so they can be used for expressive and communicative purposes.

To understand and discover the life and work of artists involved in painting, sculpture, architecture...

To apply artistic knowledge to the observation and analysis of situations and objects in everyday life, as well as the range of expressions in the world of art and culture, so they are better understood and in order to develop individual tastes.

To understand and apply the functionality of symbolic images.

To take on an attitude of personal and collective discovery by articulating perception, imagination, investigation and awareness, and to make reflections when producing and enjoying different kinds of artistic creations.

To understand some of the possibilities of audiovisual media and the information and communications technologies involved in images and sound, and to use them as resources for observation, search for information, and production of one’s own creations, either independently or in combination with other media and materials.

To understand and appreciate a range of artistic expressions from one’s own cultural heritage and the cultural heritage of others, and therefore to collaborate in the conservation and renewal of local forms of expression and to value the enrichment involved in exchanges with people from other cultures sharing the same surroundings.

To discover one’s own limitations and skills by developing a relationship of self confidence with one’s own artistic production with respect for one’s own creations and those of others, and an ability to receive and express criticism and opinions.

To develop the initiative, imagination and creativity, in one’s own and collective productions.

To develop art projects collectively and to take on a range of functions and responsibilities.

To become familiar with some of the professions in the artistic field, and to show an interest in the nature of the work of artists and enjoy being part of the audience observing their productions.