YLS Virtual Giveathon Email Templates
What you’ve got here
This document contains sample templates that you can use as the foundation for your fundraising emails.
We’ve compiled everything from kick-off templates to ask emails and thank you language – hopefully, you won’t need to start any email from scratch.
At the same time, what’s most likely to inspire your friends and family to make a gift is YOU – your experiences, your personal motivation and your own reasons for giving. Not to mention the fact that you know your friends and family best, so you’ll know what will appeal to them.
So with that in mind, please make these templates your own. Throughout this document, you’ll see sections that are highlighted – these are the areas where it would be easiest to insert your personal experience, if you’re not sure where to start.
But you’re definitely not restricted to changing just those sections. This is YOUR campaign – so make it your own with custom language.
This document also contains the standard thank you email that anyone who gives through the campaign online will receive, along with suggested content for you to add a personal touch to the thank you message. If you don’t change this, your photo and the standard message will still appear in the thank you email.
Please note: you’ll also see areas that are bolded and underlined – that’s where we recommend adding the link to your customized fundraising page. Research shows that links can act as a bold function and draw the readers eye, so we’ve tried to keep that in mind with the recommended language here.
Of course, we’re always here if you need any help or advice – feel free to reach out to our team or any of the YLS Founding Committee members if you have any questions by emailing .
And if you’re posting about this on social media, don’t forget the hashtag: #atxyoungleaders.
Thank YOU for your efforts on behalf of students in our community!
Getting Started
Subject line: I’m making a difference – and you can too!
Hey friends & family -
For the past few months, I’ve been involved with United Way for Greater Austin’s (UWATX) Young Leaders Society - a dedicated group of young professionals who give their time to make Austin greater as well as each donating or raising $1,000 per year for UWATX.
I’ve been moved by the work that UWATX is doing to help middle school students stay on the path to graduation. Middle school can be a difficult time for any student, but low-income individuals face added pressures that often turn this critical point into a breaking point - students who are held behind in middle school are seven times more likely to drop out of high school and never graduate.
My goal is to raise $XXX for this valuable program and I’ve already personally contributed $XXX. We are working towards a goal of raising $180K by June 2015 to fund full-time coordinators at Webb, Decker and Mendez Middle Schools. By providing full-time coordinators, we can make sure students are getting the services that will best help them, educators will have data on what students really need, and community services will better know how to serve students.
Help me support UWATX’s Target Graduation program by making a gift to my personal fundraising push. YOU can make a difference for Austin students by donating today!
Ask template 1:
Subject line: Do you remember middle school?
Hey friends & family -
Did you realize that middle school students who are held back are 7 times more likely to drop out?United Way’s Target Graduation program helps increase the odds that students will not only graduate from high school, but will be prepared for college, work, and life, by connecting parents, students and schools with quality support services.
Since 2011, United Way has been working with Webb, Decker and Mendez Middle Schools to provide the support students need to stay on track. At each of these schools, more than 85 percent of students are economically disadvantaged - and already, United Way is providing more than 3,000 services annually and getting high marks from students, teachers and administrators. In fact, 90% of teachers said the services UWATX provide enhance their students’ academic performance.
I’ve seen this work first hand when I volunteered through this Target Graduation at Decker Middle School. The students were worried about the speed limit in front of their school – it’s 50 miles per hour and there is no sidewalk. Students were getting hurt on their way to school, they didn’t feel safe, so they decided to do something about it, and together, we advocated to get $600K in priority funding to build them that sidewalk. I saw first hand that we can all make a difference.
This year, YLS is working towards a goal of raising $180K by June 2015 to provide full-time coordinators for these three middle schools. This will ensure students are receiving the services they really need, no child slips through the cracks, and more students will stay on the path to graduation.
Join me in supporting Target Graduation and helping local students be ready for success in school, work and life.
[INSERT IMPACT MESSAGE - See Below for examples]
Thank you for considering making a positive impact in our community!
Ask template 2:
Subject: YOU can help the future leaders of Austin!
Hey friends & family -
I need your help to make sure local students have the chance to succeed. As part of United Way for Greater Austin’s Young Leaders Society (YLS), we are working to raise $180,000 to support students in three underserved middle schools. More than 87% of students at Webb, Decker and Mendez Middle Schools are economically disadvantaged. Thanks to United Way, these students received over 3,000 services last year, including mentoring, tutoring, parent education and quality afterschool programs.
United Way’s Target Graduation program is working to positively impact students, but more than that, they’re working to change the trajectory of the entire school.
[Add your own story about working with students]
Join me in supporting this valuable program and training the future leaders of our city!
[INSERT IMPACT MESSAGE - See Below for examples]
Thank you for making a positive impact in our community!
Ask template 3:
Do you remember middle school?
Hey friends & family -
I need your help to make sure students like Lillie have a positive place to go after school. Lillie is a student at Mendez Middle School - where 96 percent of students are economically disadvantaged.
Before she joined an after-school program supported by United Way, she would go home after school and watch TV. Now, she’s using that time to learn job and leadership skills.
Student spend 76 percent of their WAKING hours outside of school, so quality programs like this are critical to student success in school, work and life. United Way’s Target Graduation program helps students like Lillie as they navigate the difficult middle school years.
This year, we are working towards a goal of raising $180,000 to fund full-time program coordinators at three Austin middle schools. This will ensure each child is receiving the services they need.
Join me in supporting this valuable program and helping our students be ready for success in school, work and life.
[INSERT IMPACT MESSAGE - See Below for examples]
Thank you for your consideration on how you can make a positive impact in our community!
Halfway There!
Hey friends & family -
I’m halfway through my fundraising push for United Way’s Target Graduation program - and only $XXX away from my goal!
YOU can make a difference for Austin students by donating to this push today:
Your $25 contribution to United Way for Greater Austin can make a positive impact in someone’s life. It will be put towards our goal of raising $180,000 by June 2015, which will be used to fund full-time program coordinators at Webb, Mendez and Decker Middle Schools.
Together, we get results:
Since it’s inception two years ago, United Way for Greater Austin’s Target Graduation program has helped our community thrive by supporting students in the critical middle school years:
●Helped 1,500+ middle school students receive behavioral, mentoring, afterschool and summer services last school year.
●Provided tutoring and mentoring for over 200 students
●Lead an advocacy push to help Decker Middle School get a sidewalk and prevent student injuries
●70% of teachers saw a positive change in a student who participated in the program
●Helped Ta’Sharvey become a leader in her school [OR add in something you saw first-hand]
Thanks to the generosity of people like you, United Way is changing our community for the better.
Please help me and my fellow Young Leaders Society members reach our $180K goal by making a gift today!
Standard Thank You message through the platform:
Thank YOU for making Austin greater!
Hey YLS supporter -
THANK YOU for giving back to make Austin greater! Your philanthropy plays a vital role in helping Austin students stay on the path to success in school, work and life.
It’s people like you that truly make Austin greater for all Austin residents.
Thank you for your philanthropy and investing your support in United Way for Greater Austin’s vision: a resilient, innovative, philanthropic, creative and thriving community for ALL!
United Way for Greater Austin
Suggested YLS member custom message:
Thank you for supporting the Virtual Giveathon - YOU are a key part of why students in low-income Austin neighborhoods will have access to quality programs and critical support.
And - you have my sincerest gratitude for your giving. THANK YOU!
Additional language for an added personal Thank You:
Thank YOU for your support - you’re making Austin greater!
THANK YOU for supporting my Young Leaders Society fundraising efforts!
Not only did you support my campaign (which again, thank you!), but more importantly you helped Austin middle school students stay on the path towards graduation and are part of a big movement to reach our $180K goal!
You’ve given students hope for their futures and empowered them to be the leaders not only of tomorrow, but in their communities today.
YOU make Austin greater!