ARTICLE 1- Name, Purpose, Non-Discrimination Policy


Purpose: The main purpose of this organization is to provide a unique fitness experience used to create a community focused on health and wellbeing. This organization allows members to push themselves physically and mentally. Grind believes fitness does not have to cost money, and should be fun and involve a communal aspect. We want to help members invest in their passion for fitness while emphasizing the importance of teamwork.

Non-Discrimination Policy: This organization will promote positive self-images and confidence. Grind shall not discriminate against any individual(s) for reasons of age, color, weight, fitness ability, disability, gender identity or expression, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status.

Article II – Membership:

i. There shall be three (3) classes of members; voting, non-voting, and honorary.

ii. Voting membership will be the head captains and shall be open to any full/part-time graduate and undergraduate students admitted to Ohio State University

iii. Non-voting membership shall be open to any student, and any member of the University faculty or administrative staff.

iv. Honorary membership shall be open to any person in the community desiring such membership, and elected to such membership by a majority of the voting members.

v. There shall be no limit on the number of members in GRIND.

vi. Membership requires attendance to one Monday workout within one school semester; there is no application process.

Article III- Organizational Leadership:

i. The officers of GRIND shall be named the Leadership Team: CAPTAINS AND CO-CAPTAINS

ii. All positions will hold the term of office from April through April of a regular school year term.:

CAPTAINS: Duties of the captains will be organizing the weekly workout and leading the charge on the organization of other events for the organization. Captains should hold high the value of fitness and holistic wellbeing in order to be role models. Captains will support all members of the organization and help them to develop a passion for the organization and beyond. Captains will have final say on the image that the social media portrays of the organization. Captains are there to inspire members to live up to their highest potential and create an atmosphere that leaves members feeling connected and determined to push themselves farther than they thought was possible. Overall, captains have the final say in how the organization operates as a whole and will serve as the liaison between the university and the organization. The three primary captain positions include: President, Vice President and Treasurer.

CO-CAPTAINS: They are responsible for helping make the morning workouts run smoothly, effectively, and safely; they may be called upon to plan and execute a Monday workout as well. Along with the captains, co-captains will be the boots on the ground for the organization of any essential events outside of the Monday workouts as well. Their duties include helping set up morning workouts, taking attendance, increasing our social media presence, helping members feel comfortable, setting a good example for all other members and be willing to help captains and other co-captains with miscellaneous tasks. They will help the captains generate new ideas and bring in an increased membership. The general idea behind the executive board of captains and co-captains is that there are no defined roles; any idea that someone comes up with and that the organization deems as a valuable direction can be acted upon and developed by any member of the leadership team, no matter the responsibilities that go with it. These tasks may include but are not limited to running our social media accounts, planning weekday workouts with the ROTC or OSU Rec Sports, outreach to other student organizations, recruitment and much more.

Article VI – Method of Selecting and/or Removing Officers and Members.

This is an open organization encouraging students, alumni, and faculty to get involved. This organization is founded on community building and welcomes members of all backgrounds. There will be no application to apply. Things that would terminate membership include sexual harassment, poor sportsmanship, individualistic attitudes, and sexist behavior or displaying acts of discrimination towards any member; all actions not listed but that are deemed as inappropriate will be dealt with accordingly at the discretion of the leadership team. If any of the above qualifications warrant termination the captains would handle the situation. In situations where the captains’ membership is in question the situation would be presented to the advisor, or to other members of the leadership team for further investigation. The first step of the investigation process would involve a meeting or conversation with the individual and captains to inform them of their actions that are working against our values. They will create an action plan to correct behavior not aligned with our values and be put on a warning status where captains and co-captains will determine if improvement has been made. If ill behavior continues, the captains and co-captains (as well as the advisor) have the right to ask the member to resign from all future events of the organization.

Article IV – Meetings of the Organization:

Our organization plans to meet every Monday of the scheduled school semester at 6:00AM for an organized team workout regardless of weather conditions that do not pose a threat to members’ health; if the temperature exceeds 40 degrees Fahrenheit, it is at the discretion of a majority vote to hold the workout inside or outside but if it is below 40 degrees Fahrenheit the workout will be indoors by default. An executive council meeting will be held in addition to the 6am workout at a determined time by the leadership team each semester.

Due to the flexibility and dynamic way in which the organization operates, anything not outlined within the constitution of GRIND will be at the discretion of those selected to represent the organization on its leadership team/executive board.

Article V –University Advisor:

The advisor is required to be an Ohio State part time or full time faculty member that understands the importance of a healthy lifestyle. They must share the values we place on teamwork and community. We ask the advisor to meet with leadership team whenever needed and to attend the required advisor meeting. The advisor helps to generate ideas and help facilitate communication between our organization and the university. Their name will also be co-signed on the bank account of the organization. They will help if a situation ever occurs where a member requires disciplinary action.

Article VI – Amendments

i. Amendments to this Constitution may be proposed by any member.

ii. Amendments to this Constitution shall be the result of a majority vote by the leadership team.

Article VII – Dissolution

i. Proposed dissolution of GRIND must be presented in writing and read aloud at general body meeting.

ii. A secret ballot vote will be taken and counted by the president.

iii. 75% of the register voting membership must cast a vote.

iv. A 5/6 majority vote is required for dissolution.