Mutual Fund Purchase
Intermediary, Open & Registered Plans
Definition This transaction occurs when money is deposited into a client’s portfolio. The transaction can also reflect a DSC rebate and/or a PAD.
Order Entry Type Process: Purchase
Process Owner: Branch
Follow Up: Branch
With Whom: Intermediary
Forms, Paperwork Flow
Form / Branch / HO Admin / Intermediary4 Intermediary Application Form / 4 Copy / 4 NA / 4 Original
4 NAAF – New Accounts Only / 4 Original BM / ð BM to HO / 4 NA
4 Purchase Form / 4 Original in Branch File
4 Copy to Branch Manager for Independent / 4 NA / 4 Copy
4 Cheque ( made payable to DFS Investments In Trust or Desjardins Financial Security Investments Inc. In Trust or Intermediary) / 4 Copy / 4 NA / 4 Original
4 Deposit Slip / 4 Copy / 4 Copy to Finance / 4 NA
4 Account Disclosure (New Account only) / 4 (to client) / 4 NA / 4 NA
Location: Visit Mutual Fund Companies / Intermediary websites directly
4 Intermediary account opening document must be used for all new plans being opened and signed by the client and advisor – copy kept in client file at branch
4 For existing plans, intermediary purchase order form signed by client, copy given to client as well as kept in client file at branch
4 Cheque can be made payable to either DFS Investments In Trust or Desjardins Financial Security Investments Inc. In Trust or the intermediary (Preference is that the cheque is made payable to DFS Investments In Trust or Desjardins Financial Security Investments Inc. In Trust).
4 All trades must be placed on EWMS
4 For MRT Money Maximizer & High Yield Accounts purchases the cheque is made payable to MRS – please verify with MRS directly
EWMS Process
4 Enter the client name or ID to search for client
4 From your EWMS Screen, click on Orders > Purchase
4 The advisor code will auto populate
4 If a plan is not existing, it can be added from this screen (for additional information regarding adding a plan refer to the New Account Set-up process found in this manual)
4 Trust Category will always be Mutual Fund
4 The Detail field will appear for all registered trades. For purchases, choose Contribution General
4 Sign. Province (Seg funds Only): this field is to be left blank
4 Client Instruction Date: enter the date the instructions were received from the client
4 Tick the box next to Client Signature Received if you have obtained the client signature. If you are using a Limited Trading Authorization, leave the box blank.
4 Tick the box next to Borrowed Funds if applicable
4 Enter the Transaction Requestor.
4 Enter the Order Method i.e. how the instructions were received – in branch/office
4 Branch to add deposit information under “Source of Funds”. When the cheque is made payable to DFS Investments In Trust or Desjardins Financial Security Investments Inc. In Trust and is being deposited to the trust account, choose Payable to DFS Investments from the Source of Funds field.
4 Use Payable to Intermediary as Source of Funds if the cheque is payable to the intermediary and sent direct to the intermediary (NOT deposited into DFS Investments trust account)
4 If the purchase is made from the cash balance in the client’s intermediary account, then source of funds is the intermediary cash account.
4 Deposit Type: Choose Client Cheque Deposit if the client has made a personalized cheque payable to DFS Investments In Trust or Desjardins Financial Security Investments Inc. In Trust.
4 Chq #: Enter the cheque number
4 Amount: Enter the amount of the cheque
4 Press Add
4 Select a new or existing investment. When selecting an existing investment or a new investment under an existing Fund Company, the Mgmt # will auto populate.
4 Enter the fund code in the Symbol field, or press Search to look up the fund.
4 Select the Type of purchase (usually dollars)
4 Enter the dollar Amount allocated for this investment
4 Enter the Commission % and Net/Gross indictor for front end load investments. A DSC investment will populate these details automatically
4 Currency: Choose CDN (US$ not available)
4 Enter the Distribution option (payout, cash, reinvest). Reinvest is the default value.
4 Once all investments are added and the transaction is balanced, click the validate button to verify if the trade has violated any compliance infractions.
4 you have the choice to Save Order (save the order to process at later date/time), Generate Form (print the trade ticket), Process (process the trade), or Modify (make any edits to the trade that may be required
4 Process the transaction. A successfully completed transaction will provide the order number, a “Successfully Placed” message and a summary of the trade details.
4 Follow by generating the form using the button in the lower right hand corner or by clicking on Pending Orders. Generating the form from this location will auto populate the W/O (Wire Order) number onto your purchase form. Branches MUST put wire order # on the purchase form
Purchase Form
Important Information
4 Source of funds MUST be determined and entered correctly into EWMS.
4 Deposit slip MUST be faxed to Finance Dept (if depositing to DFS Investments trust acct) (Deposit Fax Number: 1-866-240-4370.
4 Deposit batch MUST be closed in EWMS. Refer to Bank Deposits for additional information
Confidential, for internal use only - 1 - last revised: 15-Jan-2013 | Volume 1