Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy and Orthotics/Prosthetics Conference 2017

Abstract Submission Form

1.  Primary Author Name / Click here to enter text.
2.  Primary Author Email / Click here to enter text.
3.  Primary Author Phone No. / Click here to enter text.
4.  Primary Author Affiliation
5.  Abstract Title / Click here to enter text.
6.  Author’s Information
Name / City / Country / Email
7.  Please state your choice from the following:
7.1  ☐ I do not want my abstract to be published.
7.2  ☐ I would like my abstract to be published. No copyright issues (never been published and not under consideration for publication).
8.  Figures, histogram or pictures are accepted.
Abstract: (up to 300 words only. Exceeding the word limit will not be allowed).
Structure: Background, Methods, Results and Conclusion

Deadline for abstract submission is on midnight of 20th NOVEMBER 2016

Poster Presentation Instructions

·  All abstracts accepted for presentation in poster session will be assigned by poster reference number and will appear in the Physiotherapy, Occupational therapy and Orthotics/Prosthetics Conference 2017 poster exhibition hall.

·  Poster presenters will be responsible of placing their posters on the assigned poster boards and removing their posters according to the schedule provided.

·  All abstracts accepted for posters should be displayed starting 8:00 AM not later than 9:00 AM of Tuesday, 4 April 2017.

·  The presenters are expected to be at their assigned poster in the exhibit hall between 1130 hours till 1200 hours for poster viewing.

·  On the second day of the conference, if you wish to keep your poster, you must remove your poster no later than 4:00 PM on Thursday, 6 April 2017. Posters left on the boards will be discarded after this time.

·  In case that you will be unable to present your abstract at the forum, please send an email to no later than 15 March 2017.

·  Poster presenters should not leave any items unattended at the exhibit hall including poster case/tube as we will not be responsible when these things are lost.

·  Acceptance of your abstract does not mean you can attend the forum. It is a separate transaction. If you wish to attend the forum as well, kindly register online by logging on at the website

Poster Dimension (Official)

·  The size of the poster should not exceed the approved size (107cm x 96cm).

Poster Illustration Sample