Guildford & Kalamunda Districts Swimming Club Inc.
2013 - 2014
President’s Message
Welcome to all of our new and past Club Members. Our aim is to maximise swimmer performance within a happy and friendly club atmosphere. In this regard I ask that Coaches, Swimmers, Parents and Committee Members support each other so that we can achieve this aim.
There is a lot of work involved in running the club and the committee and I will need your assistance throughout the season with timekeeping and performing other duties at internal and external club meets. As we are all here in a voluntary capacity, we ask that you please be patient and support all of your committee members, as the work they do contributes to the success of our club.
Last season was an exciting one for the club - celebrating 50 years of the KDSC, the completion of the merger of KDSC and Guildford Blues to form the new club Guildford & Kalamunda Districts Swimming Club, Golden Eggs coming on board as a sponsor of the club and our new club shirts. This season promises also to be a big one with exciting times ahead, including the completion of our new and updated website.
Please read this booklet carefully. It contains extensive information on how the club operates and will answer many of the questions frequently asked of the Committee. Please remember to support our valued sponsors whose advertisements appear in our handbook.
I wish everyone an enjoyable and successful 2013-2014 swimming season.
Caron Bennier
Management Committee and Officials
2012-2013 Season
President:Caron Bennier9291 36380414 890 056
Vice Presidents:Mel Van De Velde9291 32350439 978 307
Liz Pannekoek0407 479 261
Treasurer:Sharon Schultz0402 402 607
Secretary:Trish Verran0403 391 511
Registrar:Trevor Verran0419 924 881
Committee:Brett Tongue0419 953 528 Renee Irvine 0405 534 505 Primo Chiari 0418 956 209
Eileen Robinson0410 550 865 Julie Sharp 0405 328 041
Mr Primo ChiariMrs Greta HarwoodMrs Kris Nunn
Mrs Anita Eifler (dec)Mrs Sandra HorselyMr Jack Pritchett (dec)
Mr Peter HartMr John WittmerMr Greg Payne
Mrs Barbara HartMrs Alison LiebenbergMr Iain Agnew
Mr Don Harwood (dec)Mr Richard MazzucchelliMr Anthony Knight
Mr Phill NendickMr Brett TongueMs Leslie Hart
Mrs Liz PannekoekMs Sandra Thompson
Mrs Greta Harwood
Mr John Giardina
Mr Brett Tongue
0419 953 528
Valerie Newboult
Coach Guildford Grammar School – Preparatory School Pool Squads
0437 819 723
Renee Irvine
Coach Darling Range Sports College Pool Squads
0405 534 505
The aim of The Club is to provide training, intra-club and inter-club competition and social interaction for swimmers and their families. The club welcomes swimmers of all levels and abilities.
Registration fees are for registration with Swimming WA, which includes insurance.
Swimmer $ 150 per annum
Adult Fitness Swimmer (no F/Levy) $75 per annum
Non-Swimmer NIL per annum
Family Levy (per family) $80 per annum
Transfer Fee $28.00
Note: For families with 3 or more swimmers, the 3rd and subsequent swimmers fee shall be discounted by $10.00.
Please complete these forms within 3 training sessions from the commencement of training. The club requires them to ensure that swimmers are registered and appropriately insured. If not returned, you may be refused entry into the water. Please note registration forms will not be accepted or processed without payment. For the 2013/14 season training fees please see below.
The Family Levy is a compulsory fee per family and is to be paid with registration; this fee covers costs for entry to Club meets, printing of the handbook and other administration costs.
Swim Meets
All nomination forms for all meets must be emailed to the Registrar,
(Trevor Verran) at by the due date on the notice board at the pool (Usually one week before closing date shown in SWA Almanac) Please print out your meet entries if you are paying in person and give to Club Treasurer (Sharon Schults), or other committee member . For payments by EFT please ensure you have clearly marked what meet you are paying for, and email with your payment details. No late entries will be accepted.
For step-by-step instructions on how to enter a Swim Meet please see separate attachment. If payment has not been made then the swimmer will not be permitted to swim at the meet.
The entry form can be found on the Swimming WA website under the forms link.
Club meets are run as a separate summer (Long Course) and winter program (Short Course). With winter being run at the Darling Range Sports College 25m pool, and summer at the Guildford Grammar 50m pool. This gives swimmers the opportunity to see how their swimming is improving, race practice and it’s a good excuse to socialise and for parents a chance to see their superstars in action. All members are encouraged to come along and enjoy the relaxed non-threatening atmosphere.
Your swimmer will need to be at the pool at least 30 minutes before the meet starts. This will give your swimmer enough time to warm up and get ready for the meet.
Club Championships are held at the end of the season, usually in March.
For each family with a swimmer competing at a meet, club event, or anywhere else, a timekeeper must be provided. If, for any reason, you are unable to do so, please see a Committee member. It is imperative that if you are swimming at a meet you provide a timekeeper. As a Club we are given timekeeping duties that we must fulfil, and without parent support we cannot fulfil these duties.
Senior Swimmers who do not provide a timekeeper must be prepared to help out with timekeeping when their swimming programme at meets allow.
Training Fees
Swimmers are not permitted to enter the water until instructed by the Coaches.
Costs for training sessions are listed below. New training members are welcome to participate in two training sessions for an assessment by the head coach prior to making any payment.
Please note that all swimmers must swim at their allocated time slot.
Please note that the training fees are subject to change
Starfish$60.00 per month
Seals $70.00 per month
Dolphins$70.00 per month
Intermediate (Sharks)* $80.00 per month
Age Development (Intermediate)* $95.00 per month
Senior* $95.00 per month
Senior Performance * $120.00 per month
Adult Fitness Training $50.00 per month OR
$80 book – 10 casual visits
*Training fees include strength and conditioning programs for these squads.
Senior Fitness Training is for those swimmers who are swimming for fitness only. Any swimmer training more than 3-4 sessions per week in this squad will be classed as a Senior and will be charged accordingly.
Training fees are for coaching at Darling Range Sports College and Guildford Grammar.
Note: Guildford Grammar students are eligible for half price monthly training fees.
Training fees cover pool entry for training sessions and professional coaching. Further details on training can be obtained from Mr Brett Tongue (Coach) on
0419 953 528.
Fees are to be paid by 10th of each month and remain the same regardless of how many training sessions are attended in that month (1 or 20+).
For swimmers in Intermediate squads, and below, who are training once per week, (or less), a fee of $40.00 per month will apply. This must be paid in advance (see below). If this option is chosen, please discuss with the Coach and the Treasurer.
Payment Options:
•Cheques payable to Guildford & Kalamunda Districts Swimming Club
•Fees will also be collected at training and club meets held at Darling Range Sports College/Guildford Grammar pools.
•EFT Payments (ANZ Kalamunda 016341 427511248)
•Monthly Training Fees are to be paid in advance. (by the 10th of month).
All training fees must be paid prior to Club Championships to be eligible to swim.
Training is discounted for year 12+ swimmers (year 12 commences in the February of that year) and who have trained continuously with the Club for a minimum of 4 complete seasons (years) or more. However those members are required to be available for all Club Pennants, must register as a Swimmer and be training in Seniors or Senior Performance.
A $20.00 discount per month will apply for those swimmers.
Useful Email Addresses:
Grievance Policy
In the event that a dispute between two or more parties within the Guildford & Kalamunda Districts Swimming Club cannot be simply and amicably resolved, the dispute should be brought to the attention of the Committee appointed Grievance Officer, who will mediate the dispute.
The role of the Grievance Officer is to be an impartial and unbiased mediator between two or more aggrieved parties. He or she will aim to defuse confrontation and direct the aggrieved parties towards a more positive interaction. It is not the role of the Grievance Officer to determine the dispute. Rather, if mediation fails to resolve the dispute, the matter must be taken to a grievance sub-committee for a determination to be made.
The grievance officer for the 2013/2014 season is Iain Agnew (0417 937 067). All grievances with the exception of those concerning assistant coaching staff are to be directed to Mr Agnew. Please do not refer grievances directly to committee members.
Grievances regarding assistant coaching staff are to be referred directly to the coach Brett Tongue (0419 953 528).
Club Colours/Uniforms
Club ColoursBlack, Blue and Gold
Club UniformClub Tee Shirt/Polo shirt
Club or Plain Black Shorts/track pants
Club Jacket/ Hoodie- optional
Contact: Mel Van De Velde (0439 978 307) to order or enquire about uniforms and bathers. The club have a stock of t-shirts, shorts and hoodies.
The club is able to obtain Speedo bathers at heavily discounted prices. Orders for Speedo will be placed a couple of times a year. (order will not be placed without payment). Please note there are no returns for Speedo.
All swimmers are expected to wear the Club uniform in full when representing the Club at swim meets or when required.
How To Fill Out An Electronic Swim Meet Entry Card
If your swimmer is in a disability class, please confirm correct classification with the club registrar.