A Thought

The immortal Lord of Love is in our heart. Let us hand ourselves over to Him. Let us be humble, pure, gentle, cheerful and innocent. It is thus we become fit instruments through whom He works for His own glory and delight. All else is vanity and vexation.


Volume 7 April 1993 No.25



Sri Sai Spiritual Centre, Sai Baba Mandir Road, Thyagarajnagar, Bangalore 560 028


  1. Longing for Mother Heart
  2. Who is Mahapurusa?
  3. Rules for Daily Life
  4. AshtakshariJapa Yajna
  5. Power of Guru
  6. Babacame to us
  7. Three LOADS - Parable of LIFE
  8. Who is a true true Devotee
  9. Adwaitha in Vishnu Sahasranama
  10. Unto His fold
  11. Human Relations
  12. Swamiji to my rescue
  13. Sri Narasimha Swamiji's idol installed
  14. Pray for light



When children want something, they go to their mother and when they are in trouble mother comes to their rescue. That sweet filial relationship and healing touch are ineffable. Everyone is mother's child. A person may grow old, yet one remains a child, longing for mother's affection and protection. Deep within our hearts resonates inaudibly that unforgettable word 'Mother' and when we are in distress that hum becomes louder and stronger. No other human relationship is as lofty and sacred as that of mother and her child.

Our Guru, Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji is Mother par excellence for us. The mother and child sweet relationship found the loftiest expression in the life of Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji. He himself was a personification of Divine Mother. Swamiji by his extraordinary Sai-centered life, his child-like dependence on Sai Baba, his initiation of Vishnu Sahasra Namam impressed his devotees that one should approach Sai Baba as one's own mother. Such child-like 'Bhakti' touches the rich vein of tender feelings hidden in all. He said "Sai is your Mother. Sai is your Father. Sai is your friend. Is it an artificial relationship? If you cannot force your demand on Him, then on whom can you force it"? He asked us to pray to Mother Sai Baba with a longing heart. His vision dries up all craving for the world and completely destroys all attachment. With a yearning heart we should persist in cur demand on Mother Sai.

Sri Narasimha Swamiji in his monumental work 'Life of Sai Baba' glorifies Sai as a wish-fulfilling tree. As our mother, Sai Baba listens to our prayers. As our mother, He understands our tears and turmoil, and stretches His helping hand to assuage our grief. He is not remote or passive but very near as a mother to longing children. Such faith as looking upon Sai as our mother is uplifting and reassuring. Established in the idea of mother, Sai Baba quickly answers our prayers and there is no doubt about it. As the mother is an embodiment of purity, love and forbearance, the same attributes are seen infinitely magnified in Sai Baba worshipped as Sai Mother. Our individual efforts and limited intellect fail to sustain us in our times of trouble and sorrow, when we, like helpless children, can do naught but surrender ourselves at Sai Baba's feet. Knowing His infinite power and sensing that we belong to Him, we supplicate Him for protection.

Individual lives are bedeviled by troubles and the world is in turmoil. We want to hear the message of strength, hope and above all love. We struggle hard and yet from time to time our steps falter and we slip. At such times we find we can hardly endure more. To stand alone and go on working seems impossible. Then we try to stretch out for the arms of Sai Maharaj as a child to his mother. Yet on the other hand, our problem has been that we only know how to demand and receive love, kindness and compassion. But we never feel to reflect that Mother-heart lying within us. Have we cared to develop in us this self-effacing love of the Mother and share it with others? The sad spectacle of the world around us gives the answer. Unless we learn to nurture and express for others, the warmth that we have felt from the 'Trinity' - Sai Baba, Sri Narasimha Swamiji and Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji - their unselfishness and forgiveness, neither in our homes nor in the external world shall we have peace. Especially in our country we desperately need this mother-heart of Sai Maharaj and our Swamijis. How shall we kindle it in our hearts little by little?

Let us be up and doing for others. Let us give whatever we have to give without expecting return or gratitude. Sai Maharaj gave Himself to save Tatya. Sri Narasimha Swamiji and Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji gave up their lives to uplift us. In the same spirit, let us greet people with a smile and exchange a few kind words. This surely brings sunshine in our lives and to others also.

We are so self-centered that we rarely notice good qualities in others and hardly appreciate good deeds. Let us emulate our masters and express praise and gratitude at the slightest opportunity. Surely this capacity is in every one of us and only one has to kindle it. Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji used to start chanting ‘Vishnu Sahasra Namam’ the moment somebody began accusing somebody else or any criticism or talk something on political matters.

Seldom we forgive people who have wronged us. We pray to Sai Baba and our Swamijis to forgive our crimes. Yet on our part we do not forget even the petty matters. Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji never spoke ill of others. In fact, he transformed even the lives of a few unvirtuous persons. Why not we cultivate a little of this divine virtue and achieve peace of mind in our lives?

'Motherland' is a very sweet word. We all use it, but how-much we respect it? We only exploit it for pleasure seeking and greed for gain. Unless every one of us works for the welfare of all our brethren, our motherland will not be able to rise higher.

As we recite the prayer given to us by Swamiji : "May everybody be happy, May everybody be free from disease, May everybody have good luck and May none fall on evil days..." let us live up to the standards. This very prayer kindles the mother's heart in us. This is the greatest trait that we can cultivate in us and it is indeed our 'Dakshina' to Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji.

The Trinity' - Sai Baba, Sri Narasimha Swamiji and Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji - indeed are embodiment of the Divine Mother for us. When we are worthy of being their devotees in word and deed, they draw us to their warm bosom, revealing their secrets of wisdom and perfection.

Life Is short, and we have never too much time for gladdening the hearts of those who are traveling the dark journey with us. Oh, Be shift to love,, make haste to be kind!

Who is Mahapurusa?


By Sri Narasimha Swamiji

Life is a river,

Virtue is its bathing place

Truth Is Its water,

Moral convictions are Its banks,

Mercy is Its waves.

In such a pure river, bathe.


We are celebrating an Utsavam today-which is the well known Sri Rama Navami day. This is the day when the Divine Light came upon earth in the garb of Das a rat hi Rama's body. In the Dwaparayuga they first hailed him as a famous prince and still more famous emperor who established Dharma and promoted peace and happiness throughout the country not only by the exercise of his Sovereign position but also by his splendid personal example and inspiring influence. Rama was the very embodiment of virtue-the ideal Hindu to be followed by every reasonable creature. He was more than that. He was the incarnation of the Almighty whence all virtue, powers, goodness and perfection emanate. This fact however, was not perceived by his contemporaries or at least by the vast majority of his contemporaries.

Avatars are not always recognized during their life in the flesh. People are mostly guided by superficial observation and to add to their difficulties, not only the parents and other relations deal with the Avatars as a mere human person, but the Avatar himself corroborates their views. Sri Rama declared "Atmanam Manusham Manye", that is, "I deem myself a mere human being"-when he was addressed by Indira and others as the Supreme. Jesus who is now worshipped as part of the Trinity also stated "Why do you call me God? There is none good but God" and he prayed to God on most occasions, for achieving the desired objects. Sri Sai Baba who is now worshipped as God or as an incarnation of God also led many devotees into the same attitude of treating him as a mere man. Though Sai said, "I am an agent of God, have vast powers", he yet also added "Maim Allah Hum", that is "Aham Brahmasmi", "I am Allah, I am Ganapathi, I am Lakshminarayana, etc." Thus Sai and Rama alike though treated by devotees as an embodiment of Divinity led many people during their lives to act on the footing of their humanity. Hence the birthday that is the day of the birth of human body is celebrated by devotees in both cases. The exact date of Baba's physical birth is not known-not even the year is known. But when asked about the celebration of birthday, Baba approved of the Rama Navami being considered his birthday. So for nearly sixty years the Rama Navami is being celebrated at Shirdi as being Baba's special day. On that day two very tall standards were erected and suitably decked or ornamented with colored flags and a car was also suitably decked and the car with the flags with proper music accompanied by all the devotees in a crowd went through the streets and lanes of Shirdi. Starting from the Dwarakamayi it went round and ended with Dwarakamayi where the two standards were fixed up in front of the Mosque so that the entire world may see that Sai Maharaj is there protecting all his children-both the Hindus and the Moslems. Baba on such occasions was seen beaming with joy, his beneficent face shedding hope and faith and courage to fill the hearts of all the beholders.

Though Baba with his divine glance was watching over all his devotees at all times and places, still, on a special day like, the Rama Navami his attention was emphasized and concentrated on the special bhaktas who specially sought to win his grace and love by the above celebration. "Look to me and I look to you" is what Baba said and what Lord Krishna said-in effect what Sri Sai Krishna still says, which mean 'Fix your mind on Me. Be devoted to Me. Do your sacrifices (pooja etc.,) for me. Bow to Me. You will attain to Me having thus made Me your supreme goal and directed your mind and heart to me' or 'This is the solemn truth. I proclaim it as you are dear to me.' Thus it will be seen that on this Rama Navami day, we remember the fact of Sri Rama or Sri Sai Rama being ushered in a human body into this earth and starting a career which was and is entirely devoted to bless mankind temporally and spiritually in every conceivable way,-with loving appreciation of that fact. If we do pooja to Sai Rama or his portrait or image, let us do it with the best flowers we can pick up in our joy and enthusiasm. Let us sing songs of praise etc. and fill the air with our slogans of appreciation and gladden all hearts with our music and inspiring thought. Let us go on with Keerthans, Bhajans, Poojas and every other form of manifestation of our love to Sri Sai Rama and though we do not do all these for the sake of reward, the reward is certain. Joy and Blessings for ever and ever.

Basis of LAWS

Men do not make laws.

They do but discover them.

Laws must be justified by something morethan the will of the majority. They must rest on the ETERNAL FOUNDATION OF RIGHTEOUSNESS.


Begin the day with SAI Kneel down to Him in prayer; Lift up thy heart to His abode and seek His love to share. Open SAI SATHCHARITA and read a portion there; that it may hallow all thy thoughts. And sweeten all thy care. Go through the day with SAI What ever thy work may be, What ever thou art, at home, abroad; He still is near to thee. Converse in mind with SAI Thy spirit heavenward raise, Acknowledge every good bestowed, and offer grateful praise. Conclude thy day with SAI Thy sins to Him confess Trust in the Lord's BLESSINGS and plead His righteousness. Lie down at night with God, Who gives His CHILDREN sleep; and when thou tread’s the vie of death He will thee guard and keep.

Constant Remembrance of God

It is by His grace the devotee gains strength, courage and hope in his march on the divine path. The word Guru has a world of meaning in it. Guru is at once the master, father, mother, and all in all for him. A saint to whom the devotee clings with all his heart, like a creeper on the tree, is such a Guru. Although at first the Guru is a person contacted from outside, he is realized, as the devotee approaches him in the recesses of his own heart, to be the supreme Deity dwelling within himself.

Just as staff is to one who walks up a steep hill, just as fence to a tender plant, just as milk to a hungry babe, so the divine name given by the Guru is to the devotee. It sustains, nourishes, strengthens and in every way envelops the devotee like armor. The power of the name is simply inexpressible. It is sweeter than the sweetest. To taste it is to taste immortality; it is the giver of endless joy and peace. Death has no terror for him who has the Name on his lips. Life becomes a round of bliss when it is permeated with the Name. God is a miracle and wonder, and His name is perhaps a greater miracle and wonder.

So contact of a saint and God's name on the lips comprise all that is necessary for the devotee to get the vision of God and attain everlasting beatitude. Blessed indeed is he who has dedicated his life to the Beloved and attuned it with Him.

- Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji


On April 4, 1954, Sri Saipadananda Radhakrishna Swamiji founded the Sri Sai Spiritual Centre in Bangalore. The activities of the Centre in those days also were many and varied. Apart from bhajans and chanting of Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam, Swamiji led the devotees in Ashtakshari mantra japa viz. OM NAMO NARAYANA. Many Ashtakshara horn as were conducted at Sri Vasantha Vallabharayaswami Temple at Vasanthapura, near Bangalore, Swamiji used to lead the devotees in processions to the temple doing bhajan and chanting mantras.

Devotees, while chanting Vishnu Sahasranamam daily in the Sri Sai Spiritual Centre between 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. also conduct Ashtakshari Japa every day between 7 p.m. and 7-30 p.m. As a part of Prachar, devotees visit a temple on every Sunday and conduct mass Ashtakshari Japa. In addition, the Japa is also conducted in devotees' houses also.

The following is an article on Narayana Upanishad, written and published by Sri Swamiji, during his life time, which explains not only the meaning and greatness of the mantra, OM NAMO NARAYANA, but also spiritual and material benefits a devotee would derive by reciting the great mantra daily.

- Puttanna


(Krishna Yajurveda)

Lord Narayana, the Supreme Purusha desired "I shall create offspring," From Narayana emanates prana, manas, the several organs of sense and action, akas, vayu, agni, apas (water) and pruthvi that supports all. From Narayana emanates Rudra. From Narayana emanates Indra. From Narayana emanates Prajapathi (the divine Progenitor). From Narayana emanates the 12 Adityas, Rudras, Vasus, and all the Chandas (Vedas).

Through Narayana do (they) prosper, in Narayana they are absorbed. The Rigveda teaches this. Narayana is eternal. Brahma is Narayana, Shiva is Narayana, Indra is Narayana, Dik (space) is Narayana, and the intermediate quarters also are Narayana. That which is above is Narayana, that which is below is Narayana and that which is in and out is Narayana, the whole universe which existed and will exist is Narayana. Narayana is the only one that is stainless, sinless, changeless, and without a second. Whoever knows Him thus, becomes Vishnu Himself. The Yajurveda teaches this.

One should utter "OM" first, then "NAMAH" and then "NARAYANAYA". “Om” is a single syllable; "Namah" contains two syllables. This is the combination known as the "Ashtakshara of Narayana". Whoever remembers this Ashtakshara of Narayana and recites it constantly, attains full life supremacy over men, enjoys the pleasures of royalty and becomes the master of all souls. He attains moksha. The Samaveda teaches this.