To All Conservation Groups
Waterfowl USA
Ducks Unlimited
Pheasants Forever
National Wild Turkey Federation
Whitetails Unlimited
Dove and Quail Coalition
Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation
Bi-State Sportsmen Association has been building a database to be impartial to any group, but can be a tremendous advertiser for your group.
Membership in most gun clubs and conservation groups has been decreasing and we all can win with Bi-State acting as the hub for everyone.
We have been building this email data base to help all the groups by promoting their events on our bulletin board every week.
We have about 1450 at the present time and need all of your help in asking your members if they would like to be notified of bulletin board promotions of theirs and many other events.
I know you are concerned with spam, but this is set up so any address can unsubscribe at any time.
A function will be advertised and promoted on the bulletin board as soon as we are notified.
Many of you are concerned about what the National Organization would think! I would think they would be pleased if their returns improved.
We can all win in numbers with some groups excelling, while some are trying to stay alive.
One group is holding a raffle on a shotgun just for entering a contact email, the drawing will be held at their banquet.
This year we will promote your events if you take the time and effort to talk to your members and get them to sign up with their name and email to receive the bulletin board notice weekly.
This can be good for everyone, but each group will have to make the effort to get their members to sign up.
Bi-State will be acting independent of all groups, but be able to help promote and advertise your event.
Thank you from the Bi-State Sportsmen Association.
Contact Information.
Loyal Tullius – Editor