British Animation Awards
Best Short Film*
Best Animation in a Commercial
Best Film/TV Graphics/Motion Design
Best Long Form Animation
Best Voice Performance
Best Use of Sound
Best Music Video
Best Children’s Pre School Series
Best Children’s Series
Best Commissioned Animation
Writers Award
Best Original Short Form Content
Best Expanded Animation (VR, AR, 360°)
Craft Award
Best Student Film* (separate form)
October 30, 2017 - Deadlinefor ‘Early Bird’ discount entry fee:
November 30, 2017 - Final deadline: Full fees apply.
BY POST:British Animation Awards,
c/o Big Al’s Creative Emporium,
1st Floor, 77 Dean Street,
London, W1D 3SH / BY EMAIL:
Dropbox/WeTransfer link,
FTP details OR
downloadable Vimeo link to
1. Definitions:
British Animation Awards Limited (BAAL) whose offices are c/o Big Al’s Creative Emporium, 77 Dean Street, London W1D 3SH, organise British Animation Awards (BAA).
"British" means a production whose main creative and entrepreneurial impetus is UK based, director or producer is resident in the UK, and whose production company is UK-registered. i.e. without UK-based creative impetus, the work would not exist!
"Qualifying Production Period" means a Film whose copyright notice bears the date 2016/17
2. Entries:
Entry Forms must be fully completed, to arrive no later than October 31, 2017 for Earlybird entry fee discount. Final deadline is Nov 30, full fees will apply.
Please send your film as a .mov or .mp4 file, on memory stick/USB to the above address, OR email a Dropbox link
Entry formats for Expanded animation: please check website for entry format details.
We regret that we cannot inform all entrants individually if their film has not made the shortlist.
3. Categories:
Only those films as defined in Open Entry Categories may be entered. Audiences attending
Public Choice screenings (selected from Open Entry) will vote for Public Choice Awards.
BAA Ltd reserves the right to reassign a film to a different category in the best interests of the
entrant. If an exceptional number of high quality entries are received, the category may be split into two or more separate categories.
4. Restrictions:
All Films entered for Open Entry, must be British as defined in Clause 1. All other restrictions,
which apply to all categories, will be those detailed on page 3.
5. Liabilities of BAA Ltd:
BAA Ltd. shall not be held responsible or liable for any loss, whether direct or consequential, or
damage to preview and judging material, or any other material submitted or dispatched to
BAA Ltd by Entrants. BAA Ltd shall not be liable for errors or omissions in any printed matter
published or circulated relating to BAA.
6. Material for Judging, Screening and Promotion:
If your work is shortlisted and/or becomes a finalist, entrants will be asked to provide high quality viewing material, format to be confirmed.
BAA may use clips, usually 30-40” max, for promotional use on broadcast television and radio.
Entrants to Short Film, Music Video categories must give permission for the public screening of entered Films, and for all entrants promotional broadcast use of clips, and be free and able to do so, in respect of the rights holders.
7. Pre-selection, Judging, Jury Decisions and Enforcement of Regulations:
The decisions of the Pre-selection Committees, Judges, Juries, Director and the Management
Group appointed by BAA Ltd shall be final and no correspondence, telephone calls, fax or other
communication shall be entered into with Entrants, or other persons, seeking to challenge or
dispute those decisions. BAA Ltd reserves the right to waive, change or otherwise reconstruct
these Rules and Regulations in the best interests of the competition.
All entries will be will go through a pre-selection jury process,which then results in a shortlist going to each category’s final jury, who choose three finalists, of which one is a winner.
OPEN ENTRYYou are invited to enter animation produced in the UK in 2016 /or 2017. Please tick the categories you wish to enter. Each production entered requires a separate entry form.
❐Best Animation in a Commercial. Must have been broadcast on TV or shown in cinemas. Ads shown outside of the UK are also eligible. Fee: EARLY BIRD: £65 inc VAT.OR £90 inc VAT.
❐Best Expanded Animation Work in which VR/AR/360 Video is used to creative and innovative effect to enhance the experience of the animation and the work as a whole. NB Please see LINK for more detailed entry requirements.Fee: EARLY BIRD £30 inc VAT. OR £45 inc VAT.
❐Best Film or TV Graphics/Motion Design.Title Sequences for films or TV, Idents, bumpers, interstitials, stings and animated sequences, VFX animation commissioned to illustrate and enhance other programme content e.g. documentaries Fee: EARLY BIRD £30 inc VAT. OR £45 inc VAT.
❐Best Long Form Animation.For animated films or programmes 23 minutes or longer, a continuous narrative (not two discreet episodes) e.g. TV specials, feature films & animated documentaries.Fee: EARLY BIRD £65 inc VAT. OR £90 inc VAT.
❐Best Voice Performance.For best voice performance in an animated film or programme.
Fee: EARLY BIRD £30 inc VAT. OR £45 inc VAT.
❐Best Use of Sound.For the most effective use of sound to animation, covering sound design and original score; more specifically to demonstrate the way animation sound plays a unique role in story-telling or enhancing the action on screen.Fee: EARLY BIRD £30 inc VAT. OR £45 inc VAT.
❐Best Childrenʼs Pre-School Series.An episode from an animated series for pre-school children. Please specify age-range commissioned for.Fee: EARLY BIRD £65 inc VAT. OR £90 inc VAT.
❐Best Childrenʼs Series.An episode from an animated series aimed primarily at children. Please specify age-range commissioned for.Fee: EARLY BIRD £65 inc VAT. OR £90 inc VAT.
❐Best Music Video.Also includes made for album tracks. Not restricted to UK artistes.
Fee: EARLY BIRD £30 inc VAT. OR £45 inc VAT.
❐Best Short Film - FREE EntryA single ʻone offʼ animated production aimed primarily at an adult audience, max length 20 mins. FREE ENTRY
❐Best Commissioned Animation.Work commissioned to a given brief, script or voiceover eg educational/informational, i.e. for museums, exhibitions, concerts, corporate films, branded content, video game cinematics.Fee: EARLY BIRD £65 inc VAT. OR £90 inc VAT.
❐Writer’s AwardEntries initially by screener; shortlisted entrants will then be asked to submit the shooting script for consideration by the final jury.Fee: EARLY BIRD £65 inc VAT. OR £90 inc VAT.
❐Craft Award For excellence in the craft of animation. Please specify which craft aspect is being entered. Work made for non-UK productions, if entirely made within the UK, is eligible. Fee: EARLY BIRD £65 inc VAT. OR £90 inc VAT.
❐Original Short Form Content: commissioned original short form content, maximum 3 mins, e.g. series episodes made for broadcast or digital platforms, deliverables to accompany traditional length series’ episodes, for children or adults.Fee: EARLY BIRD £65 inc VAT. OR £90 inc VAT.
Film Title / Year / 2016 / 2017Director(s) / Duration
Prod Co.
Contact / (If different from Director)
Phone / E-mail
Synopsis/Brief/Rationale, as applicable: (No more than 50 words)
I confirm that I have read agree to the BAA Rules/Regulations that I give my permission to allow an extract of the Entered Film of no longer than 10% of the running time to be used on broadcast Television or Radio. I give my permission for the promotional use of stills from the Entered Film. I confirm that I am able to give these permissions and that the facts stated on the form are true and correct.
Name:______Date: ______
Please enclose a cheque made out to British Animation Awards Ltdto cover entry fees.