INTERACT: France, Turkey, EU University Dialogue

Summer School on

“Managing Diversity: EU and Turkey”

This program is implemented by the European Institute of the İstanbul Bilgi University, in partnership with Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po) and Institut Français d’Etudes Anatoliennes (IFEA) within the framework ofINTERACT: France, Turkey, EU University Dialogue project funded by the European Commission’s EU-Turkey Civil Society Dialogue program.

Open Call

15 – 31 July 2009

1. Contents

  1. Contents
  1. Background of the program
  1. Objectives
  1. Target groups
  1. Program structure
  1. Conditions and application procedure

2. Background information

In June 2008, İstanbul BilgiUniversity, together with partner organizations Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences PO) and Institut Français d’Etudes Anatoliennes (IFEA), has undertaken the project titled “INTERACT – EU, France, Turkey University Dialogue” funded by European Commission’s “EU – Turkey Civil Society Dialogue Program”.

Through this project, partners are working to meet the need for societal engagement between France and Turkey, through actions on various levels. The objective is to help to strengthen contacts and mutual exchange of experience between the civil societies of Turkey and France. Please find out more about the project at:

Within the remit of the INTERACT project, BİLGİ’s European Institute ( is organising a two-week summer school in Istanbul, entitled ‘Managing Diversity: EU and Turkey’ to be held at Istanbul Bilgi University on 15-31 July, 2009.

3. Objectives

The academic objective of the summer school is to disseminate knowledge on institutions and policies of the EU and Turkey in the course of Turkey’s accession process, with a specific focus on the role of civil society, public opinion, immigration, culture, democracy and foreign policy.

4. Target group

The summer school will aim to address students’ needs for well-informed and rational debates on Turkey and the EU, that can in turn foster more pluralist and inclusive notions of identity and belonging. Undergraduate students of 3rd and 4th grade in social sciences are encouraged to apply.

5. Program structure

The summer school will consist of daily lectures, taught by professors and experts from both the EU and Turkey. Details of the program will be ready and available for the accepted participants after the application deadline.

6. Conditions

A total number of 20 people will be selected by the selection committee to participate in the summer school. Participation is open to both EU and Turkish nationals. The university will cover travel costs; provide for accommodation, breakfast and lunch; and organise extra-curricular programs for the participants.

The working language of the summer school will be English.

At the end of the program, a certificate will be given to those participants who successfully fulfill the requirements.

7. Application Procedure:

Deadline for applications is 11 May 2009, 17:00pm

Please provide the following documents to the following email address;

  • Application form
  • Curriculum Vitae