JUNE, 2016 RESEARCH Page 2 of 2
CAN LOV / CAN LOVE / DCG # 3 / The remedy is designed to antidote the physiological infections in the brain that cause the inability to love. The issue is so fundamental to our actions that the remedy releases many blocks to our destiny.GRC BLK / GRACE BLOCK / DCG # 8 / The remedy is designed to unblock the acceptance of the universal of the universal principle of grace. Many of our religions teach that grace is only bestowed by a merciful God, if you are a religious believer. We have accepted the belief of suffering/karma/retribution as the substitute for grace. many of us have stifled out life paths, even to the suppression of our chakra systems. It seems a good spiritual belief, but turned out to be a spiritual mistake. It is so deeply imbedded that the remedy seems valuable to help release it. It pairs well with Release of Need For Suffering.
HRT MRG / HEART MERGE / DCG # 2 / Aimed at removing the blocks to a union so deep it feels like the hearts merge and share as one.
LOV MTE / LOVING MATE / DCG # 1 / Designed to remove the blocking virus and related pathogens to attracting your mate.
O CN LVM / OTHERS CAN LOVE ME / DCG # 5 / The most common symptom of this block is concluding you have to direct or do most everything. You can serve the world elegantly, but if you block the love others want to give you, you block the destiny of your gift and yourself.
PRP FND / PURPOSE FIND / DCG # 6 / This formula is for the virus combination that produces a feeling of inability to find your purpose in life.
RCV ACP / RECEIVE AND ACCEPT LOVE / DCG # 4 / An antidote to the fundamental blocks to all aspects of our destiny. Physiologically the infection in the brain nerves affects most visceral actions. You therefore feel the block in every part of you. In some way your body and psyche literally cringe from the prospect of receiving or accepting love. You may have acclimated to the cringe propensity. This remedy is designed to make cringe uncommon and welcome of love more easily.
REL SUF / RELEASE OF NEED FOR SUFFERING / DCG# 9 / "Suffering Is Optional" has long been a mantra to the non-religeous. In religious beliefs suffering has been necessary when "Grace" was accepted as a merciful gift of God, instead of a universal principle. If one accepts Grace as a universal principle as common as gravity, then the ability to correct our mistakes on own through the law is a given. The path to correction does not require suffering/karma/ retribution plus a long-coming merciful gift from God. The mistaken, well-intended belief of the need for suffering, is so imbedded in our beings that a remedy like this helps to reaccept the universal flow of Grace. Best when used with Grace Block.
SCS PRP / SUCCESSFUL AT PURPOSE / DCG # 7 / The universe has arranged that you can be prosperous and successful at performing your life purpose. This formula is for the physiological infections that get between that truth and your perception of that truth.