Retreat of the Technical Working Group on HIV/AIDS
on UN Reform, UN Country Programming
and Joint Programming on HIV and AIDS
[Location], [date]
- To provide an update on progress of UN Reform and the UN Common Country Programming Process.
- To build the skills of the Technical Working Group in results-based programming.
- To self-assess and build the competence of the Technical Working Group to respond to HIV and AIDS.
- To develop the first draft of the [Country]Joint UN Programme of Support on AIDS.
- To suggest draft management and coordination arrangements for the [Country]Joint UN Team on AIDS.
Expected Outcomes
- Participants will have an increased knowledge and understanding of UN Reform, and be aware of the strengths and limitations of the UN system in implementing the UN Reform at country level.
- Participants will have acquired skills in developing a results chain, to be used for developing an UNDAF results matrix and a Joint UN Programme of Support on AIDS.
- The Technical Working Group will have assessed its competence in responding to HIV and AIDS and made plans to strengthen its competence.
- A first draft of the[Country] Joint UN HIV/AIDS Programme of Support, including the [Year] Annual Workplan.[1]
- Draft Management Arrangements for the[Country] Joint UN Team on AIDS.
Preparatory work
(1)UNAIDS Country Office to conduct Mapping of UN Resources on HIV and AIDS and analyze results.
(2)Each UN agency to conduct SWOT analysis based on Division of Labor.
(3)UNAIDS Country Office to compile a Progress Report on previous year workplan, with focus on key achievements, constraints, etc.
See attached i) draft generic agenda and ii) draft detailed agenda.
- Members of the UN Technical Working Group on HIV/AIDS and/or future members of the Joint Team core group in [Country].
- Members of the UN Country Team (Heads of Agency) should be invited to attend the 1st half-a-day session as well as Session 11 on Day 3.
Facilitators and resources persons
Xxxx Xxxxxxxxx, UNAIDS RST ESA
Xxxx Xxxxxxxxx, Regional Adviser, Agency XXXXXXX[2]
Xxxx Xxxxxxxxx, Regional Adviser, Agency YYYYYYY
Xxxx Xxxxxxxxx, UNAIDS Country Office (i.e. UCC, M&E and Social Mobilization Advisers)
Xxxx Xxxxxxxxx, RC Office
Retreat of the Technical Working Group on HIV/AIDSon UN Reform, UN Country Programming and Joint Programming on HIV/AIDS
[Location], [Venue], [Date]
–Draft generic agenda –
Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3
8:30 Session 1
UN Reform:How can the UN position itself better in a changing world?
(Opening Remarks – RC Office)
9:30 Session 2
The UN Common Country Programming process
(Plenary Presentation & Q&A) / 8:30 Session 6
Review of previous year workplan key achievements
(Plenary Presentation & Q&A)
9:30 Session 7
Alignment of UN resources with national priorities (PRSP, NSP)
(Plenary Presentation & Q&A) / 8:30 Session 9 (cont’d)
Key Results for [Year] Joint UN Workplan
(Presentation and Validation in Plenary)
Coffee/tea break / Coffee/tea break / Coffee/tea break
10:30Session 3
What makes a strategic UNDAF: RBM and Results Matrix
(Skill building session)
12:00 Session 4
Joint Programming vs. Joint Programmes
(Plenary Presentation & Q&A) / 10:30 Session 8
Identifying milestones to achieving the UNDAF Country Programme Outputs by [Year]
(Introduction and Group Work) / 10:30Session 10
Mapping of UN resources on HIV and AIDS
(Plenary Presentation & Q&A)
12:00Session 11
Joint UN Team on AIDS: Proposed management and coordination arrangements
(Plenary discussion)
(13:00 to 14:00) / Lunch
(13:00 to 14:00) / Lunch
(13:00 to 14:00)
14:00 Session 5
Self-Assessment of AIDS Competence
(Skill building session)
17:30 - End of Day 1 / 14:00 Session 8 (cont’d)
Identifying milestones to achieving the UNDAF Country Programme Outputs by [Year]
(Presentation and discussion in Plenary) / 14:00 Session 11 (cont’d)
Joint UN Team on AIDS: Proposed management and coordination arrangements
(Plenary Presentation and discussion with UNCT / Theme Group)
Coffee/tea break / Coffee/tea break
15:30 Session 9
Key Results for [Year] Joint UN Workplan
(Introduction and Group Work)
17:30 - End of Day 2 / 15:30 Session 12
The Way Forward
16:30 - End of Day 3
Sessions highlighted in blue are optional, or could be part of a 1st Retreat when the UNDAF Results Matrix is still being developed.
Detailed agenda (generic)
Session 1:UN Reform: How can the UN position itself better in a changing world?(optional)
- To provide an update on progress of UN reform and to discuss the comparative advantage of the UNCT in moving the reform forward.
Expected outputs
- Participants updated on the latest progress and developments in implementing UN Reform.
- Participants aware of the main strengths and limitations of the UN system in implementing the UN Reform at the country level.
- Presentation, Q&A in plenary session.
Visual aid
- PowerPoint Presentation from UNDGO / UNSSC
“Update on UN Reform_UNDGO_May05”
Session 2:The UN Common Country Programming process(optional)
- To brief participants on the processes and tools of the UN Common Country Programming process in support of national plans and priorities.
Expected outputs
- Participantsfully equipped with knowledge about the UN Common Country Programming process and how and where it provides opportunities for joint programming.
- Participantsequipped to harmonize and align UN activities with the national response.
- Presentation, Q&A in plenary session.
Visual aid
- PowerPoint Presentation from UNDGO
“UN Common Country Programming Process_UNDGO_Jan06”
Session 3:What makes a strategic UNDAF: RBM and Results Matrix
- To introduce the concept of results-based programming and its use for the UNDAF results matrix and the UN HIV/AIDS Programme of Support.
Expected outputs
- Participants have a clear understanding of the terminology and meaning of the 3 levels of results and the related key concepts and definitions.
- Participants have acquired the necessary kills to develop a results chain and an UNDAF results matrix.
- Interactive presentation in plenary session.
Visual aid
- PowerPoint Presentation from UNSSC
”Results-Based Management & the UNDAF Results Matrix_UNSSC_May06”
Session 4:Joint Proramming vs. Joint Programmes
- To brief participants on the differences between “Joint Programming” and “Joint Programmes” (UNDGO definition) and introduce various fund management options.
Expected outputs
- Participants have a better understanding of terminology around joint programming and joint programmes and are aware of the advantages and constraints of joint programme agreements.
- Interactive presentation in plenary session
Visual aid
- PowerPoint Presentation from UNDGO adapted by UNAIDS
”Joint Programming vs. Joint Programmes_May06”
Session 5:Self-Assessment of AIDS Competence (optional)
- To assess and build the competence of the Technical Working Group to respond to HIV/AIDS
Expected outcomes
- Participants are aware of the strengths and weaknesses of its competence around HIV and AIDS issues.
- Participants have developed a draft strategy and workplan to strengthen its HIV and AIDS competence.
- Facilitated exercise plenary session (needs an experienced facilitator)
- Self Assessment Framework for AIDS Competence
”Self-Assessment Framework for AIDS Competence”
“Self-Assessment of AIDS Competence_River of Life”
Session 6:Review of previous year workplan key achievements
- To review progress made on the previous year joint UN workplan in support of the national response.
Expected outcomes
- Stocktaking of key achievements and constraints in the implementation of the workplan.
- Lessons learned for the development of the following year joint annual workplan.
- Presentation and Q&A in plenary session
- Excel database for the Review of Joint UN Annual Workplans
”Excel Database for Review of Annual Rolling Workplan_May06”
Session 7:Alignment of UN Resources with National Priorities
(optional, particularly important if UNDAF results matrix not yet finalized)
- To review government priorities on HIV and AIDS, as laid out in e.g. PRSP, National Strategic Framework on HIV and AIDS, etc. and the current contribution of the UN towards national priorities.
- To review the SWOT analysis for all UN Agencies, discuss the division of labor, and identifystrategic areas for UN support on HIV and AIDS for the next five years.
- Presentation and Q&A in plenary session.
Expected outcomes
- Participants have a better understanding and knowledge of government priorities on HIV and AIDS, as well as identified gaps.
- Participants are equipped to discuss the UN strategic contribution to the national response to HIV/AIDS.
- Agreement on the comparative advantages of each agency in supporting the national response to HIV and AIDS.
- Agreement on strategic areas for UN support.
- SWOT analysis
”SWOT_Guide & Template_May06”
”SWOT_Introduction to Conducting an Effective SWOT Analysis_May06”
Session8:Identifying Milestones to Achieving the UNDAF Country Programme
- To operationalise the UNDAF results matrix.
Expected outputs
- Consensus on Milestones (major intermediary key results) identified to reach each Country Programme Output.
- Group work and validation in plenary session (participants can be divided according to focus of the UNDAF Country Programme Outcomes, or thematic areas, i.e. Prevention, Treatment & Care, Mitigation, NAC Support, etc.).
- Excel template and database for Joint UN Annual Workplans
”Excel Template for Annual Rolling Workplan_May06”
”Excel Database for Annual Rolling Workplan_May06”
Session 9:Key Results for Joint UN Annual Workplan
- To develop the Joint UN Annual Workplan key results and identify main activities for the joint annual workplan.
- To identify opportunities for joint programmes.
Expected outputs
- Consensus on Key Results (deliverables) identified for the Joint UN annual Workplan for [Year].
- Main activities identified.
- Joint Programme opportunities identified.
- Group work and validation in plenary session (participants can be divided according to focus of the UNDAF Country Programme Outcomes, or thematic areas, i.e. Prevention, Treatment & Care, Mitigation, NAC Support, etc.).
Tools / Documents
- Excel template and database for Joint UN Annual Workplans
”Excel Template for Annual Rolling Workplan_May06”
”Excel Database for Annual Rolling Workplan_May06”
UNDGO_Guidance Note on Joint Programming_19Dec03
Session 10:Mapping on UN Resources on HIV and AIDS
- To present and discuss the outcome of the mapping of UN Resources on HIV and AIDS and get a better idea of available resources, both human and financial, to support the national response.
Expected outputs
- Consensus onselection criteria and composition of the Joint UN Team on AIDS.
- Presentation and discussion in plenary session.
Tools / Visual aids / Documents
- Mapping of UN Resources; UNAIDS Technical Support Division of Labor
”Mapping of UN Resources on HIV&AIDS_Assessment Tool”
”Mapping of UN Resources on HIV&AIDS_Gen Pres of Methodology_May06”
“Mapping of UN Resources on HIV&AIDS_Gen Pres of Results from Country XXX_May06”
UNAIDS Technical Support Division of Labour_Aug05 (pdf)
Session 11:Joint UN Team on HIV/AIDS – Proposed Management and Coordination
- To suggest management and coordination arrangements for the Joint UN team on AIDS.
Expected outputs
- Draft proposal on the management and coordination arrangements of the Joint UN Team on AIDS to be submitted to the UNCT / Theme Group.
- Presentation and discussion in plenary session. Consensus building exercise (outside facilitator preferable). Might include formal presentation to the UNCT and/or Theme Group.
Tool / Visual aid
- PowerPoint Presentation summarizing key features of Joint Team arrangements from several countries of the region
”Joint UN Teams_Management Arrangements_Gen Pres for UNCT&TWG_May06”
Session 12:The Way Forward
- To identify necessary steps to finalize work started during the retreat and reach an agreement on who is going to do what.
Expected outputs
- Agreed upon follow up action plan to (i) finalize both the Joint UN HIV/AIDS Programme of Support / Annual Workplan on AIDS and arrangements on the Joint Team and (ii) secure endorsement / approval by the UNCT / Theme Group on HIV and AIDS.
- Brainstorming and consensus building in plenary session.
Tool / Visual aid
- Evaluation form
”Retreat evaluation form_Generic_May06”
Uniting the world against AIDS
[1] Based on the assumption that the UNDAF Matrix – hence Multi-Year UN Framework on HIV and AIDS – has already been finalized.
[2] Based on previous experience, inter-agency joint support mission were very positive. Hence, the retreat could be used as an opportunity to invite Regional Advisers from the cosponsors, e.g. UNICEF, UNDP, UNFPA, WHO, etc., through the Regional Directors’ Team or the RST ESA.