26th March 2015

Dear Parents

RE: Y6 Visit to Warwick Castle

This letter is to inform you that as part of the curriculum we are planning to take the children in Year 6 on a visit to Warwick Castle on Wednesday 3rd June. As this is a very full, action packed day, to make the most of our day there, we will leave at 9:00am prompt and return to school at approximately 4:30pm. This visit supports the work the children are doing in school.

The children will experience what it was like during the Medieval era, exploring the Castle Grounds including a visit, should your child wish to the Dungeons. It should be an exciting day for all. Further information on the castle and details of the dungeon can be found at www.warwick-castle.com.

The cost of the excursion will be £20.00 which includes the entrance fee to the castle and dungeons, insurance and transport. However as with previous trips, this is covered by the one off annual trip payment of £10.00. For those parents that have paid this for previous trips, thank you. For those that haven’t paid this (or paid in full), can I ask that payment is made before the date of this trip. As you will appreciate, school funds do help with subsidising these visits but the financial contribution from parents is essential if we are to continue with extra curriculum visits.

Children will need to bring a packed lunch with them and any snacks and drinks required for the day. Please do not send drinks in glass bottles. For those children that receive free school meals, please indicate on the slip below whether you require school to provide a packed lunch for the trip. There may be an opportunity to visit the gift shop at the Castle and we recommend £5.00 - £10.00 is provided as spending money. We also ask that children wear their school jumpers/coats for the trip but they can wear comfortable trousers and footwear as there will be an element of walking/climbing.

If you wish your child to visit Warwick Castle, please complete and return the slip below along with the attached at your earliest convenience.

Yours sincerely

Mrs E Fitzgerald


My child …………………………………………...... Class ……………..

will be able to attend the visit to Warwick Castle on Wednesday 3rd June 2014.

FOR FREE MEALS ONLY: My child is normally entitled to receive free school meals and will require a packed lunch. YES / NO / N/A

Signed…………………………… Parent / Carer Date:……………….