EFFECTIVE 10/02/92 / 6109.11,20-25
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Portland, Oregon
R6/PNW Supplement No. 6109.11-92-7
Effective October 2, 1992
POSTING NOTICE. Supplements to this handbook are numbered consecutively. Check the last transmittal sheet received for this handbook to see that the above supplement number is in sequence. If not, obtain intervening supplement(s) at once from the Information Center. Do not post this supplement until the missing one(s) is received and posted. After posting, place the transmittal at the front of the title and retain until the first transmittal of the next calendar year is received.
The last R6/PNW Supplement to this handbook was 6109.11-92-6 (6109.11,16-18).
Superseded New
Document Name (Number of Sheets)
20.2-22.22m 4
22.23-25.22 2
6109.11,20-25 5
This is a Technical Supplement to change this portion of the handbook to official electronic format. CONTENT HAS NOT CHANGED.
/s/ John E. Lowe/s/ Charles W. Philpot
Regional Forester Station Director
R6/PNW SUPPLEMENT 6109.11-92-7
EFFECTIVE 10/02/92
22.1 - Conditions Under Which Nonstandard Tours May Be Established.
22.15 - Full-Time Employees With Indefinite (First 40-Hour) Weekly Tours. The following guides are applicable to the use of first 40-hour tours:
1. Types of overtime situations for first 40-hour tours
a. When a general schedule employee's basic compensation is equivalent to a GS-10 step 1 or greater, or when a general schedule employee is classified as a professional or supporting technician in a physical, mathematical, natural resource, social science, engineering, or architectural field, the first 40 hours are paid at the base rate regardless of the number of hours worked in a day.
b. An employee working under the Federal Wage System, a general schedule employee whose basic compensation is less than GS-10 step 1 and who is not a professional or supporting technician as described in a. above, the employee is entitled to overtime compensation for hours in excess of 8 hours in a day.
2. Special first 40-hour requirements
a. First 40-hour tours can be used only with full time appointments. It can be used for either a permanent or temporary employee.
b. A first 40-hour tour must be made for at least one-full pay period, and must begin at the start of a pay period.
c. Employees on a first 40 are always entitled to holidays up to 8 hours. The 8 hours are counted as a part of the 40 hours.
d. Leave may be taken in increments of up to 8 hours in a day and is counted as part of the 40 hours.
e. Sunday and night differentials for general schedule employees are paid in accordance with the requirements described in FSH 6109.11, section 12. Wage system employees will be paid shift differential when appropriate.
3. Completing T&As. On Line 1 show the 6-day schedule, for example "S-F", in established work week block, and enter "1" in the "1st 40" block. Record beginning and ending clock hours on Lines 18 and 19.
For general schedule employees engaged in professional or technical engineering or scientific activities or those earning the minimum rate of GS-10 and above, code first 40 hours to TC-01 or leave as applicable. Hours over 40 in a week are coded to TC-21 (overtime). Refer to exhibit 01 for example. For all other general schedule employees, and all wage system employees, hours worked over 8 in a day are paid at the overtime rate.
Hours in pay status over 8 hours in a day, within 40 hours per week, are coded to TC-19. TC-19 is paid at the overtime rate, but the base rate portion of such pay is subject to retirement and group life insurance deductions provided the employee is otherwise covered by these benefits.
Holidays are always counted as 8 hours toward the basic 40-hour workweek. If a holiday is worked, the first 8 hours are paid at the holiday premium rate (TC-31), but the hours are not counted against the 40-hour workweek as they are duplicate hours to those coded to the holiday (TC-66). Any hours worked over 8 on a holiday are overtime hours (TC-19 or TC-21 as applicable).
There could be situations when LWOP or AWOL would be appropriate. For example, an employee's scheduled tour is Sunday to Friday. The employee has completed 32 hours in the week on Thursday. On Friday the employee is ill and has no sick leave accrued. To complete the guaranteed 40 hours, 8 hours is coded to TC-71, LWOP.
22.15 - Exhibit 01
The following examples are for the first 40-hour employees:
1. A first 40-hour employee performing professional engineering duties works as shown:
T/C / S / M / T / W / T / F / S / Total01 / 8 / 9 / 9 / 8 / 6 / 40
21 / 4 / 4
Since the employee is entitled to overtime pay for only those hours worked in excess of 40 hours, time worked is recorded opposite transaction code 01 until 40 hours are reached. The remaining time worked is recorded opposite transaction code 21.
2. A GS-9, step 5, first 40-hour employee works as shown:
T/C / S / M / T / W / T / F / S / Total01 / 10 / 10 / 8 / 6 / 6 / 40
This employee is exempt from the "over 8" overtime pay since employee's hourly base rate is greater than the base hourly rate for a GS-10 step 1. No overtime "over 40" was performed; thus, the employee is due 40 hours at base rate of pay.
3. A GS-9, step 3, first 40-hour employee who is not classified in an engineering or scientific field works as follows:
T/C / S / M / T / W / T / F / S / Total01 / 7 / 8 / 8 / 8 / 6 / 39
19 / 1 / 1
21 / 2 / 1 / 3
Any hours worked over 8, but within 40 hours per week, are coded to TC-19 and the remainder to TC-21.
25.2 - Excused Absence.
25.22 - Administrative Discretion.
4. Prior to or Upon Completion of Official Travel. Excused absences may not be granted to employees who, for personal reasons, elect to travel via Privately-Owned Vehicle (POV) in lieu of common carrier transportation. Travel time in excess of that required for common carrier will have to be recorded as annual leave or leave without pay.
6. Volunteer for Search, Rescue and Protective Work. Employees who reside in communities not served by adequate firefighter, search and rescue or paramedical personnel should be encouraged to participate in the local community's emergency services as a volunteer if such volunteer work does not severely impact the work of the Unit. Forest Supervisors, District Rangers, and PNW Project Leaders may authorize up to 40 hours of excused absence per calendar year for such volunteer work.
The payment of salaries for volunteers involved in search and rescue operations led by local law enforcement officials is proper and has been found not to be in conflict with the restrictions stated in FSM 1599.03, item 2.
9. Officially Approved or Sponsored Activities. Line Officers and RO Dirctors may authorize up to 2 hours of excused absence for Unit activities such as retirement and Christmas luncheons and other activities that contribute to the morale of employees. Employees shall comply with the standards of employee conduct prescibed in Appendix 1 to the Employee Handbook while attending officially approved activities, regardless of the time or the place.
Employees desiring to participate in activities not officially approved by the manager may request annual leave or leave without pay.