March 21, 2016

Officers in Attendance:

President: Angie Liegl

Vice President: Kristin Smith (not in attendance)

Treasurer: Amy Crouch (not in attendance)

Secretary: Angie Fraser

The meeting was called to order at 6:35 p.m. in the library by President, Angie Liegl. There were 2 officers, 1 teacher, and 8 other members present.

Under President’s Report, Angie Liegl asked to have the minutes from February approved as posted. Stephanie Bauer made the motion, a second was made and motion carried.

Under Secretary’s Report, Angie Fraser reported that there was no correspondence.

Under Treasurer’s Report, Amy Crouch reported balances on hand were the following: Checking $31,960.87 and Savings $509.41

Committee Reports Ways and Means (Money Making Programs)

Under Box Tops, Casey Boersma reported that there will be a competition in May.

Under Carnival, there were 500 wristbands ordered, and we ran out. Everything ran smoothly, but it was discussed that calculators are needed in the food check out lines.

Under Parent’s Night Out, it was reported that Vanessa Hake will be the chair of this program next year.

Under Restaurant Night, Stephanie Bauer reported that there was a profit of $111.65 from Papa John’s. The last restaurant night of the year will be at Buffalo Wild Wings on Wednesday, April 20th from 6:00-8:00.

Under SCRIP, it was reported that Fresh Thyme and Ted’s Market were added. Brooke Miller will be at Kindergarten Round Up to talk to new families.

Under Yearbook, it was reported that orders will be taken until March 25th. Perry Hill makes a $2 profit if 275-299 yearbooks are ordered. The profit is $1.75 if less than 275 yearbooks are ordered.

Under Little Shots, it was reported that basketball has ended on Monday nights. The last week for Wednesday basketball in March 30th.

Under Enrichment, Vanessa Hake sent in the list for spring programs on the 19th. She is waiting on verification. Spring Enrichment runs April 12th through mid May.

Under Schoolkidz, Angie Liegl reported that she will be at Kindergarten Orientation to talk to Kindergarten parents. Forms will go home with students after spring break.

Under Principal’s Report, Barb Ihnen

What We’ve Been Doing:

·  The biggest highlight in the last month was the School Carnival! All of the staff members would like to thank PTO for sponsoring this. It was SO much fun!

·  We finished IREAD3 last week! We did it online, and things went fairly smoothly. The state said that we’ll get the pass/fail list beginning on April 18. In the past, this date has been pushed back, so it’s probably not a firm date. Parent reports are supposed to be to us by May 13.

·  The first part of ISTEP for grades 3 – 5 is finished. We were able to use the paper and pencil version.

·  Our fourth and fifth graders did a very nice job at their Fine Arts programs. The band sounds great! They learned to play the Perry Hill School song. They have been experimenting at home with writing different arrangements for songs. Trace Kipfer wrote an arrangement that was played at their program. They are very excited to learn this new skill!

·  The first and second graders had a program called “I Need My Teeth”. It was really good! McMillan Center presented it at no cost to our students.

·  We had Data Wall meetings today. During our Data Wall meetings, each grade level talks about how the students are progressing in reading. We keep track of their progress over the years they are at Perry Hill. The Data Wall meetings are led by Carol Gaff, our corporation literacy specialist and Stacey Selby, our reading intervention teacher.

Upcoming Events:

·  March 22 – Science Central will be here to present Science in Motion. The students will rotate between different stations all day long.

·  March 22 – 6:00 – Kindergarten Round-Up

·  March 23 – We’ll participate in the Statewide Tornado drill. The “official” day is March 22, but we didn’t want any grade level to miss their Science in Motion stations, so we decided to do it a day later.

·  March 24 – Cougar Celebration

·  March 28 – The Dan Quayle Museum will present a program for our fifth graders.

·  March 28 through March 30 – IDEAS meetings. These meetings are where we talk about students who are struggling. We discuss their strengths, and we brainstorm interventions to help them.

·  March 29 – Jim Basketball Jones will be here for an assembly.

·  March 30 – Staff Basketball Game

·  March 31 through April 8 – Spring Break

·  April 11 – Eli Arnold will be performing for each grade level as part of our Fine Arts presentations. Not only is Eli a bus driver, but he also plays the tuba very well.

·  April 11 – Second grade will have a guest (with animals!) from the Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo.

·  April 12 – Second grade will have an author, Lynn Rowe Reed, talk to them about writing and being an author.

·  April 12 – 15 Book Fair

·  April 12 – Fourth grade will visit the State Museum

·  April 12 – Fifth grade will have a presentation from McMillan Center.

·  April 13 – Dr. Shamanoff will come to Perry Hill for Story Time.

·  April 15 – Fifth grade will go to J.A. BizTown where they run a mock city.

·  April 15 – Kindergarten will go to Salomon Farms

Testing Dates:

·  NWEA for Grades K and 1 – April 11 through 15

·  ISTEP Part 2 (Grades 3 through 5) - April 18 through May 6; online

·  NWEA for Grades 2 through 5 – May 2 (?) through May 20.

Under Old Business, the teachers’ wish lists were discussed. There were teachers who expressed concerns about purchasing a Gaga Pit because of expense and need. Mrs. Ihnen is going to check on pricing for a sound system.

Under Announcements

·  The next PTO meeting will be Monday April 18th at 6:30.

Meeting adjourned by President Angie Liegl at 7:24 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Angie Fraser

PTO Secretary