Ionia Public Schools

DSI/CC Minutes

April 13, 2011

The mission of Ionia Public Schools is:

To educate all students in an environment that fosters their preparation as responsible citizens.

Welcome & Introductions: Ben Kirby began the meeting with “Good Things”.

Approval of minutes: Motion by Gale Yeomans, seconded by Pat Batista, to approve the March 2011 minutes. Motion approved.

Reproductive Health Proposal: Dayna Ellis shared the process that was completed over the past two years on the Reproductive Health Advisory Board. The Board consisted of a variety of individuals throughout the district and community. Dayna recognized Alice Corey for her input and participation on the Board. To the members of DSICC, the Board members shared the K-12 curriculum that was updated. A change made at all levels is for every student to be pre-tested and post-tested using the final exam. A letter is sent home to parents stating they can view the curriculum ahead of time, they can have their son/daughter opt out of the reproductive health unit, or they are able to contact the teacher to get additional information on the curriculum. Motion by Tim Blackmer, seconded by Don Wilcox, to approve the changes to the Reproductive Health Curriculum. Motion approved.

ZooPhonics – Pilot Proposal: Christina Stedman & Dayna Ellis discussed the ZooPhonics program that she is recommending as a pilot for Twin Rivers Elementary. Christina has researched the program with other districts and teachers to get a recommendation on using the program in her classroom. ZooPhonics has all of the ELA standards for the state of Michigan. ZooPhonics is available for K-1st grade. All of the materials and activities are included in the program. Christina has used the program materials in her classroom and finds the program to be effective. Discussion followed on the purpose of piloting programs and how it affects the other elementary buildings in the district. Motion by Don Wilcox, seconded by Tim Blackmer, to approve the ZooPhonics Pilot program for K-1st at Twin Rivers only. Motion carried.

Buildings report their School Data Profile analysis/CNA information and School Improvement Updates: This has been moved to the May 2011 agenda.

Title I percentages across the district: Kelly Sandborn provided the breakdown of the Title I percentages by 1st & 2nd trimester for the 2010-2011 school year. This included Eligible 31a At-Risk Student information & percentages of Title I students in grades K-5.


Adjournment: Motion by Mitch Mercer, seconded by Connie Heppe to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 10:59 a.m.

DSI/CC Upcoming Meeting Dates for 2010-2011 School Year

May 24, 2011 Grand River & Looking Glass (8:30-2:30)

Minutes submitted by: Beth Davis