Minutes of Los Medanos College
Associated Students
Senate Meeting
Date:Friday, April 23, 2010
Time:2:00-4:00 pm
Place:Los Medanos College- Library Community Rm. 109
2700 East Leland Road
Pittsburg, CA 94565
Chair:President De’shawn Woolridge
1. Call to Order:Meeting called to order at 2:07 pm
- Roll CallPresentAbesent
Advisor BelmanVP of Finance Li*
Senator Demille*Senator Lopez*
President Woolridge*
VP Collins*
Senator James*
Senator Jauregui*
Senator Nalls*
Senator Rana*
Senator Okafor*
Minute Taker Lavonatrese
Brittni Elsberry
Felicita Moreno
Obinna Onyeaguche
Student Rep Earl
Quorum:Those present constitute a quorum
*Voting Board Member
2. Approve agenda for April 23, 2010:
- Senator Jaurgci name is misspelled; the correct spelling is Jauregui
Motion approve agenda for April 23, 2010
Motion:VP Collins
Second:Senator James
Vote passes unanimously
Approve minutes for April 16, 2010:
- Under item #23 the second motion should say ‘not to support the changes’
- Under roll call, under present, the 8 should be a * at the end of VP of Finance Li
- Under advisor report; the first bullet should be acknowledging Shawn Demille and Errick Earl
Motion to approve minutes for April 16th with the said changes
Motion:Senator Demille
Second:VP Collins
Vote passes
3. Public Comment:
-No comments
4. Officer/Senator/ Representative Reports:
Senator Rana
-Earth Day was yesterday; showed Disney Movie ‘Earth’
-Green Team will be meeting next Tuesday from 2-3pm
Senator Okafor
-Academic Competition met; finalizing what will be done on Saturday
Senator Nalls
-No report
Senator Jauregui
-No report
Senator James
-DE met this week; discussed strategic guideline
-SGC felt that DE is a good plan but not a priority; DE won’t be making any changes until Strategic Plan is dealt with
VP Collins
-No report
President Woolridge
-DGC; handed in everyone’s comments, the authors of those different items will be taking them back and will be submitting them for the second read to the body
Senator Demille
-Curriculum met Wednesday; not done with core updates; doing training around new software
-Academic Competition is tomorrow, senators needs to sign ‘Thank You’ cards for sponsors
-General Assembly is next week
-Region did move to support two of the Resolutions
- Student Representation Fee
- Changes to the Bylaws- moving elections from a 2/3 majority to a simple majority
5. Campus Safety Issues:
-Journalism lab was burglarized
-Students’ and teachers’ belongings are coming up missing
-Cars are being broke in to
- Campus safety meeting will be on Monday from 3-4pm in room 409
6. Internal Committee Report:
-No reports
7. LMCAS Website Report:
-No report
8. LMCAS State of the Budget Address:
-No updates
9. Advisor Report:
-Thanks to Senator Demille, Student Rep Earl, and Senator Okafor for all the work they put into for Academic Competition
- Suggested that all Board members wear T-shirts to be identified as folks who are working
-Youth Summit tomorrow held by Federal Glover
-Elections: polls closed yesterday, and results will be announced Monday
-Meeting will still be held on Friday. If everybody shows up; will have quorum
-Dave will not be advising the next meeting; Demetria will be stepping in, in his place
-Annual Student Success Ceremony on Friday, May 14th from 3-5pm in Recital Hall
-Monday, May 17th is the Annual Stellar Awards from 5-6:30pm in quad
- Awards given by the Student Life Office
- Student Club of the Year
- Outstanding Student Leaders
- Student Club Advisor of the Year
- Student Government Leader
- Leaders for Social Change
-High School Orientations on May 22nd and June 5th
- Looking for student volunteers
10. LMC/LMCAS/ District Wide Committee Appointments:
Motion to appoint Senator Jauregui as Chair of Outreach Committee
Motion:Senator Jauregui
Second:Senator Demille
Vote passes unanimously
11. 1st Annual Textbook Exchange:
-Action was taken last meeting; was referred to ADE
12. LMCAS Bylaws:
-Action was taken last meeting; was referred to Bylaws committee
13. Discussion on LMCAS Developing General Assembly Resolution:
-LMC is going to put forward to the SSCCC work on a transportation fee guideline
-Having Transportation fee guideline and handbook to let us know how it can and can’t be used and what it can and can’t be used for
14. Planting Trees on Campus:
-Ms. Bruno is asking LMCAS to pitch in because the money allocated from ICC wasn’t enough
-Wants to use plastic plaques
-$300 for two plaques; only wants one
-Still working with Gill to find out where trees could be planting
Motion to give a discretionary $400 budget to green team for the Tree planting event
Motion:VP Collins
Second:Senator Nalls
Vote passes unanimously
Motion to extend time by 3 minutes
Motion:VP Collins
Second:Senator Demille
Vote passes unanimously
15. LMCAS Bus Pass Discussion
Amend to refer back to bus pass committee with bring back a report to the board within three meetings
Motion:VP Collins
Second:Senator Demille
Vote passes unanimously
Motion to refer back to bus pass committee, with bringing back a report in three meetings
Motion:Senator Demille
Second:Senator James
Vote passes unanimously
16. Discussion on Board Resolution: Office Space for Officer Terstegge:
Move to post pone indefinitely
Motion:VP Collins
Second:Senator Nalls
Vote passes
17. DE Strategic Guide:
-In meeting; Pete feels DE isn’t a priority with department cuts; Strategic guide is a good plan just not a priority feels we should wait or stop and let things go through with SGC about DE
18. Information Regarding the Student Fee Fund:
-New Student Union Building
- Discussed what was gone be in the building
- Haven’t discussed stories of building
- Fee money has been collected over the years
-Fee shouldn’t fund the whole building
- If college wants the cafeteria to be in the building, then the college should foot the bill
-You don’t know how much the building is going to cost until you start developing the plan for the building; it’s hard to start the developing the plan for the building when you don’t know how much money you really have or need to have
19. Endorsement Request: President Woolridge for Student Rep of the Board of Governor’s Position:
-VP Collins is asked to chair
-De’shawn Woolridge is applying for the position on the Board of Governor’s
Motion to support endorsement request for President Woolridge for Student Rep of the Board of Governor’s
Motion:Senator Nalls
Second:Senator James
Vote passes
20. Review of Request for Support Document:
-Updating documents
-Underlined is added, and line through is taken out
21. Student Government Fiscal Freeze;
Motion to post pone indefinitely
Motion:Senator James
Second:Senator Rana
Vote passes unanimously
22. Board Stance on Spring 2010 General Assembly Resolutions:
-SSCCC meeting is next week
-Brought back for clarification
-There are seven resolutions as of now
-The two under Shared Governance Policies
- Student Trustee Employment we support the change to the ED Code saying that if a person is an employee of the district it’s okay to be a trustee
- Program Vitality; referred because it wasn’t clear: students are consulted when programs are eliminated
-14.01 and 14.02 are competing resolutions; opposition to fee increases and tuition fee increase by the state of California
- Standing of SSCCC is to oppose any fee increases
-14.03 and 18.01; Region has voted to support these two resolutions
-If you have a stance let it be known at this meeting for those who are going to the SSCCC General Assembly
23. Transitioning of Bylaws Committee into a Rules Committee:
-Bylaws committee is an ADHOC committee that just deals with bylaws
-Wants to become a Standing Rules Committee
Motion to make Bylaws committee a Standing Rules Committee
Motion;VP Collins
Second:Senator Rana
Vote passes
24. LMCAS Committee Charges:
-Need charges for Standing Rules Committee
25. Future Agenda Items:
-Funding request: For Child Development Program
-Outreach; Muriel on campus and newsletter
26. Adjournment:
Motion to adjourn meeting at 3:17 pm
Motion:VP Collins
Second:Senator James
Vote passes