Unit Outline
Please replicate the following template for each unit of study that is submitted towards meeting accreditation requirements. Text in italics is instructional only and will need to be replaced with the relevant information for each unit.
1Basic Information
Unit of study name and number:
Semester/trimester in which unit is offered:
Campus where unit is offered:
Credit points allocated to the unit:
Unit delivery mode: Indicate if the unit is offered on-campus, intensive/block on-campus, online, distance education, or a combination of modes.
Prerequisites:Provide code and name of unit/s of study
Co-requisites:Provide code and name of unit/s of study
Unit description:Provide a BRIEF description of the unit. This should not exceed three sentences.
Unit coordinator:
Unit teaching staff:List key teaching staff
Attendance requirements:
(lectures/practical classes/tutorials)
Approximate number of students in this unit:
Is this unit taken by students from other courses?YES / NO (delete as applicable)
If yes, approximate number:
2Learning Outcomes (Unit Objectives)
Provide as student learning outcomes.
Upon completion of this unit, students will:
3Total Student Workload
Provide the total student workload expected for the teaching and learning activities within this unit. This can include:
-Lecture hours:
-Tutorial hours:
-Laboratory hours:
-Hours completing assessment tasks:
-Online learning:
-Other tasks related to the unit:
4Unit of Study Content
Provide a table of activities across the semester showing the activities to be undertaken, to include detailed subject matter. Sufficient detail must be provided to enable identification of where and how elements of graduate outcomes within the standards are addressed.
Week / Lecture Content / Practical/Tutorial Content / ESSA Elements1 / Can include online learning activities prior to face-to-face teaching.
Provide below a summary of each assessment requirement for this unit. Please include the required pass mark and policy regarding failure to attempt to complete assessment items.
Summary of Assessment Tasks
Please complete the following table for each assessment requirement for the unit:
Task / Assessment Description / Weighting (%) / Individual or Group / Learning Outcome Assessed1 / Provide BRIEF summaries (2-3 sentences) of assessment activities including:
-Type and structure of examinations (types of questions, unit content covered)
-Written assignments (including essays, literature reviews and research reports)
-Laboratory/practical reports
-Practical examinations
-Oral presentations (group and individual)
-Multimedia activities (video analysis)
-Case studies, VIVAs / XX%
6Textbooks / Required and Recommended Readings
Provide details of any prescribed texts and/or required supplementary reading materials, a selection (no more than 5) of the most relevant or indicative recommended additional readings (e.g. monographs, position papers, literature reviews, theses), and a selection (no more than 5) of the most relevant or indicative journal articles.
Note: the review team will be particularly interested in the nature and quality of materials supplied or recommended to students in the absence of a prescribed text.
Please DO NOT provide the following:
-Unit/lecture timetable information indicating days and times of the week when teaching activities are scheduled, semester breaks and public holidays, details of teaching venues, etc.
-Contact details for unit teaching staff.
-Biographies of academic staff members.
-Intended graduate qualities.
-General advice to students regarding assessment tasks, e.g. due dates, written paper specifications (referencing style, font, line spacing, margins, headers/footers, presentation [stapling, cover sheets, use of plastic sleeves etc], spelling, grammar), plagiarism, collaboration submission of assignments, extensions, ethical procedures in data collection, grievance procedures (except for practicum – see Application Section 4).
-Advice provided to students concerning university support services (e.g. disability, library, academic learning resources/assistance/support strategies, indigenous support, faculty study support, peer-assisted study, academic/special consideration, details about availability of past examination papers).
-Advice given to students regarding university policies (e.g. student code of practice, rules for student/academic conduct and discipline), except where these relate to practicum.
Template B: Unit Outline (2018)